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Семинарски рад

Eнглески језик

Здравствена нега код болесника са цирозом јетре

Професор: Студент:

Војислав Станојевић Савић Маријана, 111-042/22

Београд, 2023.

1. Увод........................................................................................................................................................1
2. Клиничка слика...................................................................................................................................2
2.1. Фазе цирозе јетре..........................................................................................................................3
2.2. Компензована и декомпензована цироза јетре........................................................................4
3. Разлика између акутне и хроничне цирозе јетре............................................................................6
4. Симптоми цирозе јетре.......................................................................................................................7
5. Здравствена нега и улога медицинске сестре.................................................................................8
6. Закључак...............................................................................................................................................9
7. Литература..........................................................................................................................................10

The immune system is the body's defense system that protects it from attacks by
foreign microorganisms, chemical substances (toxins), as well as its own altered (e.g.,
tumor) and worn-out cells. The immune system consists of many biological structures
and processes within an organism that protect against disease. To function properly,
the immune system must detect a wide range of agents, known as pathogens, from
viruses to parasitic worms, and distinguish them from the body's own healthy
tissue. .Immunology is a science that deals with the organism's resistance to harmful
environmental influences, i.e. it studies the organism's ability to resist foreign
substances (antigens). A healthy person protects himself from the harmful effects of
microbes and similar foreign agents with various defense mechanisms, which we call
immunity. The basis of the immune reaction is the recognition of a foreign agent and
its neutralization/removal from the organism (prevention of infection). A set of cells,
tissues and molecules that mediate resistance and to infection is called the
immunological system, and the coordinated reaction of these cells and molecules of the
infectious microorganism is the immune response.

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