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IC: 081011101526

Hi Emily,
How are you doing lately? Hope you’re in the pink of health. I’m
doing quite great now. I’m here to telling you that how I spent during the
First of all, I went to the Zoo Negara to visit the endangered animals
in Malaysia such as pandas. They were so adorable. I took many photos
with the animals. Next, I went to visit Malacca. This time was my third
time for visiting Malacca. I saw many foreign visitors there. I visited the A’
Famosa, Christ Church and the Jonker Street. I took many lovely photos.
Besides of that I went to watch to movie with my family which called
“Evil Dead Rise”. I like this movie so much. It is about zombies. I highly
recommend you to watch this movie, I’m sure you will rate it 5 stars.
That’s all from me. You can share how you spent your holidays to
me too. Bye!
Your friend,
Yee Thong
(147 words)

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