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considerable interest in d-c overpotential

D-C Overpotential Testing Experience testing2 because of its convenience and

the information obtained from current
on Higk-Voltage Generators leakage measurements. A-c overpoten-
tial testing usually involves no current
measurement and, therefore, must be de-
R. J. ALKE structive to detect faults. On the other
ASSOCIATE MEMBER AIEE hand, d-c testing makes leakage current
measurements easy. Furthermore, the
leakage current is not masked by charging
OVERPOTENTIAL tests are applied 4. The use of the d-c test voltages required current as is the case with a-c testing.
to electric apparatus to demon- will give assurance that the insulation has
strate the ability of the insulation to with- passed a voltage test which can be co- Previous Limitations of D-C Testing
ordinated with conventional machine light-
stand a specific voltage for a certain ning arrester protection.
period of time. These tests are based D-c overpotential testing of insulation
largely on experience and are established Experience in testing many specimens is by no means a new subject. However,
by industry standards for new machines. of conventional high-voltage insulation in recent years there has been a renewed
Practically all recognized standard over- has given a basis for determining equiva- interest in this controversial subject be-
potential tests on electric machinery are lent alternating and direct voltages to pro- cause of new information presented by
made with alternating current. During duce insulation failures. Figure 1 is illus- various investigators. Early investiga-
the last several years, investigation of d-c trative of tests of this nature. Also, a-c tions with d-c testing listed the following
overpotential testing has indicated basic and d-c breakdown tests on old stator disadvantages:
advantages over a-c testing and that windings served to help establish a ratio of
direct current could be used as a satisfac- direct to alternating current (rms) for 1. Different stress distribution with direct
tory overpotential test on large high- current than with alternating current.
equally searching effect for common
voltage machines. From a practical types of insulation faults. It was found 2. Lack of suitable high-voltage d-c test
standpoint, the overpotential test does that an equally searching value of direct equipment.
not check the adequacy of the design or current is a smaller percentage of the in- 3. The wide variation of direct to alter-
inherent breakdown level of the insulat- herent d-c strength of insulation than inl nating voltage breakdown of solid insula-
ing materials, but rather is a check for the case with alternating current. On the tions.
flaws in the materials and manufacturing basis of these investigations, a value of It has been a usual practice in testing
methods. The test which is effective in direct to alternating current (rms) of 1.6; that the stress applied during test should
achieving this objective with the least has been proposed for maintenance tests be as similar as possible to the stress to
destruction to the basic materials ac- of large high-voltage rotating machin- which the equipment is subjected in
cordingly would have the greatest merit. ery.2 normal service. In general, therefore,
Figure 1 indicates the results of both a-c a-c apparatus should be tested with al-
Basic Advantages of D-C Over- and d-c dielectric strength studies of high- ternating current. However, present
potential Testing voltage insulation samples. The flatness tests of d-c equipment are made with
of the voltage endurance curve for direct alternating current. A main objection to
Recent investigations' have shown current is of considerable interest as it d-c testing is that the stress distribution
some significant advantages to be ob- indicates that time of direct voltage ap- of a-c apparatus is determined by the
tained using d-c overpotential tests: plication is far less signiificant in its ef- leakage resistance when direct current is
fect on failure voltage than when a-c applied and by the capacitance when al-
1. The voltages which are equally search- stress is applied. It further indicates
ing for defects and physical damage are far ternating current is applied. The stress
less damaging than the equivalent alternat- that there is nio fixed ratio of direct to distribution with a d-c test therefore may
ing voltages. alternating voltage for equal destructive differ greatly from that in normal service.
2. The slope of the voltage endurance effect, and that if a d-c to a-c ratio is to It is true that the stress with direct cur-
curve is such that the time of voltage appli- be employed it must be at a specific time rent extends much farther out on end
cation is not nearly so critical with direct as of voltage applicatioll winding portions than an equivalent a-c
with alternating current. For small apparatus. which has low stress. This results in parts of the wind-
3. The problems associated with d-c test- capacitance from the winiding to ground, ing being subjected to stresses different
ing of large equipment are far simpler, as a a-c test equipment is readily portable as from operating conditions. However, the
testing device with limited capacity can be
used. Therefore, the d-c tester is a small, the size is not important. Oni larger and stress with direct current appears to
relatively portable device which can utilize higher voltage apparatus, where the build up slow enough so that it does not
any convenient power supply. capacitance of the winding to ground is constitute a major problem with the usual
large, the test equipment for overpoten- times that such tests are applied. In
Paper 52-151, recommended by the AIEE Rotating
Machinery Committee and approved by the AIEE tial testing with alternating current be- several cases, defective end-turn insula-
Technical Program Committee for presentation at comes quite large and testing, both in the tion has been discovered at direct volt-
the AIEE Summer General Meeting, Minneapolis,
Minn., June 23-27, 1952. Manuscript submitted shop and in the field, presents some prob- ages far below the peak of regular a-c tests
February 19, 1952; made available for printing lems. On the other hand, d-c overpoteni- that could not be detected by alternating
April 9, 1952.
R. J. ALKE is with the Westinghouse Electric
tial test equipment can be made which is current. For factory testing, it is ex-
Corporation, East Pittsburgh, Pa. reasonably small and portable. Figure 2 pected that d-c tests will show up poor
The author gratefully acknowledges the assistance shows a commercial instrument suitable insulation design on parts formerly of
of G. IL. Moses and J. S. Johnson, Westinghouse for making high-voltage d-c overpotential little concern. During a-c tests on solid
Electric Corporation, for their suggestions and
contributions. tests on generator windings. There is insulation, the stress depends upon the
AUGUST 1952 Alke D-C Overpotential Testing Experience 56S7
Figure 1 (left).
Alternating and
direct voltage
endurance for
high-voltage gen-
erator insulation.
Large symbols
indicate aver-
ages, small
z Y 01 ~ symbols indicate

