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Radio adverts

Advert: Wonga

Slogan: Straight talking money

Target Audience: The target audience for the advert wonga will be 18-40+
because a lot of younger people will need loans- students, those financially
unstable people without wealthy parents need money fast because fast money
lowers credit checks ( high interest rates). Older people may also need loans
quickly to pay off mortgages.

Analysis: The following Advert is for a loan with lower credit checks and also
has upbeat music to get the customers interested into the advert.The original
song in the background of the advert is “ Mr sandman”, the original words of
the song has been replaced now with “ Mr Wonga”. The song is repetitive so
we remember it and now associate it with Wonga everytime we hear the song.

A male voice over talks at the beginning then a singing- soothing song plays.
It makes you feel they’ll solve all your problems. It is a memorable song. Near
the end of the advert, a woman says the terms and conditions and the
company slogan.

Advert: Coca Cola

Target Audience: The target audience is

15-45 for Coca Cola. People want to
buy the drink as the branding is cool
and they want to look cool. People will
not be let down when buying coca cola as it is a very popular brand with a
high reputation. Once buying into the branch then you will want to buy coca
cola more which increases the brand loyalty with coca cola.

Slogan: “Open Happiness “

Analysis: The seaside sounds in the advert have connotations of a holiday,

fun, heat, etc… The following sound of the bottle being opened is a person
making the sound saying “ahh” this represents how it is a cold, refreshing
drink for people on the hot beach. There are lots of different sound effects
such as the party atmosphere on a beach releasing. You can also hear the
coke ring being opened. There is a male voice over on the advert which
makes us think that the person is talking directly to us and then to thirst ( as
though thirst is a person) . It's for everyone, you can drink it wherever and
whenever. You can also hear the refreshment being poured into a glass and
you can also hear the bubbles sizzling aggressively.

Advert: Lipton Green Tea

Target Audience: 18-50 years, the audience

for this is for health conscious people and
for people who are watching weight as this
is healthy for you.

Slogan: “It’s not just good for you, it’s mmm.“

Analysis: There are people from a lot of

different countries talking, they are all from different backgrounds. Its glee
club, barbershop quartet , Texas, China , North Pole, Mars, Race car drivers.
Catchy tune starts- Everyone loves taste, antioxidants- good for you.
Everyone should be drinking it. Texas “mmmm” China “mmm” The people are
all saying “mmmm” even people on the planet mars,the high school glee club
start humming “mmm” and it became the tune that we”ll now associate with
Lipton Green Tea, this exemplifies that people around and out of the world will
enjoy the Lipton Green Tea. Universal noise when something is nice whenever
you are in the world, you’ll find it.

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