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IEC 60335-2-15

Edition 6.1 2016-04


Household and similar electrlcal appllances - Safety-

Part 2-15: Particular requirements for appliances for healing liquids

Appareils électrodomestiques et analogues - Sécuritá -

Partie 2-15: Exigences particuliéres pour les appareils de chauffage des liquides

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111. IEC 60335-2-15
Edition 6. 1 2016-04


Household and similar electrlcal appliances - Safety-

Part 2-15: Particular requirements for appliances for heating liquids

Appareils électrodomestiques et analogues - Sécurité -

Partie 2-15: Exigences particuliéres pour les appareils de chauffage des liquides



ICS 13.120: 97.040.50 ISBN 97S..2..SJ22.J312·2

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IEC 60335-2-15
Edition 6.1 2016-04



Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety-

Part 2-15: Particular requirements for appliances for heating liquids

Apparells électrodomestlques et analogues - Sécurité -

Partie 2-15: Exigences particuliéres pour les appareils de chauffage des liquides
-2 - IEC 60335·2·15:2012+AMD1:2016 CSV
© IEC 2016

INTROOUCTION , .• , , , .. , .. , 6
1 scope 7
2 Normative references 8
3 Terms and definiUons 8
4 General requirement 10
5 General condit.ions for the tests 10
6 Classificallon 10
7 Martdng and instructions 11
8 Protectlon agalnst accoss to llve parts 13
9 Starting of molor-operated appliances 13
10 Power input and current 13
11 Heating 14
12 Void 16
13 Lcakagc curront and oiectrtc sttcngth at oporating rcmperature 16
14 Translent overvoltages 16
15 �1oisture resistance 16
16 Léakage curren! and etectrtc s1,en9th 18
17 Overload protection of transformers and associated clrcults 18
18 Endurance 18
19 Abnormal operation 18
20 Stability and mechanical hazards 21
21 Mechanical strength 22
22 Construction 22
23 Interna! wlrlng 26
24 Components 26
25 Suppty connectlon and externa! flexible cores 27
26 Terminals for exlernal conductora 28
27 Provision for earthing 28
28 Screws and connections 28
29 Clearances. creepage distances and solid insu1ation 28
30 Reslstance to heat and flre 28
31 Resistance to rusting 28
32 Radiatlon. toxicity and similar hazards 28
Annexes 30
Annex C (normative} Ageing test on motors 30
Blbliography 31

Figure 101 - Schematic representation of the 30 mi spillage test 29

IEC 60335·2·15:2012+AM01:2016 CSV -3-
C> IEC 2016



Part 2·15: Particular requirements

for appliances for heating liquids

1) The lntetnatiOr'll!II Elecltotect1nie.a1 Comm.iuiot\ (IEC) is a wotldwkl'e organ.ut�n for stand.ardization eomprising
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This Consolidated version is not an official IEC Standard and has been prepared for
user convenience. Only the current verslons of the stendard and its amendment(s)
are to be considered the offlclal documents.

This Consolidated version of IEC 60335-2-15 bears the edition number 6.1. lt consists of
the sixth edition (2012-11) (documents 61/4451/FDIS and 6114504/RVD) and its
amendment 1 (2016-04) [documents 61/5109/FOIS and 61/5131/RVO]. The technical
content is ldentlcal to the base editlon and lts amendment.

In this Redline version, a vertical line in the margin shows where the technical content
Is modlfied by amendment 1. Addltions are In green text. deletlons are In strlkethrough
red text. A separate Final verslon wlth ali changes accepted Is avallable In thls
-4 - IEC 60335·2·15:2012+AM01:2016 CSV
IEC 2016 e
This part of lnternational Standard IEC 60335 has been prepared by IEC technical committee
61; Safety of household and similar etectrical epptiances.

The principal changes in this edition as compared with the fifth edition of IEC 60335-2-15 are
as follows (minor changes are not listed):

• added r&qulrements for soy milk makars:

• added requirements for dynamic pressure cookers;
• expanded requirements for cordless kettles to cover cordtess appliances throughout
• reorganized 7 .12 so that instructions related lo generic types of appliances covered by
this parl are listed first;
• converted notes to normative (5.2, 7.12, 19.101, 22.7. 22.106, 24.1.5, 24.4, 25.101)
• dclcted Note in 19. 102.

This publication has been drafted in accordance with the 150/IEC Oirectives, Part 2.

This part 2 is to be used in conjunction with the latest edition of IEC 60335· 1 and its
amendments. lt was established on the basis of the fitth edition (201 O) of that standard.

NOTE 1 When ·Par1 1· 1$ menboned in ttii, ,tandatd, n refers to IEC 150335-1,

This pan 2 supplements or modifies the corresponding clauses in IEC 60335·1, so as to

convert that publication lnto the IEC standard: Safety requlrements for appllances for heating

When a particular subclaus.e of Part 1 Is not mentioned In thls part 2. that subclause applles
as far as Is rea sonable. When thls standard states "addltion�. "modificatlon" or "repracemenr'.
lhe relevant taxi in Part 1 is to be adapted accordingly.

NOTE 2 The rollowing numbering system is used:

subctauses. lables and figures that aro numbe1ed starling írom 101 are addilional to lhos. in Pa,1 1,
urtless notes a,e in a eew subcJauu or ltwolve t1otes in Pa11 1, they a,e t1u.mbe,ed star1irtg rtom 101, induding
thoS& In a replaced cíeuee or &ubclause:
add,uonal annexH are lettered AA, BB, ele.

NOTE 3 The ro11ow,n-g print �pes a,e used�

- requlrements: In roman type;
- test specifications: in italic tyo«;
- note&: l.n sm.&11 roman l)'pe.

Words in bold 1n !he tox1 aro defincu::I in Clau5e 3, When a dohnilion conoorn; ;:1n itdjoctwe, lho ;;idto'-tivo and lhe
ossoc::ia1oc1 noun aro als.o in bold.
IEC 60335·2·15:2012+AM01:2016 CSV -5 -
© IEC 2016
The committee has decided that the contents of the base publication and its amendment will
remain unchanged until the stability date indicated on the IEC web site under
"" in thc data rolated to the specfflc pub1ication. Al this date, the
publlcatlon will be
• reconfirmed,
• wilhdrawn,
• replaced by a revised edition, or
• amended.
NOTE 4 The at1en1ion of Nationat Comrnitlees is drawn !O the fact that equipmenl manufacture1t and testing
orgal'liUHions may need si trens!lional per$0d tollowlng publk:atk>tl of a new, aMend&d or ,evtsed IEC pubheetiOn in
wtltctt to mak.e product& ,n a<:oordance w1lh lh9 new t&qu.rement& and to equ,p tt11Hnse.1ve& for condu<:l!ng new or
revised te,t,.

II l.s tne reoommendatlon ot lh9 commlUee that the content er •hl& pubUca1lon b4 adopt� fOf lmplementatlon
n•tiOfltlll)' not •.arli•r trnln t2 mon1hs or I.Jter ltlan 36 months ftom lhe d,1te of p,vbtication.

A list of etl perts of the IEC 60335 series, under the general title: Household Bnd similBr
electn·caf appliances - Ssfety, can be found on the IEC website.

The following differences exist in the countries indicated below.

19.101: The test is not applicable (Japan).

25.8: A supply cord having a croes-secuonat area of 0,75 mm' is not allowed for
appllances having a rated current exceedlng 6 A (Japan).
- 25.8: Longer suppty cords are allowed (Japan).

IMPORTANT - The 'colour lnslde' logo on the cover page of thfs publlcatlon lndlcates
that lt contalns colours whfch are considerad to bo usoful for tho corroct
understandlng of its contents. Users should therefore print this document using a
colour printer.
-6- IEC 60335-2·15:2012+AMOl:2016 CSV
O IEC 2016

lt has been assumed in the drafting of lhis lnremational Standard lha1 the execution of its
provislons is entrusted to appropriately quatified and experienced persons.

