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NAME: Stephano Gordon DATE: 05/12/22 RUTE: 1

1. Describe and discuss neural transmission

The neurons main function is to transmit information in the nervous system.
To understand the NEURAL TRANSMISSION, we have to take on account this process
occurs when a neuron is activated, referring to the release of electrical impulses.
The hole process takes place when a neuron is stimulated by pressure, heat, light, or
chemical information from other cells.
Neural transmission main function is to allow or cell to communicate, as well to
control our nervous system, and so, coordinate the functions of our body by creating

2. Explain the concepts of neural networks and synaptic pruning.

The neural network is a technological method of artificial intelligence, which consists
of showing, disguising the neural changes in the brain from a computer. It focuses on
the changes that underpin cognition and perception as well as the function of neurons
and synapses in the human brain.
On the other hand, we refer to synaptic pruning as a natural process that the brain is
in charge of. Which consists of eliminating the additional synapses that are in charge of
the transmission of neurons. Identifying this process during childhood and adulthood.

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