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Advert Radio Adverts

Advert 1 - Wonga

● Slogan: Straight talking money

● Target Audience: The Wonga advert is directed to people aged 18 - 40 who have
either no money or are having financial problems. It is also aimed at people who are
just starting out in life who need to make sudden purchases or unexpected repairs to
their cars for example. Wonga is a straightforward and fast way to access a lump
sum of money.

● Analysis: The advert starts with a male voice over at the beginning. The song starts
which is the tune of Mr Sandman and the words have been replaced with Mr Wonga.
It is a soothing song that says how Mr Wonga can solve all your problems as the
song continuously repeats. At the end of the advert a woman starts talking about the
terms and conditions. This appeals to the audience as it shows they can always rely
on Wonga to help solve their money problems.

● Song: Original song by Sandman plays but is reworded to be Wonga

Advert 2 - Coca Cola

● Slogan: “Open for happiness”

● Target Audience: The Coca Cola advert is directed at people aged 15 - 45 year olds,
as 15 year olds find that Coke makes themselves look cool, where people aged 45
tend to buy Coke because they have bought it for years. They are aiming this at
young people, as they hope they remain loyal to the brand as they get older.
● Analysis: The advert starts with a male voice over talking directly to you, as the
sound effects are indicating there is a party atmosphere. The connotations of the
beach make people think of seaside sounds and the joy of being on holiday and how
refreshing Coke can be when you are relaxing. The sound effects of the can being
opened makes you feel refreshed due to the relaxing atmosphere around you. It also
shows that people will always drink Coca Cola as long as they are still making the
brand that everyone enjoys.

Advert 3 - Lipton Green Tea

● Slogan: “It’s not just good for you, it’s mmm”

● Target Audience: The Lipton Green Tea advert is directed to people aged 18 - 50 who
drink it for possible health reasons and to make themselves feel better.This has also
been aimed at people to make them feel better about themselves when they drink it
and so they will always have a reason to drink it.

● Analysis: The advert starts with people from all over the world, of all different
ethnicities and backgrounds such as race car drivers from Texas or people from
Germany, talking about how the Lipton Green Tea is approved of by people
worldwide. Even people from places such as Mars are giving their opinion on it, being
”mmm”. The mmms become the catchy tune that audiences start associating with
Lipton Green Tea. The sound used on the advert is the same but has just been
changed for each accent that is used.

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