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Name: Jeetu Rathore Roll No: 2K22/BBA/71

1. Identification of Skills and Interests:
 Through self-assessment, I have identified my skills, strengths, and areas of

 I have reflected on the courses and projects I have enjoyed during my BBA
program, which have helped me develop skills in areas such as marketing,
finance, and human resources.

 Additionally, I have explored my extracurricular activities and previous work

experience to identify additional skills and interests that can contribute to my
career growth.

2. Explore Career Ideas:

 During my research, I have explored different career options related to my BBA degree.

 I have looked into roles in areas such as marketing, finance, human resources,
entrepreneurship, and consulting.

 I utilized online resources, career exploration platforms, and networking opportunities

to gain insights into various career paths.

 Furthermore, I sought out professionals working in my areas of interest and conducted

informational interviews and shadowing experiences to learn more about their roles.

3. Make a Decision:
Based on my research and exploration, I have carefully evaluated the career options available to

 I considered how these options align with my skills, interests, values, and long-term

 I have also assessed factors such as potential for growth, job satisfaction, work-life
balance, and alignment with my personal values.

 I sought guidance from mentors, career counsellors, and professionals in my areas of

interest to gain valuable perspectives and insights.
4. Set Achievable Goals:
 After making my career decision, I have set specific, measurable, and achievable goals to
progress in my chosen career path.

 For example, I have set the following goals:

A. Goal 1: Obtain an internship in a marketing department within the next six months
to gain practical experience in my field of interest.

B. Goal 2: Develop proficiency in financial analysis by completing an online course

within the next three months to enhance my skillset.

C. Goal 3: Attend networking events and build a professional network of industry

contacts within the next year to expand my connections

 I have broken down each goal into smaller steps and set deadlines for each step to stay
organized and accountable.

 I will regularly review my progress, celebrate milestones, and make adjustments to my

goals as needed to ensure continuous growth and development

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