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Speaking 101
25% of your final result
will be determined after 15 minutes
Task 1: Overview
- Criteria:
+ Length
+ Interruption
+ Clarity
+ Precision
- Format: Conversation
- Duration: 3-5 minutes
1 Additional small questions

2 Multiple answers
Task 1: 3 Time travel
4 Other people vs Me

5 “depend(s) on the situation”

Task 1: Sample & Analysis
How would you answer the following question:
What is your favourite food?
“I love Italian food the most, especially pizza because it has so many flavours in
just one bite. I usually go to Domino’s Pizza to enjoy a special seafood pizza in
the weekend with my friend. I think they make the best pizza in my city.”

Strategy 1: Additional small questions:

Answer + Description (with answer to “What?”, “Who?”,
“Where?”, “When?”, “Why?” and “How?” – 5W1H questions)
Task 1: Sample & Analysis
How would you answer the following question:
What is your favourite food?
“There are three kinds of food that I am really keen on. The one I like most is
pizza, as I am a big fan of Italian culture. I also enjoy Korean food since it is
both healthy and delicious. Besides, I also love Thai food for the spicy flavour.”

Strategy 2: Multiple answers

Many answers (each with a brief description)
Task 1: Sample & Analysis
How would you answer the following question:
What is your favourite food?
“In the past, I used to be a big fan of fast food. But now, I realize that it is not
very healthy to eat that kind of food, so I change my habit to fruit as it is better
for my health. And in the future, I think I will do my best to maintain this diet.”

Strategy 3: Time travel

Past (“used to” structure)  Present  Future
Task 1: Sample & Analysis
How would you answer the following question:
What is your favourite food?
“For many people, their favourite food is hamburger since it is both fragrant
and tasty. But personally, I prefer a much healthier diet, so my favourite food is

Strategy 4: Other people vs Me

Others’ view + Personal view (each has adequate explanation)
Task 1: Sample & Analysis
How would you answer the following question:
What is your favourite food?
“I think it depends on the situation. If I am at work, I prefer to have something
quick like KFC. It tastes good actually. But when hanging out with my friends, I
would rather buy ingredients such as corn and beef to make hotpot at home.”

Strategy 5: “depend(s) on the situation”

“depend(s) on the situation” + Specific situations (each with a
brief description)
1 Practise developing many ideas

Task 1: 2 Be both concise and detailed

Strategy 3 Look out for grammar tenses

notes 4 Develop 2 contrast ideas

5 Use for choice-making questions

Task 2: Overview

- Criteria: Same as Task 1

- Format: Monologue
- Duration: 3 minutes in total
(1 to take notes, another 2 to speak)
Task 2: Strategies

• Description (object, person, place, etc.)

• Story-telling (event, experience, etc.)
Task 2: Sample & Analysis (strategy 1)
What will you do when the examiner asks you to:
Describe a city that you have visited.

I - Introduction: Topic (be straight-forward and concise!)

P - Past: First time with the city (past tenses)
D - Description: 3 aspects, each with details (topical vocabulary)
O - Opinion: Emotions / lessons / meaning of that city (personal)
F - Future: Plan / Wish
Task 2: Sample & Analysis (strategy 2)
What will you do when the examiner asks you to:
Describe a time you tried a new food for the first time.

I - Introduction: Topic (be straight-forward and concise!)

C - Context: “When?”, “Where?”, “Why?” (grammar tenses)
E - Events: Before  During  After (details + emotions)
F - Future: Plan / Wish / Lessons
Task 3: Overview
- Criteria:
+ Length
+ Interruption
+ Clarity
+ Precision
- Format: Discussion
- Duration: About 5 minutes
1 Multiple answers
Task 3:
Strategies Other people vs Me
Task 3: Sample & Analysis
How would you answer the following question:
What is the influence of technology on communication?
“I think that technology has both positive and negative effects on how people
communicate. On the one hand, we can keep in touch regardless of the
distance […] On the other hand, traditional ways of communication can be
replaced, leading to the redundancy of, for example, journalists […]”

Strategy 1: Multiple answers

Many answers (each with a quite detailed description)
Task 3: Sample & Analysis
How would you answer the following question:
What is the influence of technology on communication?
“Many people may think that technology has positive effects on our way of
communication, but I would disagree. Modern technologies may promote
online interaction, making it easy to stay connected no matter how far we are,
but that also causes social isolation, which results in mental problems among
users […]”

Strategy 2: Other people vs Me

Others’ view + Personal view (each has detailed description)

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