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Lesson objectives :
- Giới thiệu về Distractors trong IELTS Listening
- Giúp cho học viên làm quen, luyện tập dạng câu hỏi này
Lesson plan :
1) Warm-up :

What is this ? -> It’s when your head is having a lot of distractors
2) Introduction :
- What is distractors : Providing the same kind of information, there’s another
kind of information that we have to pay attention too
- Example : B: Would you tell me, please, how I can join the library? A: Well, you
need an ID card – and we also ask for two passport-sized photos. There is also a
small fee. It costs £2.80. But if you are a student, it costs £2.50. No, sorry, £2.00.
- Question: If you’re a student, what is the fee you’ve to pay to join the
- Example 2 :
A: We welcome Professor Joseph Lewis, who teaches American and Canadian
Studies at the University of Birmingham. Good evening, Prof. Lewis.
B: Good evening. It’s a pleasure to be here. There’s a small mistake in your
introduction though; I teach Twentieth-Century American Literature.

Question: What does Prof. Lewis teach?

Twentieth-Century American Literature

American and Canadian Studies
Computer Literacy and Educational Outcome
- Tips :
+ Be aware of possible distractors
+ “no” and “sorry” -> possible another answer is coming up
+ Take a look at every answer
+ Listen carefully

3) Practice :
Question: Room number ______ ( Listen )
Answer B659 + Script : STUDENT: I’m in one of the Halls of Residence for
postgraduate students, you know, International House. ADVISOR: OK – that’s
easy. What’s your room number there? STUDENT: Room B569 – no sorry
B659. I always get that wrong. I haven’t been living there very long. ADVISOR:
Do you have any other skills? Typing , languages, that sort of thing?

Question :

Position available Where Problem

Clerical assistant ….. Evening lectures

Answer : Library
- Script :
- STUDENT: Six o’clock in the morning! Oh, that’s far too early for me, I’m
afraid. I’d never make it that early in the morning.
- ADVISOR: Mmm…Well – there was a position going in the Computer Lab. for
three days a week that might be OK. Ah, here it is! No, it’s in the Library, not
the Lab. Clerical Assistant required – I think it mostly involves putting the books
back on the shelves. Oh no – hang on. It’s for Wednesday and Friday evening
- STUDENT: No, I can't manage that because of the lectures.

Lesson objectives :
- Giới thiệu học viên về dạng câu hỏi Fill-up component trong Reading
- Luyện tập, củng cố theo dạng hình
Lesson plan :
1) Warm-up:
Do you know what is this guy doing -> He is doing a fill-up task
2) Introduction :
Fill-up component : Dạng điền từ vào chỗ trống, trong một diagram hay là graph
nào đó
Example :
Steps :
1) Read the instructions carefully. First, find out whether you have to label
the diagram with words from the text or from a word list. ( ONE
2) Briefly look at the diagram and try to get a general understanding of what
it’s showing. There will be clues in headings, figures and any labels already
3) Scan the text for keywords -> find the answer
4) Check the word spelling

3) Practice :
Introducing dung beetles into a pasture is a simple process: approximately 1,500
beetles are released, a handful at a time, into fresh cow pats2 in the cow pasture.
The beetles immediately disappear beneath the pats digging and tunnelling and,
if they successfully adapt to their new environment, soon become a permanent,
self-sustaining part of the local ecology. In time they multiply and within three or
four years the benefits to the pasture are obvious.Dung beetles work from the
inside of the past so they are sheltered from predators such as birds and foxes.
Most species burrow into the soil and bury dung in tunnels directly underneath
the pats, which are hollowed out from within. Some large species originating
from France excavate tunnels to a depth of approximately 30 cm below the dung
pat.These beetles make sausage-shaped brood chambers along the tunnels. The
shallowest tunnels belong to a much smaller Spanish species that buries dung in
chambers that hang like fruit from the branches of a pear tree. South African
beetles dig narrow tunnels of approximately 20 cm below the surface of the pat.
Some surface-dwelling beetles,including a South African species, cut
perfectly-shaped balls from the pat, which are rolled away and attached to the
bases of plants.For maximum dung burial in spring, summer and autumn,
farmers require a variety of species with overlapping periods of activity. In the
cooler environments of the state of Victoria, the large French species (2.5 cms
long), is matched with smaller (half this size), temperate-climate Spanish species.
The former are slow to recover from the winter cold and produce only one or two
generations of offspring from late spring until autumn. The latter, which
multiply rapidly in early spring, produce two to five generations annually.
The South African ball-rolling species, being a sub-tropical beetle, prefers the
climate of northern and coastal New South Wales where it commonly works with
the South African tunneling species. In warmer climates, many species are active
for longer periods of the year.

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