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2: For Anti-smoking advertising, can you be scared

into quitting? Why?

I.For anti-smoking ads, can you be afraid to quit?

For me yes because anti-smoking ads can certainly be intimidating, with the
aim of discouraging people from smoking or continuing to smoke anti-smoking
ads can be effective in making people Quit smoking, typically when we see
advertisements, they display messages about serious health consequences. It can
present images, information and scientific evidence about serious health
consequences. smoking, such as lung cancer, cardiovascular disease, chronic
bronchitis, and many others. This information can frighten viewers into
realizing that smoking can have major consequences for their health. Ads can
deliver messages about smoking leading to loss of control. and dependent.
Viewers may fear that they cannot control their smoking and will become slaves
to tobacco.

And if the ad uses bizarre and offensive messages, it can bring in quirky and
unpleasant elements to annoy and frighten viewers. For example, show pictures
or videos of smokers looking tired, having trouble breathing, or exhibiting
unpleasant behavior due to smoking. Social and family impact. This may
include stressing on disagreement and relationship stress, becoming lonely and
isolated due to smoking, and the negative impact on family and loved ones.

I think it will shock people because when we look at ads with images like the
first slide video, we will realize the serious health consequences of smoking,
such as lung cancer, disease. heart attacks and strokes, and encourage them to
quit smoking.

And if anti-smoking ads can be educational, providing information about the

dangers of smoking, the benefits of quitting smoking, influencing people
around you, and resources to quit. Give yourself the tools and information they
need to give up smoking or for novices like you to fear and avoid

It's important to note that fear-based advertising is not the only approach to anti-
smoking campaigns, and it may not work for everyone. For some people, fear-
based ads may be perceived as overly negative or may even have the opposite
effect, making them feel hopeless or doomed about quitting.

It is important to consider the right approach to motivating viewers to change

smoking behavior in a positive and sustainable way.

It is therefore important that anti-smoking campaigns are carefully planned and

executed, taking into account the intended audience and their responses to
different messages.

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