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The most important scientific breakthrough of the past 300 years

Based on my knowledge, the most important scientific breakthrough of the past 300 years must
be the invention of the telephone by Graham Bell in 1876[1]. The telephone is a device capable
of transmitting sound (through electric wires). Before the invention of the telephone, people
communicated by sending letters which were time-consuming, expensive, less reliable, and
uneasy. The telephone became a more efficient and effective method of communication with
people; they could communicate orally after its invention. People being able to communicate
easily with each other made telephone usage popular everywhere around the globe. There was
no need of written education for communicating after its invention. People could communicate
in their own language and sharing expression verbally made the usage of this technology as a
popular choice for communication. The world relied on this invention for centuries. There was
no immediate replacement of this emerging technology for a brief period. By modernizing the
communication system, the telephone aided to the advancement of other technology globally.
Communicating over the telephone was better than communicating via letters. Better
communication made the exchange of ideas and thoughts more reliable and effective.
Communication is a very important infrastructure for the development of the country. The most
reliable method during the period was the telephone so every country relied on the telephone
for communication. Every office and house relied on the telephone for communication. 30
million phones were connected in the United States by 1948[2]. The world without a telephone
was unimaginable during the period.

Businesses bloomed after its invention as communication became a lot easier. People started
talking about business on the phone. Conducting business became easier than ever as
conducting business on the phone didn’t require physical presence; businesses flourished. It
saved travel time and cost. The telephone created new possibilities and opportunities for
people. Ease of communication made it easier to run a business in different cities. People could
get information over the phone which made it easier for people to know the options available.
Telephones made life easier for people, it was possible to have long-distance relationships.
Partners could easily communicate over a great distance on a telephone.

Now wired telephones have been replaced by more advanced cellular phones but their
contribution to mankind remains unremarkable. For the period and its contribution to society, I
would say the Telephone is the most important scientific breakthrough of the past 300 years.

1. Agar, Jon (2004). Constant Touch: a Global History of the Mobile Phone

2. Foregeard,Valarie(2022). How the Telephone Changed the World

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