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Effective Communication

Activity No. 1

Directions. You are tasked to write a reaction paper on the research paper entitled “The Impact of
Effective Communication on Organizational Performance with Moderating Role of Organizational
Culture” using 450- 500 words only. You will be graded based on the rubric below.

Criteria Description Percentage
Introduction Introduces theme of paper, and articles using rich and
descriptive language. 15
Information Provides accurate and descriptive, concise summary of
summary research information, effectively summarizing main points
of the research. 15
Critique Thoughtfully critiques author’s main points, using evidence
to back up arguments. Critique is insightful and thorough. 15
Conclusion Conclusion presents particularly strong or compelling closing
statement that ties closely to introduction. 15
Organization Information is organized in a fully effective manner;
presents strong introduction, expressive body, and 15
purposeful conclusion.
Sentence Structure Sentences effectively constructed with no grammatical
errors. 10
Mechanics Spelling, capitalization and punctuation error free. 7.5
Technical Format Soft copy (pdf), Calibri, 12, single space, justified margins,
margin at 1 inch: all sides, short bond paper, and portrait. 7.5
Total 100

Prepared by:

Marlon P. Tuiza, LPT, DPA

Associate Professor V

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