3u limits

120 __
Wl140I Xis
z N

_30 0
w Figure 2 (right).
D-c overpoten-
tial test of a large
turbine generator
IL~ ~ ~ -I 0
~LOG SECONDS -i- weeding out defective insulation that may
result in coil failures during final test. A
TIME LOG10 H10H d-c test voltage is required that has equal
or greater destructive effect than the final
REARS 1-minute a-c test voltage to adequately
insure that any coils with weak insulation
thickness and dielectric constant of the 2. Lower voltage rectifiers which use lad- are detected before the final test. Table I
components, thus stressing the binding der circuits in cascade to produce the re- indicates some of the test voltages that
materials more than the mica because of quired output voltage. are applied during winding of high-volt-
the lower dielectric constant of usual Adequate d-c insulation test equipment age machines. At these high direct volt-
binding materials. With d-c tests, the utilizing each method is in use. ages, little attempt has been made to cor-
stress distribution through the material The variation in the d-c and a-c peak relate leakage and dielectric strength;
will be determined by the volume re- breakdown voltages of solid insulations the primary use of the leakage is an in-
sistivity of its components and the major is a very controversial subject and prob- dication to the tester of impending trouble
components of the insulation regarding ably will prevent utilizing the advantages indicated by current runaway. Another
dielectric strength (the mica) will be sub- of d-c testing until more information on factor preventing correlation between
jected to the greatest stress. specific insulation systems can be deter- leakage and insulation strength during d-c
Even early investigations were quick mined. It is doubtful that an absolute test is that momentary or 1-minute tests
to note advantages of applying a direct equivalent ratio of d-c to a-c peak volt- are used and no steady-state leakage is
voltage which was considerably less than age can be determined for solid insula- reached in these time intervals; the rate
the normal operating alternating volt- tion. However, and this is important, d-c at which the voltage is applied is an im-
age. The majority of insulation failures tests can be used to give assurance of the
in service are due to the presence of mois- absence of specific types of insulation 60
ture, which gives rise to conducting paths faults.
on the internal or external surfaces of the 7
30 +30
insulation. A d-c test is a very sensitive Shop D-C Overpotential Testing
detector of moisture penetration. In-
sulation resistance measurements have The advantages of d-c testing were ap-
provided a relatively simple criterion of plied to d-c armature coils long before its
the condition of insulation for many use was extended to high-voltage insula-
years. tion. In connection with turn insulation
Recent improvements in the last dec- failures on a certain type motor, d-c test-
ade in high-voltage rectifying tubes have ing was distinctly advantageous in the de- VOLTAGE DOUBLER CIRCUIT
largely eliminated the problem of equip- tection of copper slivers and similar
ment. Several manufacturers are able to faults. D-c testing of turn insulation on
supply d-c test apparatus with the volt- low-voltage equipment during coil manu-
age range and portability required. Three facture has given excellent results during
conventional circuits for d-c test equip- the past 4 years.
ment are shown in Figure 3. These Preliminary winding tests have been
testers usually use one of two basic cir- made with direct as well as with alternat-
cuits with slight modifications. ing current on high-voltage windings for LADDER TYPE TRPLER CIRCUIT, 45KV POWER SUPPLY