This standard recogntze.s the internationally accepted level of proteetion against hazards such
as electrlcal, meehan1caf. thermal. tire and radiation of appli.ances when operated as in
normal use taking into account the ma.nufacturer's mstructions. ll also covers abnormal
situations that can be expected in practk;e and takes into account the way in which
eleclromagnetic phenomena can affect the .s.afe operation of appliances.

This standard takes inlo account the requirements of IEC 60364 as far as possible so lhat
there is compalibility with the wiring rules when the appfümce is connected to the supply
mains. However, national wíriog rules may cfiffer.

lf an appliance within the scope of this standard etse iOCXKl)Orates funclions tbat are covered
by another part 2 of IEC 60335. the relevant pan 2 is appUed to each function separately, as
far as is reasonable. lf applicabte. the inftuence or one function on the other is taken into

When a part 2 standard does not include additional requirements to cover hazards dealt with
in Part 1, Part 1 applies.

NOTE 1 Tl'lis motans nun the 1eehnicaf comm.ttees t"'90ftSitlle ro, lhe pa,rt 2 standards Mi� delerm.ned that it is
not neceuary 10 &oecit, oartk:l.llar �,emerits kit lt'te � 111 questlOtl ove, and at>Ove the 9eneraJ

This standard is a product ramily standard dealing with the safety of applianoes and takes
precedence over horizontal and generic standards covering the same subject.

NOTE 2 Horizon1a1 and oenenc stanoanb CO•en&IISI a l'laurd a,e noc �ble IMnce they have been ta\:en into
�n1,dera1ion wh,en developiD; the � � pa,rllQl,ta;r � to, U.. IEC 9033.S MriH of t:ia.nd,rcls For
eumpte, tn the c-.ase of req,Mretnents for surt.ces on man, aPl)lia.nces, �ric st.a�ards, sueh as
ISO 13732·1 for h04 surt.ees. are noc applie:etlle "' � IIO P*1. 1 cw pan. 2 stal'ldatdt.

AA appliance that compües wilh the te.x.t of lhis s.tandard will not necessanty be considerad to
comply with the satety pr,nciples of the standard íf, wh� exarruned and tested, it is round to
have other features that impa1r the level ot s.afety oovered by these requirements.

An appliance employing materials or having forms of construclion differing from those detailed
in lhe requiremenls of this standard may be e.xamined and tested aceo<ding to lhe inlent of
the requirements and. if round to be substantiaíly equi'Yalenl. may be considered to comply
with the standard.

__ _
IEC 60335·2·15:2012+AM01:2016 CSV -7-
O IEC 2016

Part 2-15: Particular requirements

for appliances for liquids

1 Scope

This clause of Part t is replaced by the following.

This Standard deals with the s.afety of eledric-al appfümces for heating liquids for
household and similar purposes, lheir rated voltage beiog not more than 250 V.

NOTE 10, Some aP9'1anc.s � be U$N to, l'leating food

NOTE 102 E.umples or al)l)liaJ'ICfl Chal a,e wilhill 1tle seope Of U.S standard are
eooldrtg pans:
egg bollers:
,..dlr,9-t>ottle l\..t•r•:

k.ettles end o,ner eP911ances kit bodiftg watet. l'la'f'WIO • ,-11..s c.ap.aclty not e:xoeedlftO 10 I;
preu11re cooll:ere: "8vling a r1tff c.ooklnt Pf"•»w• IIIOI eneedilng 140 kPa and a r•t•d c.paci1y nol
e11c..<!ing 10 1
rice coolters;
slow cookers:
steam cookers:
soy millt makers:
tea mall•r.
wuh boilers;
yoghurt makers.

Appliances intended for normal househokt and similar use and that may also be used by
laymen in shops. in Ught industry and on farms. are within the scope of this standard.

NOTE 103 úamples ot suen applianen twe

glue poi$ wUtl a wai.e, ,
lrVHtoet. reed l>Olle,s;

lf the appliance is lntended to be used professionaly to preeess rece for commercial

consumption, lhe appliance tS not considerad to be fo, household and simflar use on1y.

As far as is practicable. this standard de�s with the common hazards presentad by
appliances that are encounteréd by all persons an and around the homé. However, in general,
it does not take into account

- persons (induding children) whose

• physical, sensory or mental capabd1bés; or

-- -
• lack of expeñence and knowledge
-8- IEC 60335·2·15:2012+AM01:2016 CSV
© IEC 2016
prevents them rrom using the appliance safely without supervision or instruction;
chlldren playlng w!th the appllance.
NOTE 104 AtlenOon la drawn to the fa<:t lhal
tor appltances lnteMe!S 10 be u&ed In vehiclu or on board &hipa o, alrc-raft. ad<htlonal requirement& may be
in m.:iny cotmlries, ;addiliont1I roquiromenls .tre specififi!d by tho n; hfJ¡illl\ ;iutho,itiH, the nalt0n;JI
authOñli&s reS¡)Otisible for lhe protectiOtl of labou,. lhe n,abonal wa!er SupPly autho,tties and s1.mila1 authori!Jes.

NOTE 105 This sland:ud do41S not apply lo

hying pans and decp fi:it frycrs (IEC 603.35,2,13);
stOfago w.itor ho.ilou (IEC 60335-2-21);
inslantaneous water healcm; (IEC 60335,2,35);
1-urfate•doning appliances emp&oying liquids Of steam (IEC &0335--2°54);
portabte immersion he1:1ters (IEC 60335,2,74);
commerctal di,pensing .ippli.inces and vending m.ich,nes (IEC $0335...2°75);
&ppl!Mces for medic&I purposes (IEC 60601);
appfiances inlended oxcluslvety for indu.stri•I pu,poses;
t.tpplh,nces inhmded lo be used in loc&tions where ,pecial conclilions p,evillil, SIJCh as the preseoee of o
oorroslve or eJtp,loslve aunosphere (dlñlt. vapour or oas):
appflances tor n¡.gn-trequency l\eal!ng:
pressu1e aterl111era:
l\urnidi!lers for hOuseho&d and slmHar use (IEC 60335·2·981.

NOTE t06 A11ention is drawn 10 me faC11na1 in tnany «>untries ,e,quiretnenu for preuure vessels are applled to
pressure cook.ers.

2 Normative references

This ctause of Part 1 is applicable.

3 Terms and definitions

Thls clause of Part 1 is appllcable exceptas fotlows.

3.1.9 Replacement:
normal operatlon
operation or lhe appllance under lhe followlng condilions Kellles, thermal pots, urns and other appliances for bolling water, eeffeo MakeF&,
cooking pans, glue pols, milk heaters, slow cookers, sterilizers, wash boilers and yoghurt
makers are operated with their container filled with the rated capacity of water. any lid being
closed. The quantity of water in slow cookers is maintained above 50 % of their rated

Coffee makers are operated in accordance with their instructions with the water container
filled to its ratod capacfty and bean container, ñ any, filled with coffee beans. The warming
plate and all other energy consuming functlons. if any, are switched on.

Appllances with a heated surface lntended to keep the llquid warm are operated with or
wlthout the container, whlchever Is the more unfavourable. Egg bollers and steam cooktrs are operated wlth their contalners fllled wlth the
maximum quantity of water specified In the instruclions.
IEC 60335·2·15:2012+AM01:2016 CSV -9 -
© IEC 2016 Feeding-bottle heaters are operated with a b<>ttle of heet-reststent glass. round
or hexagonal in shape, having a mass between 190 g and 200 g and a capacity of
approximately 225 mi, unless a particular botue is speciñed. in which case that bottle is used.
The bottle is filled to approximately ns rated capacity of water or 200 mi. whichever is tess,
and Is placed In the fccdlng-bottlc neater. Thc heatcr is fllled with water to thc levet
specified in the instructlons or, in the absence of instructions, to the maximum tevet. Uvestock feed boilers are operated wlth the lid closed. the container being fllled
with half its rated capacity of water. Pressure coekers are operated in accordance wlth the lnstructlone but wlth the
container mtee wilh water to a depth ot 25 mm. Rice cookers are operated wilh lhé rice container filled with water to the lévél or
maximum raled capacily. Water is added to mainlain the leve! during boiling.

