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Philippine School of Business Administration – Quezon City faces difficulties like a low

number of enrollees, maintenance of the facilities, employees’ proper salaries and

benefits, and still not under a technology-based system. I’ll say the first thing to do is to
find investors to produce money since the management can’t handle the maintenance of
the school. The strategy should engage other students by looking at the PSBA’s facilities
and technology-based learning. The next step after looking for investors, and facilities,
and enrolling into a technology-based system is to focus on marketing the school on
social media platforms. PSBA should boast about those students who passed in board
exam may be put on the tarpaulin, posted on social media and etc. PSBA has potential
since many people know that it was a good school back then. After that should
probably focus on hiring employees such as registrar staff, admins, janitors, and
professors making sure that the management will offer good pay and benefits. Slowly
the PSBA is improving little by little and now focuses on having events inside the
school. These will engage the students to enroll I mean events are like having a seminar
that will benefit every student in a specific course and many more ideas.

With the formulation of the said plans, the strategy should be implemented as soon as
possible. We’ll never be ready we don’t know what will happen tomorrow. So, start
now if we really want change. Making sure that we have this timeline, checkboxes, and
collating opinions from the investors since it’s their money that we’ll be reproducing.
Should learn from the target markets as well. Having surveys from the students who
are enrolled would be easy and efficient. If things are working properly, It’ll be the best
idea to add another course in the school so more students would enroll.

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