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Name Francis White

Student ID 100067270
Course of study Manufacturing engineering (Apprentice)
LSP Date 30.05.23
Disability Dyslexia
A diagnosis of dyslexia should not be viewed as a limiting factor in achieving
success in academia and the workplace.

Agreed Reasonable Adjustments

In line with the Equality Act (2010), we are legally required to make reasonable adjustments for any
student disclosing a disability.
Area of Need Action for staff and student
Flexibility on deadlines. It is Francis’s Staff to consider requests for staggered or extended
responsibility to initiate contact with deadlines (where appropriate). Extensions will be for a
academics to request an extension and maximum of fourteen days on each occasion, but more
agree a timetable of submission dates that than one consecutive extension can be requested, if
is acceptable to all involved. appropriate. Extensions will be requested as reasonable
adjustments if the reason for request is disability-related,
N.B. Extensions required after Exam Board and so will not require use of Extenuating Circumstance or
dates need to go through Extenuating Temporary Learning Agreement process.  
All extended / staggered assessment must be completed in
time for the relevant Board of Examiners for that module. A
deferral beyond the Board must be discussed and agreed
with the Course Director before the Board meets; a deferral
cannot go beyond the end of the academic year.

If Francis needs an extension for reasons unrelated to

disability, or an extension is required after Exam Board
dates, they need to go through Exceptional Circumstances.

Teaching environment Staff to be aware that Francis may take additional time to
read, assimilate and write material compared to their peers.
Please discuss with Francis in advance if they are willing to
read aloud in front of peers without advanced notice,
unless it is a required learning outcome.
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Coursework and assessment Francis should not be marked down for errors in technical
accuracy or written English where these are not central to
the assessment. Instead, focus marking on how well the
student has communicated their understanding of the

Francis should not be marked down for spelling or grammar

errors. Please bear in mind that this may be very important
in some circumstances such as medical terminology that
has to be correct.

Francis may require additional clarification or guidance to

check their understanding, topics covered in teaching
activities, course requirements or assignments briefs.
Teaching staff may need to clarify course content and
explain concepts on a one-to-one basis with Francis, as they
may require further clarification or an alternative
explanation e.g., due to concentration or processing
difficulties related to their condition. Staff may need to
check essay plans or give further explanation of what is
required for a given coursework assignment, if requested,
as the student may not fully understand assignment briefs
e.g., due to underlying assumptions, unfamiliar academic
conventions, multiple clause questions.

For class assessment exercises, refer to exam


Course Materials (Glossary of specialist terms)

Students with working memory/processing difficulties can
struggle to learn new, technical vocabulary quickly. By
providing a subject-specific glossary of new and frequently
used terminology and formulae, you will lessen the impact
of this and give the students something to reference if they
fall behind.

Meetings with PAT Regular contact with Personal Academic Tutor (PAT) to
support progress. Francis will contact their PAT to discuss
how many meetings and when.

Feedback Summarise meetings by email with key action points.

Francis should be encouraged to write a plan for an essay

for example. Feedback on the plan should be provided if
requested by Francis. Sometimes students, particularly with

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Dyslexia, can misunderstand the brief.

Presentations Students giving timed presentations to be given 25 % extra

time. Students to be able to have one side A4 notes when
giving presentation.

Examinations 25% extra time in exams, Use of a PC in exams.

Work should be marked for content and not assessed for

spelling, grammar and punctuation unless specific learning

Inclusive Practice
Areas of Need Actions for Staff

Electronic Resources Access to teaching materials, including PowerPoints, should be provided before
the lecture/seminar date via Blackboard. Best practice would be at least 48
hours in advance. Where possible, information and materials are to be available
in an electronic format.

Recording All student registered with the Disability team are given permission to record
taught sessions. Lecture Capture remains the preferred method for most
students. Some students. Some students may need to use Lecture Capture and
their own recording device. Please be aware that although lectures can be
recorded it is not always appropriate to record seminars or small group
discussions. Students need to check before they record. Also, this may not be
appropriate on placement due to confidentiality and workplace settings.

Reading Lists The student must receive early access to prioritised reading lists.

Francis’s next steps

Action Summary What do I need to do? Tick

Library The Library has several other ways to support you including a
subject librarian who can assist you finding resources and
referencing material.

Study Skills Support The Learning Skills Hub has learning resources and information on
academic skills.

You may benefit particularly from resources on time

management, referencing and essay writing among many others.

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Please book an appointment for a one-to-one tutorial on a
particular subject, or for help writing an assignment.

For Language support you can email:

Productivity Software and IT The University has a range of IT Productivity tools

You can book an IT Training session with the IT staff, to develop
your IT skills.

Proofreading Claro Read is text to speech software available on the Student

App Store. Please see a video guide.

If you have any questions on the above, please email

Your LSP can be reviewed at any point during your studies. Please contact us to discuss any amendments
to the plan.

Consent from student to distribute this support plan or, if we do not hear from the student within five
days, the plan will automatically be shared with the department.

Distribution List
Course Director
Course Administration

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Student ID: 100067270

Board of examiners and course/module leads to note special arrangements

• 25% extra time in exams and timed presentations

• Not to be marked down for spelling grammar and punctuation
• Use of PC
• Uses various voice recognition software therefore must not be penalised for resultant errors
to language and structure etc.
• See below reasonable adjustments applicable to marking assessments

Note to academic marking staff

Disabled students must not be penalised for errors that do not hinder the reader’s ability to
understand the content of the assessment work, i.e., Mark content and meaning only
If you are unsure, please refer to full guidance on good practice for marking students’ work
Language structure:

• Do not consider syntax, language structure errors. Focus on content and meaning
• If providing feedback, do not point out disability related errors. Select and state only the
significant issues with content and demonstrated understanding.
• Provide clear guidance using simple sentences or models to help explain corrections and how to
improve excluding the detailed difficulties.
General Presentation

• Ignore presentation and structure of work and focus on marking the content quality (unless a
specific competency standard e.g., Art piece submitted within Graphic Design)
Structure and Academic Style

• Focus on what the student is trying to argue and meaning behind the language
Metaphorical and Idiomatic Language

• Make constructive comments about the content

• Explain what is required and what is incorrect in order to improve

• Ensure you always use considerate marking and give positive, constructive and sufficient

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• Offer constructive feedback and concentrate of clarity of expression and development against
competency standards.
Please mark the attached assignment or paper in the usual way before applying consideration in line
with the arrangements detailed above. Please sign below to confirm that you have given
consideration to the arrangements detailed above.

Name of marker………………………… Signature……………………Date………….

Name of marker………………………… Signature……………………Date………….

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