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This is a frame document that contains the main indications for the development of your individual IA project in
connection with your formal proposal for this term. Please notice that each characteristic for criteria is broken down into
several instructions (as a checklist) for a better understanding and an easy completion of the paper, SUCH
WITH IT. Each criterion has the specification of the marking bands to reach the higher score, including the command
This criterion assesses the extent to which the student establishes and explores and environmental issue
(either local or global) for an investigation and develops this to state a relevant and focused research question.

1. state a relevant, coherent and focused research question (2 Marks)

Fast fashion is an ecological world issue we are living with nowadays. Is the ecological footprint affected by
the choices people make when purchasing clothes?

● Is it testable?

Yes, I can create different questions and thorough surveys find patterns that allow me to determine how
people make their fashion choices, where they buy them, why they buy them at these places and how that
affects their ecological footprint. If I calculate it, then I can compare what I get with what they would get if they
made different choices.

● Does it contain both independent and dependent variables?

Yes, to calculate the ecological footprint there are independent and dependent variables. This link shows the

● Is it focused and clear (do people know exactly what you are trying to do without asking questions)?

Yes, it is clear that I want to quantify the ecological footprint of a person and see if it is affected by their fashion
purchasing choices.

● Are the variables quantifiable?

Yes, most of the information that I require is quantifiable and are numbers.

2. Discuss a relevant environmental issue (either local or global) that provides the context for the
research question (2 Marks)
● Identify an environmental issue in relation to your RQ (Should be done first!) or, Did you discuss the
environmental issue in the context of your Research Question?

Pollution due to fast fashion choices.

● Have a range of arguments within the focus of the issue?

- Excessive resource consumption creates a stress on Earth because we use and produce more
resources than what we really need.
- Pollution and chemical use of dyes and other materials that are required to produce certain
garments. Since we are producing more, we are polluting more.
- Carbon emissions are increased not only because of production but also because of transportation
of the clothes that are being taken to places.
- Used Clothes used to be sold in Africa, nowadays they cannot because the quality is so poor that
they have to be placed as garbage.
● Explain how the issue is connected to your Research Question

Ecological footprint is determined by the choices we make on a daily basis and it shows how we are all
responsible for Earth’s pollution. In this case, fast fashion is related to my RQ because it is one of the reasons
why pollution is increasing in our planet as residuess are increasing as well as toxics used to dye fabrics are
increasing as well, everything is connected.

● Does your background information provide sufficient information about the environmental context?
details and statistics about the extent of pollution and resource consumption within the fast fashion industry would
enhance the background information.

3. Explain the connections between the environmental issue (either local or global) and the research
question. (2 Marks)

The connections between the environmental issue and the research question are adequately explained. The research
question aims to investigate how people's fashion purchasing choices affect their ecological footprint, and the
environmental issue of pollution due to fast fashion choices is directly related to this. The mention of excessive resource
consumption, pollution and chemical use, carbon emissions, and the disposal of used clothes helps establish the link
between fast fashion and environmental impact.

● Provide the reader with an understanding of how the RQ and issue are connected to a local and or
global environmental issue

The research question, "Is the ecological footprint affected by the choices people make when purchasing clothes?" is
directly connected to the global environmental issue of the carbon footprint. Fast fashion, characterized by its
production, transportation, and disposal practices, contributes significantly to carbon emissions. The production phase
involves resource extraction and energy-intensive manufacturing, emitting carbon dioxide. Transportation of clothing
items across long distances adds to the carbon footprint. Consumer behavior, such as frequent buying and disposing of
garments, further impacts emissions. Additionally, the improper disposal of fast fashion garments leads to the release of
greenhouse gases. The research question explores the connection between individual clothing choices and the carbon
footprint, highlighting the need for sustainable fashion decisions to reduce emissions and address this global
environmental issue.

● Clearly explain how these connections are relevant to your RQ?

The connections between the global environmental issue of the carbon footprint and the research question, "Is the
ecological footprint affected by the choices people make when purchasing clothes?" are highly relevant. The carbon
footprint, which encompasses greenhouse gas emissions from clothing production, transportation, and disposal, directly
reflects the environmental impact of fashion choices. By examining the relationship between individual choices when
purchasing clothes and the resulting ecological footprint, the research question addresses the specific aspect of carbon
emissions and their connection to fast fashion. It investigates how consumer behavior influences the carbon footprint
through preferences for fast fashion, frequent buying, and disposal practices. Understanding these connections is
crucial for highlighting the environmental consequences of fashion choices and emphasizes the need for sustainable
alternatives to mitigate carbon emissions and reduce the overall ecological footprint of the fast fashion industry.


