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Quantum Numbers

Rules in Orbital Filling

• Aufbau (Building-Up) Principle

>Electrons occupy the lowest energy orbitals first.

> “Lazy Tenant Rule”

• Hund's Rule

> Within a sublevel, place one electron per orbital before

pairing them.
> “Empty Bus Seat Rule”

• Pauli Exclusion Principle

Each orbital can hold two electrons with opposite spins.

Identify what element is being described by the
following set of quantum numbers:

1. n=2 l=1 mₗ=-1 mₛ = -1/2

2. n=4 l=0 mₗ =0 mₛ = -1/2
3. n=6 l=0 mₗ =0 mₛ = +1/2
4. n=4 l=2 mₗ =2 mₛ = -1/2
5. n=5 l=3 mₗ =0 mₛ = +1/2

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