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Please read the Instructions below before starting:

1. There are 8 topics given which need to be rewritten/paraphrased/corrected as mentioned

in the note under the topic. In the note for few topics word limit is mentioned and for the
other topics we have asked you to re-write it in your own language, so for those topics
there is no word limit even you can add more content if you want.
2. For any query related to the assignment please reach out to or
contact on 7017444940.
3. Kindly submit the assignment within 2 days (48 hours) once you receive it.
4. Kindly do the assignment in ‘Google Docs’ format.

Whale Watching in Boston

Context in which the article needs to be written:
Here are some instructions to remember while writing this
This sample article is about a tourist activity called 'Whale Watching' along
the Boston harbour.

Tourists search for this activity in various ways (see the list below), which
means we must use all these variations while writing the article.

Variations to use: (Kindly highlight it wherever you are using it)

Whale Watching Boston – use many times

Boston Whale Watching – use many times

Whale watching in Boston – use at least once

Boston Whale Watching tours – use at least once

While writing the article, you must also TRY and use these phrases
at least once: (Kindly highlight wherever you use)
Boston Whale Watching cruise
Whale watching near Boston

Whale-watching tour in Boston

Best whale watching in Boston

Whale watching in Boston in a catamaran

1. Article's Introduction

Note: //re-write the text below. If you want, you can also Google and
find more info to write in the article's introduction.//

Experience the best of New England’s marine wildlife on this guided

whale-watching cruise around the Stellwagen Bank National Marine

Hop on a high-speed catamaran that gets to and from the whales in the least
amount of time possible.

See humpback and fin whales, plus Atlantic white-sided dolphins, with the
help of a naturalist guide.
2. What to expect from a Whale Watching cruise

Note: we will be using the above Youtube URL along with the article, so
don’t remove the link

//re-write the text below//

On this cruise, New England Aquarium naturalists will share knowledge,

answer your questions and explain the fascinating behaviors of these
truly magnificent mammals.

Guaranteed whale sightings or you receive a free voucher for another


3. What is the best place near Boston to watch whales

Note: //re-write the text below //

For this whale watch experience of a lifetime, we set sail for Stellwagen
Bank Marine Sanctuary, a rich feeding ground for whales, dolphins, sea
birds and other marine creatures.

Stellwagen is home to many species of large whales, including

humpbacks, finbacks and minkes, and the critically endangered right

4. Where do whale cruises start from?

Note: //re-write the text below//

The adventure begins at Long Wharf, just steps from the New England
Aquarium, the North End, Faneuil Hall, and other popular Boston

The Ticket Center is located on Long Wharf, just a few steps from the
Marriott Hotel.

It is easy to spot because the Ticket Center has a statue of a Humpback

whale on its roof.

Most cruises board 30 minutes before their departure time.

Please check your confirmation email to confirm your cruise boarding &
departure time.

5. How long are whale-watching cruises

Note: //re-write text below//

The whale watch trips can last between 3.5 to 4 hours.

The duration of the trip can vary depending on where the whales are that
day, other wildlife sightings, and the weather.

There are days we don't have to go far and others that require more
searching and travel offshore.

Depending on the type of whale, it may be necessary to navigate further

out from shore to get the best opportunity to spot them based on their
migration and feeding habits.
6. Boston Whale Watching season
Note: //Google for this info. While writing this section, use the phrase
'best time to go whale watching in Boston' once. Write this section in
about 125-150 words//

7. What to wear for Whale Watching cruises

Note: //Google and write this section in 100 to 125 words//

8. About the Catamarans

Note: //re-write the text below//

The catamarans that take the tourists out to watch whales offer High
speed, high adventure. Our custom whale watch catamarans are among
the largest and fastest in the country. Up to 400 passengers can zoom to
the whales at speeds approaching 35 knots (37.5 mph for you
landlubbers). They’re also incredibly stable, and feature outside viewing
decks as well as a climate-controlled interior cabin with cushy seats and
snack bar. Don’t just get to the whales—get to them in style and
*Kindly do the submission within the timeline i.e. 2 days once you receive the

*For any query related to the assignment please reach out to or
contact on 7017444940.

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