When operated In the keep-warm mode, the rico cooker is operated with the rice container
empty. Soy milk makers are operated with the container filled with soy beans in
accordance wfth the lnstructlons and water to the rated capaclty.

rated capacity
capacity assigned to the appliance by the manufacturer

rated cooking pressure
pressure assigned to the appliance by the manufacture,

espresso coffee-maker
coffee-maker in which water is heated and forced through the ground coffee by steam
pressure or by means of a pump

Note 1 to entry: E,preuo cottee-mak.ert may ti.ave an ootlet tor supplying steam o, t101 water.

feedlng-bollle heater
applianee for healing preparad baby food in a teeding-bOtue to a predetermined temperature.
heat being transferred by means of water

pressure regulator
control that maintains the pressure et a particular value during normal use

pressure-rellef device
control that limits the pressure under abnormal operating conditions

cordlcss kcttlc
kottlo incorporating a heating oloment and which is connoctod to tho supply only whon placed
on lts assocratec stand

steam cooker
appliance In which food Is hsated by steam génerated at atmospherie pressura
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rice cooker
appliance for cooking rice mat is placed in a detachabte container, the container belng placed
within the appliance when cooking

Note 1 to entrv: Rice cooke,e m.ay h&'le a keep warm lvncUon.

Note 2 to enuy: Rice cooku1 may eook fOO<I Olher ltla.t\ tic..

induction rice cooker
rice cooker that heats lhe rice container by means of eddy currents

Note 1 10 en1ry; Th.41 9'ddy (.urrent& ;J;re 1ndvrad in the nee �t.Nner or hd or nc:e 1;0nt.i,iner .,ind lid by the
elecllomagnetic field of • eoil.

cordless appliance
appliance incorporating a heating element and which is connected to the supply only when
placed on its assoclated stand

dynamlc pressure cooker
pressore cooksr whlch reduces the pressure by a dynamlc action of an elastic part

soy milk maker
appñance wi1h heating, pulverising and agitating functions that are intended to make soy mi1k

decorative door
part of appliancé having the same function as a cabinet door

4 General requlrement

This clause of Part 1 is applicable.

5 General conditions for the tests

This clauso or Part 1 is appücable excopt as follows.

5.2 Additlon:

Jf lhe test of 15.101 has to be cernea out. tnre« addltlonal semptes are requlred.

5.3 Addition:

The test of 19.101 is carried out etter the other tests.

5.101 lnductlon rice cookers are lested as motor operated appliances.


6 Classification

Thls clause of Part 1 is appllcabla exceptas follows.

6.2 Addl!lon:
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Wash boilers and livestock feed boi1ers shall be al least IPX3.

7 Marking and instructlons

This ctause or Part 1 is applicable exceptas íollows.

7 .1 Addition:

Appliances intended to be partially immersed in water for cleaning shall be marked with the
maximum level of immersion and with the substance of the following:

Do not immerse beyond this level.

Kenles shall have a level mark or other means to lndicate when they are filled to rated
capacity, unless they cannot be tilled beyond their rated capacity. This indication shall be
visible when the ketlle is in the filling position. lf lhe level mark is not self-evidenl, there sh.all
be a reference to this mark on the outside of the kettle which shall be visible when the ketlle
is in its normal position of use.

lf the ciosec position of the lid of a pressure cooker is not obvious. tbls posilion shall be
marked on lhe appliance.

Stands provided with cordless appliances shall be marked with

- the name, trademark or identificalion mark of the manufacturer or responsible vendor;

- the model or type reference.

Soy milk makers shall have a level mark or other means to indicate when they are filled to
rated capacity, untess they cannot be fil!ed beyond their rated capacity,

7.12 Addition:

The instructions for appliances shall include the substance ot the following:

This appliance is intended to be used in household and similar applications such as:

staff kltchen áreas In snops, offlces and other worklng envlronments:

farm houses;
by clients in hotels. motels and other residential type environments:
bed and breakfast type environments.

lf the manufacturer wants to limil the use of the appUance to less than the abcve. this must be
clearly stated in the instructions.

The instrucUons for appliances inco,porating an appliance inlet, and intended to be partially or
fully immersed in water for cleaning, shall atete thal lhe conneclor musl be removed before
the appliance is cleaned and lhal the appliance inlet must be dried before the apptiance is
used again.

The instructions for applianoes normally cleaned ener use. and not intended to be immersed
in water for cleaning, shall state that the appliance must not be immersed. This requirement
normally applies to coffee·makers. cooking pans. milk heaters. pressure cookers. steam
cookers. slow cookers. soy mllk makers and yoghurt makers.

The lnstructions for appllances lntended to be used with a connector lncorporatlng a

thermostat shall state that only the approprfate connector must be usad.
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Unless kettles are constructed so that a hazard cannot arise from boiling water being ejected.
the instructions shall state that if the kettle is overfilled, boiling water may be ejected.

The instructions for kettles filled through a lid aperture situated below the handle shall include
the substance of the foltowing:

WARNING: Oo not remove the lid while the water is boiling.

- CAUTION: Position the lid so that steam Is dlrocted away ítom tho handle.

The caution statement is not required if the lid can only be closed so that steam is directed
away from the handle.

The inslrvctions for cordless appliances shall state thal the appliance is only to be used with
lhe stand provided.

lf the appuance and stand of cordless appliances can be lifted together by gripping the
handle of the appliance, the instructions shall inctude the substance of the following:

CAUTION: lnsure tbet !he appliance is swltched off before removing il from its stand.

The lnstructions for foedlng-boUle heaters shall state

- that the food should not be heated for too long;

- how to check that the correct food temperature has not been exceeded.

The instructions for pressure cookers. other than dynamlc pressure cookers, shall state that
the ducts In the pressure regulator allow!ng the escape of steam should be checked
regularly to ensure that they are not blocked.

The instructions for pressure cookers shall also glve details of how to open lhe container
safely and state that the container musl not be opened until the pressure has decreased

The instruclions for egg boilers provided with a pricking device shall contain the substance of
the following:

CAUTION: Avoid injuries from lhe egg pricking device.

For espresso coffee·maker·s incorporating a pressurlzed resorvoir filled by the user, the
lnstructlons shaU contaln lnformatlon for the safe refilling of the water reservolr and the
substance of the followíng:

WARNING: 'rne filling aperture must not be opened during use.

The instrucUons rcr au apptiances: shall in.elude:

- a warning to avoid spillage on the connector

- detaits on how to crean the surfaces in contact with food
- a warning of potential injury from misuse
- a statement that the heatlng etement surface Is subject to residual heat after use.

The instructions for soy mllk makers shall also include a statement that care shall be taken
whcn handling thc sharp cutting blades, cmptying the container and during clcaning.

The lnstruction for soy mllk makers incorporating a switch necessary for compliance with
22.40 shall lnclude the substancB of the foUowing:
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Switch off the appliance and disconnect from supply before changing accessorles or
approaching parts that move in use.

The instructions for coffee-makers other than built-in coffee-makers or those tested in a
cabinet. snaü state that the coffee·maker shall not be placed in a cabinet when in use

For coffee-makers having an additional decorative door, and for coffee-makers intended lo
be used in a cabinet. the instructions shall state that lhe coffee-maker must be operated with
the decoratlve door open or the cabinet door open.

