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Should student’s textbooks be replaced by notebook computers?

Nowadays, many schools around the world are replacing student´s texbooks by notebook computers. It´s a
great technological advance and people may think that this can help syudents improve their grades, but I
do not agree.
In a textbook you can underlained, painted and highlighted. You can also write notes on it, so when you
are studing, you can check them and don´t forget anything.
Textbooks offers a very clear spatial organization. You can see where the content begins and where it ends.
This allows you to know how much information there is for each topic, so you can organize yourself better .
Moreover, people (specially teengers) can be distracted more easily by social medias, games or text
messages. Due to these, they won´t pay attention to the lessons and teacher´s explanations.
Summering up, I think we need to find the balance. We can use textbooks for those subjets that are more
important (such as biology), but for the easier ones we can use our computers to creat more interactive

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