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David Belle is standing on a wall of a bridge.

Metres below him, people are walking along a

path. Suddenly he jumps from one wall to the other wall. David is doing a sport he invented in
the 1990s, called parkour.

In parkour you jump up, over, and down walls, moving from building to building. You try to
move quickly and easily and ignore the big obstacles around you. Some people think it should
be an Olympic sport. Others choose to call it a philosophy that helps you with problems in
everyday life.

David first practised parkour in his home city of Paris. The sport quickly attracted interest and
soon lots of other people wanted to try it, too. Practitioners of parkour are called traceurs, and
today there are growing numbers of them all over the world.

When parkour reached Argentina, it quickly became popular in different parts of the country,
including San Juan and Córdoba. In 2015, the City of Buenos Aires government agreed to build
a parkour park in Mataderos, a southern district of the city. The park is the first of its kind in
Latin America.


Este texto describe el deporte de parkour, inventado por David Belle en los años 90. Consiste
en moverse ágilmente saltando y superando obstáculos como muros y edificios. Algunos lo
consideran un deporte olímpico, mientras que otros lo ven como una filosofía de vida. Parkour
se ha popularizado en todo el mundo, y en Argentina se construyó el primer parque de parkour
de América Latina en 2015, en Mataderos, Buenos Aires.


This text talk about parkour, parkour is a sport created by David Belle in the 1990s. It implicate
moving quickly, jumping and ignore obstacles like walls and buildings. Some people think it
should be an Olympic sport, while others see it like a philosophy of life. Parkour is popular all
over the world, and in Argentina, the goverment built the first parkour park in Latin America in
2015, in Mataderos, Buenos Aires.

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