The instructions for coñee-makers having surfaces of glass. cerarmc or similar material that
forms part of thc enctosure of uve parts shall includc thc substance of thc follow,ng.

WARNING: Oo not use the appliance if the surface is cracked.

The instructions for coffee-makers shall state that cteaning and user malntenance shall not
be made by children without supervision.

7.12.4 Addition:

For coñee-rnakers suitable for operation when placed in a cabinet. the mínimum dimensions
of the cabinet shall be givcn.

8 Protection against access to live parts

Thls clause of Part 1 is appllcable exceptas follows.

8.1.2 Additlon:

NOTE 101 Coon&etln,g devlces In stands ot cord.ltu tppllaneo ate not eons.idered 10 be sod(e1-ouUels.

9 Startlng of mctor-operated appllances

This clause of Part 1 is not applicable.

10 Power Input and current

Thls ctause of Part 1 is appllcable exceptas follows.

10.1 Addition:

The power input of automatic coffeo makers Is measurod during one oporaling cycte that is

soloctablo by tho usor. such as cloan,ng. doscallng. or soloctlng a bovorago. Tno

moasuroment ston« w,th tho app/Jance at room ambíent tomperetur«.

The operatl,>g cycte starts wllh tho ectlvetion by tn« user a,,d ends when tn« app//ance stops
tho cyc/o automatica/ly and tho noxt oporating cyclo can be started by thé user.

10.2 AddJtlon:

Tne lrtput current of automatlc coffeo.makers is meesurea during one oporatlng cyct« that Is
selectable by the usor. such as clean,ng, descalmg. or selecang a bevorago. Tl'le
measutement starls w,th the appliance at room ambitmt temperature.
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The operating cycle starls with the activation by the user and ends when the appliance stops
the cycle automaHcally and the next operotmg cycle can be started by the eser.

11 Heating

Thls ctause of Part 1 is appllcable exceptas follows.

11.2 Addltlon:

Portab/o appliances are tested away from tn« wal/s of the test comer. cottee-meker« with a
decorativa door or lntondod to oo usod ,n tJ cablnot shaJI bo tostad with tno door opon.

11.3 Additlon:

NOTE 101 11 me magnelk: 1letd ot an lnducUon r1c• eook•r unduty lntluences tl'le resuns. tl'le temperature rlus
c,,n be delermined us.lng plat!nvm re1lstance-& w1tn twl1-te<ll connKtlng wlrH or any equivalen! me.fn&.

11.4 Addition:

lf the temperature rise limits are exceecJed in appliances incorporating motors, transformers or
electronlc clrcults. ena lf the power Input Is lower tnen the rated power Input. the test is
repeated with tne appliance supplied at 1.06 rimes tne rated voltage. Appliances wnn
e/ectror,ic power controls are ooerate« as comblned applíances.

11.6 Additlon:

Comblned app/lances are operetea as heatlng appllances.

11.7 Reotecement:

Appliances are operated for tn« duration specified in 11. 7.101 to 11. 7. 105.

11.7.101 For kettles incorporating a temperature Jlmlter. the temperature llmlter is reset
1 min after it has operated oras soon as possible aflerwards. The test is terminated alter the
temperature limiter has op,uated lor the second lime.

For ketlles incorporating a thermostat, the test Is terminated 15 min alter the water has
attalned a temperature ol 95 •c.

For oiner kettles. the test Is termínated S mfn altar tn« water has attalned a temperatura of
ss ·c.
11.7 .102 For cooking pans, egg bollers. feeding·bottle heaters, glue pots, uvestoc« leed
boilers, milk heaters, sterilizers, wash boilers and for appliances that boil water other than
kettles. the test is terminated

- for applíances without a thermal control, 1 S min after th& water In the ccnteiner has
attained a tomperature of 95 ·e
or tho maximum temperature ít ctM alta/r, íf tnts is lower;
- tor portable appliances provided with a therm9f control, 15 min after the therm9I control
has operated for lhe first time;
- for fixed appllances provlded with a tl'lermal comrot. 30 mfr, after the thermal control has
operated for tn« flrst lime:
1 min etter 9 continvovs or repetilive acovstic signa/ h9ving intervals of less than 5 s has
IEC 60335·2·15:2012+AM01:2016 CSV - 15 -
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- when steady conditions are established. for egg boilers hsving provisfon for keeping eggs
warm. and appliances having a heated suttec« intended to keep liquid warm.

11.7.103 S/ow cookers, rice cookers. steam cookers end yoghurt makers are operated
until stesdy conditions are estsblished. Slow cookers are prewarmed in the dry state if this
instruction is given.

11.7.104 For espresso coffee·makers 9re QP9rate4 iR s,,ord8nGfl wiih th9 instw&liOR6t
1119 &offee úll11r bei,:¡.g f.illecl with the ma11imvm (11J8Rf.ily of &off99 of #Je lyps spe;;Ji&d... the
brewing perlad is followcd by a rcst period of 1 min or thc pcriod stated In mo instrocüoos. if
lhls is Jonger. The water container Is refllled during the rest perlods.

For automatlc espresso coffe• makers and espresso coffee makers provided with a cottee
pot, thé br&wing petiod is lhe time necessary to produce the maximum quantity of coffee
allowed by the time, or by the capecity of the colfee pot.

For manual espresso coffee makers, if the maximum quantity of coflee to be produced is
not specified in the instructions, the brewing period is the time necessary to produce 100 mi
ot coffee tor each cycte.

For espresso coffee-mekers having an ovue! for supplying steam or hot water. the brewing
period is immediately followed by a period dvring which the steam or water is supplied for the
lime stated in the instrucuons or for the following periods. whichever is more unfavourable:

for espresso coffee-makers hBving an outlet for supplying steam, 1 min:

for espresso coffee-makers having an out/et for supplying hot water. tn« time necessary
to oroauc« 100 mi of water.
for espresso coffee-makers having an oullet for supplying steam and an out/et for
supply,ng hot water, 1 min peri<XJ supplying steam is followed by time necessary to
produce 100 mi ofwater.
NOTE Tho slC-JJm is blown into a vosscl conl.iining col<I w.iler.

Espresso coffee·makers 8r6 operated unW st6ady conditions 8r6 9stablished.

Other coff6e·makers are operated for the time n6cessary to m8k6 the msxlmum quamity of
coffoo statod In tho instructions. Tho containor Is thon rofillod as qulckly as possiblo ena tho
coffse-makor oporatod agaín.

The procedure is repeated until steady conditions are established.

11.7.105 Pressure cookers ore operoted for 15 min af1er attaining the maximvm cooking

11.7.106 Soy mllk makers are ooeretea for a complete operating cycte.

11.8 Addition:

When an appliance connector incorporates a thermostat, the temperature rise limit for the
pjns of the inlet docs not apply.

The temperoture ,;se limits of motors. transformers and components of elcctronlc clrcults.
including parts dircctly ínflucncod by thom. may be cxcocdod whcn tnc app/ianco is opcratcd
at 1.15 timos rated power Input
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12 Vold

13 Leakage current and electric strength at operating temperature

This clause of Part 1 Is appllcable.

14 Translent overvoltages

This ctause of Part 1 is applicable.

15 Molsture res1stance

This clause of Part 1 is applicable exceptas follows.

15.2 Addition:

The test is onfy carried out with the oppliance connector in position.

In cose of doubt, the spillage test is corried out with the appliance deviating from the normal
position of use by an angle no1 exceeding 5".

