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A Job for the Need in CVSU CCAT is simply a system where students and
professors can hire students that want to have an extra income while they’re studying.
What I saw was in our free time if we don’t have any activities that we need to finish we
tend to go outside and have some fun and spend so much time. Now as a working
student I understand how hard it is to earn some money while studying, you need to
have money for your daily expenses and whenever there is an activity that requires you
to contribute some money. By this kind of application we can absolutely help students
like me to be more productive inside the campus.

JOTNICC is an application where you can order students, even professors if they
want to, to follow what you want them to do. For example, you need something for your
project but you are far away from the store. You just need to use the application search
for free students that are on the list to do the task. Now we know how big CCAT campus
are gonna be this coming 2023 because of new building, I assume that some of us is
tired go to campus canteen/stores just to buy something and instead of that JOTNICC is
there to help us out and also we helped our working student to have extra income. See
its a win win experience.

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