This criterion assesses the extent to which the student has developed appropriate methods to gather data that
is relevant to the research question. This data could be primary or secondary, qualitative or quantitative, and
may utilize techniques associated with both experimental or social science methods (i.e. surveys) of inquiry.
There is an assessment of safety, environmental and ethical considerations where applicable.

1. design a repeatable method appropriate to the research question that allows for the collection of sufficient
relevant data


Based on the given requirements, here are the variables for the IA:

Independent Variable:
- Fashion Purchasing Choices: This variable represents the different choices individuals make when purchasing
clothes, such as buying from fast fashion brands, sustainable fashion brands, or second-hand stores.

Dependent Variable:
- Ecological Footprint: This variable measures the environmental impact of individuals' fashion purchasing
choices. It can be quantified using established methodologies, such as carbon footprint calculations, which
consider factors like energy consumption, transportation emissions, and waste generation.
Control Variables:
1. Demographic Variables: Age, gender, income level, and education can influence fashion purchasing choices
and potentially impact the ecological footprint.
2. Location: Geographical location can affect access to sustainable fashion options, transportation emissions,
and recycling facilities.
3. Lifestyle Factors: Consumer behavior, such as frequency of clothing purchases, clothing usage, and disposal
habits, can influence the ecological footprint.
4. Awareness of Sustainable Fashion: The level of awareness and knowledge about sustainable fashion
practices may impact individuals' choices and subsequent ecological footprint.

HYPOTHESIS (If applicable)

Based on my research and scientific reasoning, I expect that individuals who make more sustainable fashion
choices, such as purchasing from sustainable brands or opting for second-hand clothing, will have a lower
ecological footprint compared to those who frequently buy from fast fashion brands. I anticipate that there will be
a negative correlation between my fashion purchasing choices (independent variable) and my ecological
footprint (dependent variable). Thus, as I increase my sustainable fashion choices, I expect to observe a
decrease in my ecological footprint. Through data collection and analysis, I aim to test and validate this


● Numbered
● If needed, sectioned to make it easier to read
● If needed, pictures to make it more understandable?
● Is it clear and logical?
● Use Command Terms (ie. Pour...) not “Then” statements
● Did you take repetition into account? (3 times for continuous data, 15 for non-continuous)
● Did you make sure to mention and keep track of control variables?
● Did you mention how and when to change your independent variable?
● Did you mention when and how to collect data?
● Did you write how to process your data? (statistical analysis i.e. Chi square)
2. justify the choice of sampling strategy used
● Did You Justify Your Method?
● Did you indicate why you choose to collect data the way you did?
● How did you verify that the data is random and unbiased (specifically in survey data)?
● Did you indicate how you made sure to collect sufficient and relevant data?
3. describe the risk assessment and ethical considerations where applicable.
● Did you include safety concerns somewhere in your report?
● Did you include any concerns about ethical procedures? (animals, humans, etc)
● Did you state how to remove or what to do about minimizing those concerns?


This criterion assesses the extent to which the student has collected, recorded, processed and interpreted the
data in ways are relevant to the research question. The patterns in the data are correctly interpreted to reach a
valid conclusion

1. Construct diagrams, charts or graphs of all relevant quantitative and/or qualitative data appropriately
● Is your data in a table?
● Did you collect sufficient data? (at least 5 changes, 3 trials for numerical continuous data; at least 2 changes,
15 trials for numerical discrete data, 50+ for categorical data): more= better
● Is the independent down the side and dependent across the top for all tables?
● Does your table have a label (ex. Table 1)?
● Does your table have a descriptive title? (I should know what it is about without reading the paper)
● Are your units, symbols, uncertainties in the column headings not with the numbers?
● Do your decimal places match?
● No processed data in your table?
● Are your observations recorded in either written or table form separate from data table?
● Do you have uncertainty where your units are?
● Did you do some sort of calculation? (For STDEV if you used to excel only state it)
● Did you include at least 1 example of that calculation for every calculation done?
● Does your processed data help us understand your results better?
● What else do you need to do to help your reader come to a conclusion about your investigation?
● Did you graph the processed data only, no raw data graphed?
● Does your graph show the relationship between independent and dependent variable?
● Dots are NOT connected in continuous data? Trend lines are added appropriately. – with R2 values and line
equations o Independent variable on X-axis? Dependent on Y-axis?
● All axis’ are labeled, with units, and uncertainty? Legend is clear?
● Separate symbols not just colors for each line or bar?
2. Analyses the data correctly and completely so that all relevant patterns are displayed
● Did you calculate standard deviation for each set of trials, if using mean? Or use range or measurement
uncertainty to demonstrate error?
● Does your graph show standard deviation/range/uncertainty for means as bars?
● Did you calculate a t-test / chi-squared test/ ANOVA/ or other tests, if applicable?
● If not using mean, what statistical evaluations can you do to demonstrate the reliability of your data?
● Other scientific statistical evaluation of the reliability of your data?
3. Interprets trends, patterns or relationships in the data, so that a valid conclusion to the research question is
● Did you discuss your research question and hypothesis using data (tables, graphs, and figures in your data
section) from your investigation?
● Does it discuss trends, patterns, or relationships between independent and dependent variables? (using both
qualitative and quantitative data?)