KeWes that can be fil/ed through the spout are etso tested on aplane jnclined at an angle of
20• to the horizontal. with tne spout uppermost. The l<ettle is filled with water containing
approxlmatoly 1 % NaCJ to tho maxlmum lovol. lf thls tnatceuon Is vlsltJ/<1 from tho fll/lng
positlon. othcrwlso untll wator spills from tn« «eu!«. A tunncr quantlly, cqual lo 15 % of tne
rated capacity of the kettle, Is lhen added as qulckly as possible.

Ketl/es are then filled to rated capacit'y wlth water. They are placed on a plane lnclined at an
angle of 20• lo the horizontal with thelr spout facing up the slope of the lnclined plane. Water
shall not be discharged from the kettle.

For cordless appllances, the test wlth the app/lanco on tno horizontal plano Is carrled out
wíth the appllance both on and off írs statld. The additlonal test for kettles that can be filled
lhrough the spout is carried out only with the cordless keltle off its stand, the kettlé be;ng
replsced on Us stand in order to carry out the electric strength test ot 16.3.

For coflee makers provided wilh a removable colfee poi, the liquid container is filled with
maximum amount of water contuining 1 % NoCI. The funnel is placed in position but wilhoul
placing the coffee pot in posmon. The appliance is switched on and operated untH the
container is empty.


For steam sterilizers. reptece the penultimete paragraph of this subclause of Part 1 by the

Steem sterilizers ere placed on a horizontal sustece and 30 mi of water containing

approximately 1 % NaCI is poured onto the top rim In the most unfavourable place. The
sototto« Is poure« steadily through a tube hav/ng an /nnar dlameter of 8 mm over a perlod of
2 s. lhe Jower snd of the tub& belng 200 mm above tn« app/lance.

NOTE 101 A seMmatie repre-sentatloo ot the test &rraf\(Jemen11s shOwn In Figute 101.

For rice cookers, the test spec/fied in Patt 1 shall be conducted with the rice container in
IEC 60335·2·15:2012+AM01:2016 CSV - 17 -
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Coffee-makers dispensmg liquid into a serving container, svch as a cup or jug, (fre tested by
steadily pouring O, 5 I of the solvtion o ver the surface where the container is filled or the
container is tronsported and removed by the user. lf a drop container is placed beneath this
surface. tne drop container is complete/y filled before thc test is carricd out.

Coffee·makers having externa! surtaces on which it is poss1ble to pl(,c;e a vessel, such as e

cup or jug, are tested by po<1ring 0,21 of the solution over the complete depositing area in
approxlmately 5 s.

For coffee makers. atter each overlilling test or applicafion of liqvid, 9/1 residues are then
removed and tne appliance is dried.

15.101 Appliances intended to be parlially or completely immersed in waler for cleaning

shall have adequate prolection against the ettects of immersion.

Compliance js checked by lhe following tests, which are c8rried O(JI on three addition81

The appliances are operated under normal operation at 1, 15 times rated power input, until
the thermostat operates for the first time. Applio11ces without a thermostat are operated until
steody conanioos are estob/ished. The appliances are disconnected from the supply. any
appliance connectot being withdrawn. They are then complete/y lmmersea in water containing
approxlmately 1 % NaCI and havlng a temperature betweer> 10 •e and 25 •c. ur1/ess they are
marked wlth the maximum leve/ of immerslon, in whlch case they are Jmmersed 50 mm
deeper than this level.

After 1 h, the appliances are remov9d lrom the satine solutlon, drled and subjected to the
Jeakage current test of 16.2.

NOTE Care is taken to ensure tha1111 mois1u1e is removed from the insut.alion a,ound the pi.n.s of appltance inlets.

This test is carried out tour more times, after which the appliances shall withstand /he electric
strength test of 16.3, the voltage being as specified in Table 4.

The appliance havjng the highest teakage cvrrent the fiffh immersion is dismantled and
inspection shall show thst thare fa no trace of liqu;d on insulation thst could result in B
reaucnon of clearances snd crecpage dlstances below the va/ves specified jn cteus« 29.

The remaining two appliances are operatad under normal opcratlon at 1.15 timas rated
powor Input for 240 h. Aftor this parlad. tha app/lancos ara dJsconn9ctod from tho supply and
lmmorsod agaln for 1 h. Thoy aro thon drlod and subjoctod to tho eloctrlc strongth test o!
16.3. tho voltage béitlg as spocillod in Tablo 4.

/nspoctlon shall show thtH them Is no trace of llqvld on lnsulatlon that could rosult In a
reductlon o/ c/earances and creepage dlstances below the valves specillod In C/ause 29.

15.102 The connecting devlces of stands fot cordless appllances shall not be affected by

Compllance Is checked by the followlng test.

The stand is placed on a horlzot'ltal surface and 30 mi of water containing apptoxlmatoly 1 %

NaCI ,s poured onto the connecting device. The solution is poured steadily lhrough a tuba
havjng sn jnner diameter of 8 mm over a perjod of 2 s. the lower end of the lube bejng
200 mm above lhe connecting device.

NOTE A si;hl;lm11t� roprcseni.111ion Qf thc tc,t arrangcmcnt i, s!\own ll\ Fig1.1rc t 01.
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The stsnd shaJf then withstand the electric strength test of 16.3. the test voltage for
rolnforcod Jnsulation being 2 500 V.

15.103 The interior of rice cookers shall not be affected by water.

Compliance is checked by 1he following test.

The rico cookor is placed on 8 horizontal sutiec«. with the rice container removed and 30 mi
of water containing appro'Ximatsly 1 % NaCI is poured on lo the cenu» of the bottom of the
interior of the rico cooker. The sal/ne solution is ooure« st&adily through a tube having an
inner díameter of 8 mm anda ltlflgth of 30 mm, overa perlad of 2 s. tn« tower end of the tube
being 200 mm abova the bottom of the rice cooker.

NOTE A selu�matie repu!!lenla!iOn 01 the te,st anangement is s�wn ln Figure 101.

The rice cooker shall then withstand the electric strength test of 16.3.

16 Leakage current and electric strength

This clause of Pan 1 is applicable.

17 Overload protection of transformers and associated circuits

This clause of Part 1 is applicable.

18 Endurance

This clause of Part 1 is not applicable.

19 Abnormal operation

Thls clause of Part 1 Is applicable exceptas follows.

19.1 Addition:

Kettles are not subjected to the test of 19.2.

Kettles are a/so subjected to the test of 19. 101. unless the appliance tocorporetes a non-selt-
rosottlng thormal cut·out that is not resettable by the user, in order to comply with 19.4.

Kettles for which compusnc« with 19.101 renes on the oporation of a self·resottlng thermal
cut-out ar& a/so subjected to tn« test of 19.102.

For appllances with a11 extomal surface providlng a koop warm function. tho tost of 19.106

For coffee-makers having a decorativo door, the test of 19.101 applles.

For automatlc coffee-makers of the cotte« bean type, the tests of 19.108 applles.

19.2 Additlon:
Appliances are placed as netu as possible to the wafls of the test comer. They are tested
ompty wjth lids opon or closed whichever is moro untavoumbt«.
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lnduction rice cookers ttre operated vnder the conditions of Clause 11 with tn« rice
container empty.

19.3 Addition:

Kettles are operated empty al 1, 15 times rated power input.

The test is a/so carried out with the kettle filled with sufficient water to cover the heating
element. orto a depth of 10 mm if the heating el&ment is not positioned inside the container.
the /id being open or ctosed. whichever is more unfavourable.

19.4 Addition:

For pressur« cookers,

- el/ pressure regulating devices are rendered inoperative; ond

- In otner than dynamlc pressure cookors, all protecrlvo devlcos that vent steam and
intentionally weak parts that vent steam are rendered lnoporaUve; and
- in dynamlc pressure cookers, el/ prorective devlces, other thsn lntentionally weak
parts, that vent stesm are rendered inoperative.

19.7 Addition:

Espresso coffee-makers incorporating a pump are operated for a period of 5 min.