1. Single high-voltage rectifier circuits- the last year. Manufacturers' prelimi- Figure 3. Conventional d-c high-voltage
full or half wave. nary winding tests are directed toward test circuits

568 Alke-D-C Overpotential Testing Experience AUGUST 1952

Table 1. D-C Overpotential Test Voltages future d-c will replace preliminary a-c
tests in the winding sections. This will
First Winiding Test Second Winding Test eliminate all a-c tests except the com-
Bottom Coil Test (Momentaary Before (Momentary After
Voltage Class, (Momentary), Connecctions), Connections), al Test, mercial final winding test.
Kilovolts Kilovolts Kiloiovolts Kilovolts lovolts In addition to the final a-c overpoten-
tial tests on new windings, dielectric ab-
11 . 59 ..... .59 .56.5
.. 551.5 sorption curves at operating stress are
12.5 66 ... 6 6 .6 .1
13.2 . 71 71 67.5.6 61.4 contemplated. This information will be
14.4 .
........... 73 ..
77 ..
63. 0
636.7 available to the customer and may be
16.5 .89. 89 .. 83.8. 776.2 used as an aid in determining insulation
18 . 97. 97 .. 91.3. 83.0 deterioration during subsequent inspec-
tions. It is hoped also that leakage cur-
rent at some direct voltage that will be
portant factor which determine s the leak- winding was not grounded properly after used for overpotential testing the winding
age at these relatively short time in- a high-voltage d-c test. Figure a shows during maintenance periods can be fur-
tervals. the voltage recovery characteristics of a nished the customer.
For adequate d-c test voltag,es for pre- high-voltage winding with diffferent
liminary winding tests of th e conven- grounding times. A winding shotald be D-C Maintenance Tests of Large
tional 13.8-kv class high-volta,ge stators, grounded at least 60 minutes after a high- High-Voltage Generators
a tester of about 75 kv is requiired. With voltage d-c test has been applied.
the advent of higher direct vc)ltages ap- Shop acceptance of d-c overpottential Field acceptance and maintenance
plied to high-voltage windinggs, a new testing has been good. This can Ibe at- tests have long been a problem because of
problem became more serious than with tributed to several factors: the size of a-c test equipment and power
the lower voltage testers. V lge re 1. Ease of operation of test equipmlent. supply required. Overpotential tests are
covery of solid dielectrics is d.ue to the the only means for providing assurance
absorptive nature of such dielec trics. The 2. Reduced setup time. that the winding insulation has a certain
reversible absorption current wIhich causes 3. Visual indication of insulation conidition minimum insulation level. Suitably
voltage recovery is a function of the ap- during testing by suitable meters on tlhe test selected values of direct current are
plied voltage, time of voltage alpplication, equipment. equally as searching for likely types of in-
and type of dielectric. Voltag e recovery Results of using d-c overpotentialI tests sulation weakness with the expectancy of
characteristics of several hi,gh-voltage during winding of high-voltage gene rators small or negligible destructive effect on
windings have been measure d. It is have shown d-c tests can be relied ui pon to good insulation. In addition, d-c over-
evident that recovery voltage s of sufl- locate and detect incipient insuilation potentials appear to be fundamentally
ciently high magnitudes as to c ornstitute a weaknesses in high-voltage generatLor in- advantageous for maintenance testing.
serious safety problem were pos,sible if the sulation. It is expected that in th(e near In addition to basic advantages, the re-

