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Full name: Thi Tuấn Minh

Class code: 22E19

Student ID: 22040300




Look for common ground— beliefs, values, and experiences that you share with your

The topic I choose is probably very common, especially among the freshman here at
ULIS as we are living in the 4.0 era and almost everyone has access to the Internet
easily with just their smartphones, and I am also one of them.

(The extent to which they have already heard your message)
The degree of this prior exposure should guide you either to include particular points
in your speech or to craft something entirely new

● Has My Audience Heard This Message Before?

Yes, especially with my audiences, which are my classmates, have heard about it.

● Has My Audience Responded Positively to the Message?

Some of them responded positively while a small part responded the opposite.

● Why Did the Previous Message Fail?

Because it failed to mention the current trend of university students using the Internet.
Therefore, listeners do not have a background of why students use the Internet.

● How can I improve/adjust my speech?

I should add more benefits of why using the Internet can be more effective so that they
can understand.

● Sympathetic audience: Yes

● Hostile audience: No

● Neutral audience: Yes


● Surveying Your Audience: No

● Interviewing Your Audience: Yes

- I usually ask them why they choose to use the Internet and I note down some

● Considering and Observing Your Audience: No


1. TOPIC: Why using the Internet for studying is more effective nowadays for
1.1. Thesis statement?
- We are now living in the 4.0 era and the Internet has spread rapidly
throughout the world, especially in universities and there are several benefits of
using the Internet for studying that can help students throughout their studying
1.2. Your rhetorical purpose?
- Persuading people that use the Internet for studying is more effective.
2. Detailed outline
2.1. Main Idea 1: The current situation and the reason why university
students use the Internet.
A. Subpoint 1: The situation
- Since the booming of the Internet around 50 years ago, the Internet has
changed the way we learn. Before, being able to study and learn, one needed to
be in a location where learning took place: a school, training center, library,
etc. Even though we are still doing this, we can now learn pretty much
wherever there is an Internet connection. (Example)
B. Subpoint 2: Reasons why students prefer using the Internet for studying.
- Before the internet getting education from the right place and the right people
was very difficult for students as they have to spend lots of money and waste
their precious time just to find the class that they want. -> Change to the
Internet (Examples)
- There are also many students that live very far from home and they have to
travel a long distance just to get to the classroom, but now with the Internet,
they do not have to do it anymore. (Example)
2.2. Main Idea 2: The benefits of using the Internet that will help students
with their studying.
A. Subpoint 1: the Internet has relevant content already available for students
to search.
- As the development of the Internet is rocketing, so is the content and the
information as well as the Internet is full of knowledge and pieces of
information and the most relevant and quality content is available on the
Internet. For example, there are many blogs or research articles on the Internet
that provide content and study-related materials for students to use and learn.
B. Subpoint 2: Online education is now everywhere on the Internet. (Example)
- The terms “online education” and “distance learning” have now become
common among universities and that will help students a lot with their normal
going-to-school routine as they can now learn a wide variety of things from the
Internet while at home. Additionally, students can also easily access lectures
and classes on various academic subjects as different colleges and universities
are now offering online programs and courses for students (Example)
2.3. Main idea 3: The future of online studying for students.
A. Subpoint 1: Online education can be beneficial.
- With everything going digital, education will not be lagging behind as students
enjoy personalized learning and online education as online education is also
flexible for each student’s individual requirements and level of ability.

B. Subpoint 2: E-Learning can be a new trend in the future.

- With the recent pandemic has abruptly shifted billions of students out of their
classrooms and triggered an interest in eLearning because eLearning engages
and moves toward more interesting formats, depending on the
latest technologies, such as gamification and Augmented Reality (AR)/Virtual
Reality (VR) to hold learners’ interest. And with its advantages, the same as
online education, such as flexibility of timings or have low cost, online
education will have many advantages for students in the future. (Example)
- Notes: remember to make a clear note about the types of supporting materials
in your detailed outline (examples, definitions, testimony, statistics, narratives,
3. Which pattern do you follow? (Spatial, Chronological, Causal, Comparison,
I choose Categorical.
4. List of references
- Beladiya, K. (2022, August 12). Why online learning is the future of education.
- 21k School. (2022, September 15). How the Internet is beneficial to students.
- Adil, M. (2023, May 23). Top 15 Reasons Why The Internet Is Good For
Students In Education.
- Broadbandsearch.(n.d). How Did The Internet Change the Way We Learn?.
- Educations. (2022, December 30). 5 Reasons Why Online Learning is the
Future of Education in 2023.

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