Soy milk makers aro operated for one cycfe of operation.

19.13 Addition:

Dudng the test of 19.4, protective devices of pressure cookers other than dynamic
pressure cookers shall operate belore the pressure has reached 350 kPa.

During the test of 19.4, protective devices or intentiona/ly weak parts of dynamic
pressure cookers shell operete before /he oressur« hos reached 250 kPs.

The temperature rise of the windings of inductlon rice cookers sh91/ not exceed the vafues
specified in 19.7.

The electn'c strength test of inductlon rice cookers is carried out immediately alter switching
off tho appliance.

19.101 Kettles are placed on a plywood bosrd having a thickness of spproximately 20 mm.
Tho thermal cut out that operates durlng tho test of 19.4 and all thermal controls that operate
durlng tho test of Cause 11 are short clrculted slmultanoously and the kettlo fs operated
empty at 0,85 times rated power Input or 1, 15 times rated power Input. whlchever Is mor«
unfavourable. ff the kettle incorporales more than one thermal cut-out that could operate
dvring the test of 19.4, they ere short circuited in turn.

During the test, any fiamos shall be l<ept within the enclosure of the keltle and the supporting
surtec« shall not ignite.

After the test, live parts shall not be ac.cessible and the other requirements of 19.13 are not

19.102 Keltles are pleced on a plywood board h9ving 8 thickness of approximately 20 mm.
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Kettles incorporating two self·resetting thermal cut-outs are operated with ono of the
thormal cut-outs short circuited. The kettle is operated empty at 0.85 times ratod powor
Input or 1. 15 times ratod powor Input, whichever is more antevourebt«.

Within 2 s of the other thermal cut-out operating, the keltfe is filled with wster having a
temperature of 15 •e± 5 •c. Alter 1 min, tne keltle is emptied.

The test is carried out 100 times.

19.103 For applianoes with delachable liquid containers, !he aulomalic transfer of liquid from
one container to another shall not give rise to an electrical hazard if they are incorrectly

Compliance is checked by assembling the app/iance with Us receiving container incorrectly

positioned or removed. The water d;scharge pipe is incorrectly posftioned if this js more
untevooreot«. Tne appllance Is operated as specified in Clause 11 but for one cycle only.

The appllance shall then wlthstand the electrlc strength test of 16.3 and inspectlon sha/1 show
lhat tner« Is no trace of water on lnsulatlon that could resutt In the reductlon of clearances
and creepage dístances b9low the values specWed in Clause 29.

19.104 The overtoadlng of a soy mllk maker snan not result In a hazard.

Compllance Is cnecsoa by tho followlng test.

Soy mllk makers are placed on a plywood board havlng a thlckness of approxlmate/y 20 mm
and operated under the conditíons of clause 11 with the container filled with 2 Umes the
maximum mass of the soy beans specified in the instructions and water to rated capacity.

During the test. any llames sha/1 be kept within the enclosure and the supportlng surface shall
not ignito.

After the test, live parls shall not be accessible.

19.105 When a soy milk maker is disconnocted from the supply acctdentty during normal
usé, il shall not resull in a hazard.

ComplitMce is by the lollowing test.

Soy milJt makers are placod on a plywood board having a thickrtess of approximately 20 mm
and operated under the conditions of Clause 11. The appliance snsu be disccnnected from
the supply al the most unfavourable time during lhe c-ycle. The soy milk maker is then
resterted with o new cycle of operaUon wilhout changing lhe load.

During the test, any llames shall be k.ept within the enclosure and the supporting surface shall
not ignite.

After the lesl. Jive parl.s sholl not be occessible.

19.106 1he appliance is operated at rated power input with the heated surface completely
covered with two loyers of textile moter,af of pre·washed double·hemmed cotton sheets unt1I
steady conditions are established.

The textile matenal consists of pre·washed dovbleMhemmed coUon sheet hevmg dimensions
approximately 700 mm" 700 mm and specific mass between 140 glm2 and 175 g/m2 in the
dry conditlon.
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Jf a thermostat operatos, tho lest is repeated with the one-third of the heated surtec« furthesl
from the temperature-sensing element covered

The texlile material sha/1 not ignito.

19.107 Coffee-makers wlth a decorar/ve door or lnter>ded 10 be used in tJ cabmet are

operated under th& conditions speelfied in Clause 1 t but wlth the decorativo door or cabinet
door closed.

19.108 AutomaUc coffoe-makers of the cofftJe baan type, other lhan automatlc espresso
coffee-makers of the coffee bean type. are supplied at rated voltage and operated under
normal operation f;ve times wilh rest poriods.

Automalic espresso coffee-makers o! the coffee bean type are :supplied al rated voltage
and are set to maximum quanUty of coffee powcfer. with smallest amount of coffee in the cup
according to the instructions without rest periods.

The duralion of lhe operalmg period is

- for appliances incorporating o timer. the longest period allowed by the Umer:
- lor other apphances, as follows:
• lor automalic coffee-makers incorporaling coflee m11/s o! lhe grmding lype, 30 s longer
than lhe time needed to 1111 the cotlecling container or the lime require<J to empty lhe
hopper, whichever is shorter:
• for automatic cottee-meker» incorporating otner coffee mills. 1 min.

The duralion of the rest period lor is

1 O s. for appllancos provldod with a collocting container:

- 60 s, for other appliances.

The temperature o/ the wlndíngs shall not exceed the values shown In Table 8.

20 Stability and mechanical hazards

This ctause of Part 1 is appUcable exceptas follows.

20.101 The container and culling blades of soy mllk makers shall have adequate
mechanical strength.

Compliance is checked by the following tesl.

The soy milk malfer Is supplíod at rated voltage and Is operated continuously with the
container fU!ed w1lh dry soy beans to the raled capacity. The test is carried out as follows:

- for appllances with accumulatod working time o! the motor durlng ono cycte not excsedlng
4 mln. the test Is cortducted for the accumulated worklng time o! tn« motor during one
complete worl<ing cycle plus 1 mln;
- lor oppliances with accumulated working time of the motor during one cycfe exceeding
4 min, lhe test is conducted for the eccumotetea worlcing time of the motor during one
complete worl<ing cyc/e.

Cara needs to be talfen to ensure that the cutting blades are not jemmed by the soy beans,
and that they rotate conti11uously during the test.

After the test. the container rmd cutting blades sha/1 not be brok.en: however, distorted and
blunt ed9es are ignored.
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20.102 The rotating parts of soy milk makers shall be secured so that they do not become
loose durfng operatlon.

Compliance is check6d by inspection and msnuet test.

Fastening of screws and nuts in 8 direction opposite to the direction of rotaUon of the rotating
parts is considered to be a suitable means of securing the rotating oen».

20.103 The lid intertock. if any. of soy milk makers shall be constructed so that accidental
operation of the appliance is prevented. Lid interlock switches shall be biased·off switches.

lf there is an interlock. between the lid and the main switch, the lid shall be loc.ked when the
switch is in the on position. When the lid is not correcUy ctosed, the switch shall be locked in
me off position.

Compliance is checked by tnspecüon. by manual test eoa by applying test probe 8 of

IEC 61032.

21 Mechanical strength

This clause oí Part 1 is applicable excect es follows.

21. 1 Addition:

Breakage of glass parts is neglected providsd lhal compliance with 8.1, 15.1 and 15.101 is
not impaired.

22 Constructlon

This clause of Part 1 is applicable exceot as follows.

22.6 Addition:

Orain hales shall be at least 5 mm in diameter or 20 mms in area with a width of at leasl

Compliance is afso checked by measuremenl.

22. 7 Addition:

Espresso coff••·makers aro filled wilh water lo thelr rated capaclty ena operetoa et rated
power Input wlth lho cottee filler blockod and a,w 11aW9 lor lhs &upply of &tsam ouue: ctosea.
The maxlmum pressure attalned is measured. The appliance is then subjected to twice the
mer,sured oressvre far 5 min.

