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The impact of technology on relationships.

Technology is one of the greatest inventions in today’s world. Its impact on people can be
seen everywhere now. It also have been affecting relationships ever since it was invented. In
this essay, I will describe and analyse technology’s impact on relationships, draw its
effectiveness and conclude it through my perspective.

Technology provides us with limitless worlds. It also offers us such different ways to create
and advance our relationships. For example, three years ago when there was pandemic and
everyone had to stay at their homes, I was feeling too lonely. But through social media
applications, I started to make new friends whom I have never seen before. Talking with
them through my phone made me feel less lonely and we still have been talking with each
other now.

Through technology, we got to know each other and we had so much fun. But on the other
hand, it also affected our real life too. I started to waste all my days using my phone because
I wanted to talk with my social media friends. I also didn’t want to meet with my real friends
because I felt like we were not that close and I couldn’t show my real personality when I was
with them. Also, my social media friends experienced same things too. So, I can say that
technology affected my relationships with people in a bad way. But it made me create new
relationships too.

Now that three years have passed, reflecting on the use of technology, I can say it has both
positive and negative impacts. Technology brings us fun and we can create new relationships
with people who are living too far away from the place we live. And also, with technology we
can talk with them any time. It also counts for our real life relationships too. However, with
too much use of technology, it also has negative impacts on our relationships . If we use too
much of it, technology makes us forget about our real life, family and friends. These things
can also create many mental health problems and of them could be the addictiveness of
social media. So it is very crucial to be aware of its negative impacts.

In conclusion, technology has both positive and negative impacts on relationships. It can
keep us entertained and make us be in touch with our friends and family when we are not
together. It also can make us create new relationships. But we have to keep in mind to not to
over-use it. Through my experience, I have learned to keep everything in balance and in
balance and prioritize my real life relationships before technology. As friends, future
educators and future parents, we have to learn about technology and its effects on
relationships and teach young ones to keep everything in balance.

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