Figure 4.1 Voltage re-

covery characteristics of
a high-voltage generator

AUGUST 1952 Alke-D-C Overpotential Testing Experience 569

quired test equipment is much less expen- dicated very low insulation resistance. tion, age, atmospheric conditions, clean-
sive and far less costly and cumbersome One such case involved a thermocouple in liness, and size of winding must be taken
to transport. Also, insulation leakage at the neutral which, with the winding iso- into account when considering insulation
high stresses may be measured. There- lated from ground, caused very high leak- resistance of a particular machine.
fore d-c overpotential tests were recom- age at relatively low d-c test voltage.
mended for maintenance tests. This thermocouple, not used since the Summary
During the last 2 years, many gener- first few days of operation, was removed
ators have had d-c overpotential main- and the machine had a satisfactory in- To date about 4,000,000 kva of high-
tenance tests applied to the stator wind- sulation resistance at 30 kv direct current. voltage generating equipment have been
ings. For 13.8-kv machines with modern In another instance, a generator cable inspected in the field and d-c overpoten-
insulation, the usual d-c overpotential passing near a concrete wall had been tial tests have been made to give assur-
test was 30 kv for I minute. In no case sprayed with aluminum paint, which ance of adequate insulation level. About
has this test failed to pick out serious possibly could cause trouble if not re- 1,000,000 kva of generating equipment
cases of insulation weaknesses. In addi- moved. The d-c test quickly indicated have been tested with direct current in
tion to stator insulation faults, other in- high leakage. In only one case has a high- the Westinghouse factory. The success
cipient weaknesses have been detected in voltage machine indicated high leakage and general acceptance of this test method
buswork and cables. During maintenance during d-c test which could be attributed has been widespread both in the shop and
d-c overpotential tests, 10-minute di- to the machine insulation. in the field.
electric absorption curves are made in the The usual range of insulation resistance While much fundamental investigation
range of 1 to 15 kv direct current. Over- after 1-minute voltage application during of d-c versus a-c testing will be accom-
potential tests usually have been made on d-c overpotential test (25 to 30 kv direct plished by many individuals in the next
all three phases to ground with direct current) encountered in high-voltage few years, there can be little doubt that
current; separating of phases usually in- synchronous machine windings is as fol- d-c overpotential testing will be ex-
volves considerable labor and time and is lows: panded where applicable to take advan-
not considered necessary unless trouble Hydrogen-cooled sync hronous generators, tage, in addition to fundamental advan-
develops. On windings indicating low in- 100 to 500 megohms. tages, of its lower initial cost and lower
sulation resistance or failure on overpo- Air-cooled synchronous generators, 50 to operating cost, with more informative
tential test, phases are separated to assist 200 megohms. test results.
in locating the trouble. However, most These values are average values for many
cases of winding faults during overpoten- machines tested and do not necessarily in- References
tial tests are readily visually detected. dicate that an insulation resistance lower 1. ALTERNATlNG AND DIRECT VOLTAGE ENDLJR-
The ability of direct current to detect and than these limits should cause concern. ANCE STUDIES ON MICA INSULATION FOR ELECTRIC
locate insulation faults with minimum Insulation resistance, especially at high MACHINERY, Graham Lee Moses. AIEE T'rans-
actionts, volume 70, part I, 1951, pages 763-69.
damage to the insulation is now well es- direct voltages, depends upon many 2. A MIAINTENANCE INSPECTION PROGRAM FOR
tablished for maintenance testing. factors. For an individual generator LARGE ROTATING MACHINES, John S. Johnson.
AIEE Transactions, volume 70, part 1. 1951, pages
In several instances d-c tests have in- winding, such factors as type of insula- 749-55.

No Discussion

Rapid Measurement of the Thermal than is the case with the older concrete
duct types.
In the autumn of 1949, plans of Thle
Resistivity of Soil Hydro-Electric Power Commission of
Ontario to install some 25,000 feet of
underground high-voltage cable necessi-
V. V. MASON M. KURTZ tated the immediate determination of the
ASSOCIATE MEMBER AIEE ASSOCIATE MEMBER AIEE thermal resistivity of the soil along the
proposed route with a reasonable degree
of accuracy.
Synopsis: Following a method due origi- duration of a typical determination. Re- There are two possible procedures to be
nally to Stalhane and Pyk,1 the thermal sistivity values obtained agree with those followed in making such measurements.
resistivity of soil may be measured in situ obtained by the steady-state method. A Samples of the soil may be conveyed to
by thrusting a long heated needle into the crew of three can make determinations at the
ground to the required depth and measuring rate of one to three per hour. the laboratorv or the measurements max'
its temperature every 30 seconds for 15 to 30
minutes. The slope of the resulting tem-
perature versus time curve on semilog paper
is proportional to the thermal resistivity of THE effect of the thermal resistivity Paper 52-158, recommended by the AIEE Insulated
Conductors Committee and approved by the AIEE
the soil, and the constant of proportionality of the soil on the temperature rise of Technical Program Committee for presentation at
is derivable theoretically. The finite diam- a buried cable is well known. It is of par- the AIEE Summer General Meeting, Minneapolis,
eter of the needle is taken into account by Minn., June 23-27, 1952. Manuscript submitted
ticular importance for the newer directly March 24, 1952; made available for printing April
adjusting the zero time to a value found by buried and pipe-type installations in 16, 1952.
plotting dtlde against t. The effects of the
finite length of the needle are difficult to which the temperature rise through the V. V. MASON and M. KURTZ are with The Hydro-
Electric Power Commission of Ontario, Toronto,
assess but appear to be unimportant for the soil forms a larger part of the total rise Ont., Canada.

5a70 Mason, Kurtz-Measurement of the Thermal Resistivity of Soil AUGUST 1 959

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