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CONFUCIANISM BACKGROUND What's about CONFUCIANISM? = Conficianisn is best understood as aa ethical guide to life and living with stro character. = Influence the Chinese living ~The main idea is the Importance of having a good moral character, which can thea affect the world around that person through the idea of “cosmic harmony.” Founded in the 5* 6% Centusy BC Origin is China Itis a system of thoughts, NOT A RELIGION ass CONFUCIANISM és ‘= an ancient Chinese belief system, which focuses on the importance of personal ethics and morality based entirely on kindness, mutual respect and an appreciation for character virtues ‘founded on the belief that society can flowsish only when people lean to interact positively with each other. ‘The KEY PEOPLE in CONFUCIANISM a Confucius (551-479 BC) b.-Mencius (371-289 BC) eX Zi (313-230 BO) a_Who is Confucius? Confucius born Kong Qiu 1 He was bom in the state of Lu in $51 BC. His father was a soldier named Kong He ‘who died when Confucius was three yeass old. The sest of his childhood was spent in poverty as Confucius was raised by his mother. Confucius is known as the fist teacher in China who wanted to make education Droaaly available and who was instrumental in establishing the art of teaching as a He also established ethical, moral, and social standards that formed the basis of a way of ife known as Confucianism, was a Chinese philosopher and politician of the Spring and Autumn period Dis traditionally considered the paragon of Chinese sages, OF Heis known as Master Kong in China and Confucius by Jesuit missionaties, He considered himself a transmitter who consciously tied to reanimate the old in ‘order to attain the new. Co ‘Sotable eas: Conficianism 7 b_Who is Mencins? ‘Meng Ke; or Mengzi ‘was a Chinese Confcian philosopher ‘who has been described asthe "second Sage", isa part of Confucius’ fowth generation of disciples. ‘Mencius inherited Confucius ideology and developed it further. ‘Notable ideas: Confucianism: ‘Right to revolution as an aspect of the Mandate of Heaven oooco is Xun Zi ‘Xun Kuang, better known as Xunat was & Chinese philosopher of Confucianism 1 who lived during the Warring States period 1 is often ranked as the thiré ereat Confucian philosopher of antiquity. 0 KEY-TEACHINGS OF CONFUCIANISM JEN, OR “HUMANENESS:” ((), ~ The most central teaching ofthe tradition = Translated as “benevolence,” “compassion,” “altruism,” “goodness,” “humane beartedness,” “humanity.” “love,” “kindness,” and “humaneness = Ten was divided into two parts; One part means “person,” and the other part signifies the number “2.” The word itelf literally means something like “person ‘wo-ed’ "or “person doubled.” = Itmeans that a person demonstrates conscientiousness toward others, a sense of being concemed about people's well-being, and acts toward others with nurturing ceme and consideration. = “DO NOT DOTO OTHERS WHAT YOU WOULD NOT HAVE THEM DO. Toyou” ‘YI OR “RIGHTEOUSNESS;” (32) ~ Inmeaus being abe to distinguish between sight and wroag: = Also means "CONSCIENCE" - To say that someone has a conscience is to say that he or she will act on the basis ofan inner semse of right and wrong, = Moral right irom the Confusian perspective was more important than even one’s ona life, = “THE HISTORY OF CONFUCIANISM IS FILLED WITH INDIVIDUALS WHO BECAME MARTYRS TO THE CAUSE OF I OR CONSCIENCE. LI, OR “PROPRIETY RITUAL” (2), = a teaching found throughout the writings of = the ancient sages = it was believed that this onder and structure was a misvor image ofthe order and structure that existed in Heaven itself, as te ruling authority over the entire ~ Ritual was not simply a casual performance of ceremonies. It was seen as directly connected to the moral order of the cosmos. AT ONE LEVEL, RITUAL WAS A WAY FOR THE INDIVIDUAL TO SHOW RESPECT TO HEAVEN ITSELF FOR THE ORGANIZATION OF ALL THINGS. AT ANOTHER LEVEL, THE RITUAL WAS ITSELF THE WAY IN WHICH MORAL ORDER WAS MAINTAINED. ZHI WISDOM () = Wisdom is the charscteristise of having mowledge, experience, and good judgment in any given situation = A person is considered intelligent and has wisdom when helshe ean make a sound decision based on his/her prior knowledge and leaming experienees - EMBRACE LEARNING AND EXPANDING OUR KNOWLEDGE BY READING MORE BOOKS. LEARN THE EXPERIENCE OF OTHER SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE WE ADMIRED. INTERNALIZE WHAT WE LEARNED AND BEING ABLE TO FORM THE WISDOM IN OUR OWN MIND TO MAKE GOOD JUDGMENT IN ANY GIVEN SITUATION. = “The person who asks a question is fool for @ minute, the person who does not ask is a fool for if.” — Confucius oooooo 5. XIN OR FIDELITY ((3) ~ Confucius: if one is trustworthy, others will give one responsibility.” = Thismeans if, you are trustworthy, others wil be more likely to rely upon you. = “Develop the habit of rust in yourself and other people. Always act with honesty and integrity im everything you do.” TM. _ IMPLICATIONS TO EDUCATION = toiimprove one’s self and character = to.ive importance to sel-cultvation = temtend and apply ther knowledge and vie to others and t the world = toleam the search for personal strength and the commitment social responsibilty = while leaming begins with oneself, itshould end with one's own satisfaction = terete this vious character Confucius saw education as a process of constant self-improvement and held that its primary function was the taining of aablemen ui). WAY OF LIFE + to achieve harmony’ the most important social value believes in ancestor worship and human-centered virtues for living peace ie 7 emphasizes correct behavior and stresses the importance of avoiding conflict, responsibility to community and obedience and deference to elders CONFUCIUS : QUOTES FOUND IN ANALECTS. HLABIT- Men's natures are alike; itis their habits that separate ABILITY. - The superior man is distressed by his want of ability, CHANGE - Its only the wisest andthe very stupidest who cannot change. COURAGE - To see wat is sight and not todo it is want of courage FRIENDS AND FRIENDSHIP - Have no frends not equal to yourself KNOWLEDGE AND LEARNING - When you know a thing, to hold that you know it, and when you do not know a thing, to allow that you do not know it : his is knowledge.

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