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1 Can of condensed Malk

1 box of Nestlé crem

1 Big can of Fruit Cocktail

1kilo of kahong.

3 buko

1 box of cheese

1 Big container


1st thing is you got to take some plastic container para sa lalagyan ng mga ingredients, next is and then
take the big can of fruit cocktail and remove the juice or save it, then put the fruit cocktail inside the
container, now scrape some of the buko and save the BJ(buko juice) later, then put the kahong and da
nata de coco and now open the condensed milk and put it all in the mixture and mix, next is put the
Nestlé crem 2 box of em so it will taste good, now slice the cheese eden into a smol cubes and put it in
the mixture, now when all the ingredients is in the container, it's time to mix it all and if the mixture is
noe good, put it on the refrigerator.

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