The overpressure may be supplied from an external source, care being taken to ensure that
the espresso coffee-maker is at the normal temperature lar brewing.

lf tn« vafve far steam supply Is Hnl<ed to tn« switch used for stat1lng the produclion of st&am,
this link Is not to b& disturbed whil& m&asurlng the maximum prossure.

Tho appliance shall not rupturo� on« moro sneu be no lcak.ago otnor than through a solf-
roscUlng pressurtJ·r&lief device-iMd or lntentionally weak part. lf a sclf.rosctt,ng pressure
relief device operetes, the appliance shtJII be suilable far further use.

Controls that limit th& pressure ar& rend&red inoperativo and the applianco is operattJd again
as described far determining lhe maximum pressure.
IEC 60335·2·15:2012+AM01:2016 CSV -23-
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The appliance shall not exotoa« or emit hazordovs jets of steam. lf an intentionally weak parl
ruptures, the test is repeated on 8 secona appliance and shall be terminated in the same

Ali prffsur.._,_.9.," aruJ pr.ssur.e--r.•li•f-d.-vi4;-•�966tlt:e-<:00k&�ynamic

� pressure regulating aevices and al/ protoctlvo dovlcos and lntontlonally
weak parts are rendcrcd tnooersttve nnd tne lid is closed. Th& pre&&tJre is 9radualfy
if1Gf9ased hyd(au#cal/;' 19 two times the OfJ9falmg pf9&&ure of lh9 prestw�
au,ing the te&I ot 10.4,

For oressvr« cooeers, othor than dynamic pressu,e cooJcers. tn« prossuro 1s gradualfy
mcroased hydraullcally to two t,mes tho optJratlng prsssure of the protective device dutmg
the test of 19.4.

For dynamic pressure cookers, the pressure is gradutJlly increased hydraulically to 50 kPa
in excess of the operaling pressure of the press·ure-reliel protective devlce or intentionally
weak part during lhe test ot 19.4.

The container shall not rupture.

22.40 Addition:

For soy mllk makers, any switch controllin9 the motor shall atse disconnect electronic
circuits, if their malfunction would impair compliance with this standard.

Complií,nce ;s checked by the tests of Clause 19.

22.101 Kettles shaü be oonstrucled so that the lid does nol fall off when water is poured out.

Compliance is checked by lhe lollowing test.

The keltle is filled to its rated capacity and the lid closed in accordance wíth the instructions.
The kettle is supplied at rated voltage and operated until the water boils. Approximately 90 %
of the water is poured from the kettle in the normal way. The lid shall not fall off and water
shall only be emitted from the spovt.

22.102 Kettles shall be conslructed so thal there are no sudden jets of sleam or hot water
likely to expose lhe user to a hazard when the appliance is used as in normal use.

NOTE Normal use tak" lnto accoun1 the lnstruclion& concernlng IM po,ltlon of the 11<1 and lhe Mcety po&ttlon of
lhe uu1's 11.aOOs when gripping lhe handle.

Compliance is checked by inspecfion dvring the test of cteus» 11.

22.103 The apptiance coupler of cordless appliances sha11 be constructed lo withstand the
stresses occurring during normal use.

Compliance is by the following test.

The two Uve pins of the appliance are connected together and an externa/ resistive load is
connecte« in series with the supply. Tho externa/ load is svch thst tho cvmmt is 1, 1 times
rated current.

The appliance is placed on its stand and withdrawn

- for cordless Jcetrles, 10 000 times

- for cordless coffee makers. 10 000 times
-24 - IEC 60335·2·15:2012+AM01:2016 CSV
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- for other cordless appliances, 6 000 times
ata rate of approximatoly 10 times por minute. Tho tesl is co,1tinued without current flowing
lora furlher 10 000 times for cordless kettles and cordless coffee mal<ers and 6 000 times
for other cordless appliances.

lf a single stand is supplied with more thsn one cordless appliance. lhe test lor each
cordless appliance shall be carried out using the sume stand.

After the test. the appliance shall be suitable for furlher ese und compliance wilh 8.1, 16.3,
27.5 and Clause 29 shall not be impaired.

The test is carried ovt withovt current fiowing ;, the connectton contacts cannot me,ke or break
on load.

22.104 Portable for boiling water that beve a rated capacity exceeding 3 1, and
which are liable to overturn, shall be constructed so that lhe rate of discharge is limited.

CompUance is checked by the fol1owing test. appliances incorporsting an appliance infet being
fitted with a cord set.

The appliance is filled with water to its rated capaclty and the lid closed in accordance with
the instructions. /t is placed on a horizontal plane in any position of normal use but
onentste« to produc& tn« most untsvoursbt« result.

The plano Is slowly lncllnod to an anglo of 2s•. lf tno appllanco ovorturns. lt Is /eft In thls
posítíon for 10 s and tnen rotumod to íts normal posltíon. Tho quanlity o! wator romab1lttg Is
moasured. Tho rato of discharge of water is dotormittod from the formula:

O is tn« rato of dlschargo o! water:
e, is the rated capacity in litres;
C2 Is tn« remalnlng quantlty of water In litres:
is the duralion of the discharge in seconds, measured lrom the lime lhe applianoo

Tne rate of dlscharge of water shall not exceed 16 Umln.

NOTE S1J!table mean• can be vsed to prevent ee appllance lrom •Hpp,lng on the Jncllned plane.

22.105 Fixed appliance5 for boiling water shaU be constructed so that !he container
is always open to the atmosphere through an aperture of at teast 5 mm in diameter. or
20 mm2 In area with a width of at least 3 mm. The aperture shall be íocated so that it is
unl!kely to be obstructed In normal use.

lf the appllance has provislon for discharglng steam or for water overflow. the discharge
aperture shall be at the base of the appllance and shall discharge vertlcally downwards.

Compllance is chocked by lnspectlon and by measuremont.

22.106 Espresso ccffee-makera shall be constructed so that it is not possible to remove

the coffee fllter by a slmple operaUon whlle there Is a hazardous pressure wlthln the
IEC 60335·2·15:2012+AM01:2016 CSV -25-
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Compliance is checked by insaecuon sn« by manual test. This requirement is considered to
be met if the coffee filter can onfy btt removed after it has been rotated through an ang/8 of at
tees! 30•.

22.107 Pressure cookers shall incorporate a non·self·resetting pressure or temperature

responsive pressure-relte! devlce.

Compliance is checked by inspection.

22.108 Pressure cookers shall be constructed so that the lid cannot be removed while the
pressure within the container is excessíve. They shall incorporate a means to release the
pressure to a value such that the lid can be removed without risk.

Compliance is cneckea by tne folfowing test.

The pressure coouer is operated as specified in Clause 11 until tne pressure regulator
operates for the first time.

The pressure cooker is tnen disconnected from tne supply and the pressure suowo« to
decrease until the pressure Is 4 kPa. A force o/ 100 N Is applíed to the most unlavourable
point where the lid or its handle can be gripped. lt shall not be possible to remove the lid.

The interna/ pressure is then gradualfy reduced, the force of 100 N being maintained. There
shall be no hazardous displacement of lhe lid when it is released.

This test is not carried out on pressure cookers when the lid is secured by screw clamps or
other devices that ensure that the pressure is automalically reduced in a controlled manner
before the lid can be removed.

22.109 Pressure cookers shall be constrvcled so that the pressure in the container is not
excessive when the lid is not closed or is incorrectly fiUed.

Compliance is checked by the folfowing test.

The pressure cooker is operated under the condWons of Clause 11 with the lid fitted in the
most unfavourable posltlon that allows lhe pressure cooker to operate.

