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Activity 2

STUDENTS’ NAMES: __________________________________________________


If students fail to
 Identification details are included. complete these, 1
 Students follow all the aspects required by the teacher during classes. point will be taken off
 The checklist is included (if it is not included you will not be graded). (per requirement not
1. Correct pronunciation, voice volume and fluency. 2
2. The students work collaboratively in their team. All members participated
3. PPT only with pictures and keywords. 1
4. The students use any necessary props, costumes, and background to 2
make their story look realistic.
5. The presentation included at least: 5
• At least 3 comparative adjectives (different adjectives-short,
long and irregular)
• At least 2 comparisons with a noun
• At least 2 comparisons with a verb
• At least 3 sentences using simple past in the correct way
• At least 3 sentences using past continuous in the correct

*El plagio total o parcial de un sitio web, del trabajo de otros estudiantes o el uso evidente del traductor se
penalizará con la anulación de los puntos de esta actividad (0/12 puntos).

Story oral presentation /12

Online quiz /5
Consolidation exercises (student’s /3
Total /20

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