This criterion assesses the extent to which the student discusses the conclusion In the context of the
environmental issue, and carries out an evaluation of the investigation

1. Evaluates the conclusion in the context of the environmental issue

● If you used a t-test/ chi-squared test, did you discuss how your data is related and the conclusions you can
● Did you discuss your statistical evaluation?
● Do you discuss how your lab supports the science your investigation is describing?
● Did you relate your findings to outside published research? Did you cite it (in-text and works cited)?


● Did you discuss the error bars (or STDEV) when talking about reliability?
● Did you explain any significant outliers in data? What could have caused this? How do they affect the reliability
of your data?
● How does your chi-squared test or other significant statistical measurements affect the reliability of your data?
o Do you have sufficient data to answer the RQ? If not- why not and how does that affect your lab?
● Was human error minimized to ensure the procedure did what it should have done? If not why?
● Will a same or a similar experiment get the same or similar results? Why or why not?


● Did my experiment actually test the science I was aiming at?

● Did my experiment answer my research question? Why or why not?
● Were all control variables controlled for?
● Anything you missed that should have been controlled for?
● Did you include a positive and negative control to regulate your experiment? If not-probably not fully valid
2. Discusses strengths, weaknesses and limitations within the method used
● List out all valid errors (human error may be mentioned in the evaluation, but should not be the only thing)
● Do your errors focus on the investigation & scientific errors not human errors
● Do you include the possible effect of each error on the data AND the significance of the weakness/ limitation
on the experiment/data
● Did you include a realistic & achievable improvement for every error?
● A table can help but is not required
3. Suggest modifications addressing one or more significant weaknesses with large effect and further areas of
● What would you do to further the investigation?
● How could you expand/ change your independent variable (dependent?) for next time?
● After what you have learned here, what would be interesting to investigate next?


This criterion assesses the extent to which the student identifies and evaluates one way to apply the outcomes
of the investigation in relation to the broader environmental issue that was identified at the start of the project.

1. Justifies one potential application and/or solution to the environmental issue that has been discussed in the
context, based on the findings of the study
● Did you explain your application/ solution and its relationship to the environmental issue AND your research?
● Did you justify why this application/ solution is relevant to your experiment?
2. Evaluates relevant strengths, weaknesses and limitations of this solution
● Did you discuss the strengths of your application/ solution?
● Did you discuss the weaknesses of your application/ solution?
● Did you discuss the limitations of your application/ solution?
● Did you reach a conclusion on how useful or relevant your solution is?


This criterion assesses whether the report has been presented in a way that supports effective communication
in terms of structure, coherence and clarity. The focus, process and outcomes of the report are all well

1. The report is well structured and well organized

● Does your title reflect what your lab/investigation is actually about?
● Did you do your own work?
● Did you check for plagiarism? Is it below 20%? If not, did you fix it?
● Did you include in-text citations where necessary (typically background, hypothesis, and conclusion)? Single
accepted format?
● Did you include a works cited page? (Is it in alphabetical order?)
● Is it all in a single acceptable format (MLA, APA, or Chicago?
● Are all sections properly headed- clearly and in the same format?
● 1.5spacing?
● Did you check grammar and spell-check (especially those scientific words!)?
● Clear fonts, no funny colors, etc.?
● Are all figures, tables, and graphs properly labeled and titled?
2. The report makes consistent use of appropriate terminology and is concise
● Check your scientific names- make sure they are written properly! (i.e: Solanum lycopersicum)
3. The report is logical and coherent

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