The pressore in the container shall not exceed 4.0 l<Pa.

22.11 O Feedlng-bcttle heaters shall emit a visible or audible signal to indica te that the
heating perlod is terminated.

Compliance is cneckea by inspeclion during the test of cteuse 11.

22.111 Espresso eeñee-mekers. incorporating a pressurized reservoir fiUed by the user,

shall be consttucted so that there Is no splllage of water or sudden Jets of steam or hot water
likely to expose the usar to a hazard when the appliance is used In accorcance with the

When removing tne filling cap of the pressuri.zed reservoir, beíore the cap is removed
completely, the pressure shall be relieved in a controlled manner in order lo avoid lhe
emission of jets of steam or hot water that are likely to expose the vser to a hazard.

Compliance ;s checked by inspection durlng the test of Clause 11 and by removing the filling
csp et the end of (he test.

r.. . .-... -r-��

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22.112 Soy milk makers shall be constructed so that steam or hol water are not ejected
which may expose the user to a hazard.

Compliance is checked by inspeclion.

22.113 Appflances wlth movlng mecnenlcat pans shall be constrvcted so that lubric.ants are
prevented from polluting food compartments.

Compliance is checked by inspection.

22.114 Appliances shall be constructed so that food or liquids are prevented from
penetrating into places that could cause electrical or mechanical faults.

Compliance is checked by inspection.

22.115 Coffee-makers shall be constructed so that it is not possible to rotate the frothing
noute or hot water nozzle throvgh an angle of more than 45• upwards from the downwards
facing vertical position.

Compliance ís check.ed by tnsoection and by monvol test

23 Interna! wiring

Thls clause of Part 1 Is appllcable.

24 Components

This clause cr Peri 1 is applicable except as ronews.

24.1.3 AddiUon:

Switches íncorporated in espresso coffee-makers for iníliating brewíng or steaming are

subjecfed lo 10 000 cycles o! open,tion.

Switches incorporated in dynamlc pressure cookers lor controlling nesters are subjected to
50 000 cycles o! operation and are lested under fhe conditions of Clause 11 w#h the
appUance suppUed st rated voltage.

24.1.4 Addition:

Self-resetting thermal cut-outs required for comp/iance with the test of 19.101 are subjected
to 3 000 cycles of operation.

24.1.5 Addition:

For applianc.e couplers incorporating thermostats, thermal cut-outs or fuses in the

connectors, IEC 60320-1 is applicabfe exceo! that

the earlhing contact of the connector is allowad to be accessible, providad that this
contact is not /ikely lo be gripped during insertion or withdrawal of lhe connector:
- m« lemperature required for tne test of C/ause 18 is that measured 011 the ptns of the
appliance infet during tn« tost of ctous« 11 of this standard;
the breaking-capacity test of Clause 19 is carried ovl using lhe in/el of the appliance;
- the temperetur« rtse of current-csrrying oen» specified in Clause 21 is not determined.
IEC 60335·2·15:2012+AM01:2016 CSV -27 -
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Thermal conlrols ere not allowed in connector.s complying with tho standurd sheet.s of
IEC 60320·1.
24.4 Addition:

This requiremenl is not applicable to the conneclion between tne appliance and the stand of
cordless appliances.

24.101 Oevices incorporated in appliances, other lhan ketues, for compliance with 19.4,
shall be non-selt-resetting. However. self-resetting thermal cut-outs ere allowed for fixed
water boilers if they have been subjected to 10 000 cyctes of operalion.

Complience is checked by insp�tion and during the test of 19.4.

25 Supply connection and external flexible cords

This clause of Part 1 is appllcable exceptas follows.

25.1 Addition:

Appliances incorporating an appliance inlet, other than those standardized in IEC 60320�1.
shall be supplied with a cord set.

25.5 Addition:

Type Z attachment is allowed for egg boilers, feeding·boltle heaters. steam sterilizers,
yoghurt makers and stands of cordless appllances.

25.7 Addition:

The suppty cord of livestock feed bo11ers shall be polychloroprene sheathed.

25.8 Addition:

Portable appliances having a rated current up to 10 A may incorporate a supply cord

having a nominal cross-secucnat area of 0,75 mm2, if the length is less than 2 m.

25.22 Addition:

Soy milk maker inlets shall be located so that pollution by soy milk is unlikely to occur during
normal use.

Compliance is checked by inspection,

25.101 Supply cords of kettles shall not be longer than 75 cm, unless they are helicatly

Compliance is checked by messurement.

lf 8 cordless kettle has 8 cord storsge facility, the fength of the cord is messvred after
storing as much of tho cordas possiblo.

The length of the cord is messured between the plvg and the point where the cord or cord
gvard enters tht1 appliance.
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26 Terminats for external conductors

This clause of Part 1 is appucabte.

27 Provision for earthing

Thls clause of Pan 1 Is appllcable.

28 Scraws and connections

This clause of Part t is applicable.

29 Clearances, creepage dlstances and solld lnsulatlon

This clause er Part 1 is appñcebte exceptas follows.

29.2 Addition:

The mic,oenvironment is pollution degree 3 if the insutation can be pcuuted by condensation

from steam produced during normal use of the appliance.

30 Resistance to heat and fire

This clause of Part 1 Is applicable exceptas fotlows.

30.1 Addltlon:

Far cottee-mekers. egg boilers. «etues ena steam cookers. lhe temperature rlses occurring
durlng tho tosts of 19.4. 19.5 ena 19.101 are not takon into account.

30.2 Addltlon:

For water atsuners. appllances Jncorporating a dc/aycd start tlmcr and appliances intended 10
malntain /lqu/d or food at a particular tomporaturo, 30. 2.3 Is app/lcablo. For other appl/ances.
30.2.2 Is applicable.

31 Reslstance to rustlng

This clause of Part 1 is applicable.

32 Radiation, toxicity and similar haz.ards

This ctause of Pan 1 is applicable.

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1 = 30



I I 1


/ \

tEC ,i:mns

A h111ne1 wee wlth IMer d!ameter ol 8 m.m
8 ilem undet test
e tunnel
O container w1th 30 mi of s8Jine solutloo
E h-Orl:r:ontal aurlace

Figure 101 - Schematic representation of the 30 mi spillage test

-30- IEC 60335·2·15:2012+AM01:2016 CSV
e IEC 2016

Thc annexcs of Part 1 are applicablc exccpt as follows.

Annex C

Agelng test on motors


The value of p In Table C. 1 Is 2 000.

IEC 60335·2·15:2012+AM01:2016 CSV - 31 -
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Thc bibliography er Part 1 is applicablc except as rouows.


IEC 60335·2·13, Household eoa similor electrical applionces - Safety - Part 2·13: Particular
rcquiromonts for dccp fat fryors. frying aons and similar applitlnccs

IEC 60335·2·21, Hovseho/d eoa similar electrical appliances - setety « Part 2·21: Particular
rcqulromonts for storagc wator nooters

IEC 60335·2·35, Houschofd and similar etectrical applianccs - Safety - Part 2·35: Particular
requlromonts for lnstantanoous wator noetors

IEC 60335·2·54. Houschold and similar ctcctrical applianccs - Sttfety - Part 2-54: Patticular
requlrements for surlacs-cleanlng app/lances for household use employjng llqulds or steam

IEC 60335-2-74, Household and similar etecutce: appliances - Saf8ty - Part 2-74: Pattlcu/at
requirements for portabfe immersion heaters

IEC 60335-2-75, Household eoa símllar e/ectrical appllances - Safety - Part 2-75: Pattlcu/at
requirements for commercial dispensing appliances and vending machines

tEC 60335-2-98, Houschold eoa símllar c/cctrlcal appllanccs - Safoty - Part 2-98: Pattlcu/tJt
requirements for humidiliers

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