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Q1: How do you create a cookie in PHP??

a getcookie()

b None

c setcookie()

d None

e createcookie

f makecookie()

Q2: What is Laravel??

a Laravel is an open-source widely used Ruby framework.

b Laravel is an open-source widely used PHP framework.

c None

d Laravel is an open-source widely used Python framework.

e Laravel is an open-source widely used JavaScript framework.

f None

Q3: What Is a MySQL View??

a None

b VIEWS are temporary tables that store data which store data only for a certain
amount of time

c None

d VIEWS are virtual tables that do not store any data of their own but display data
stored in other tables.

e VIEWS are no different that any other tables except they are used for faster

f VIEWS are static tables that store data but the data can't be changed
Q4: How to retrieve the join token for manager nodes in Docker Swarm??

a docker swarm join-token manager

b docker swarm token manager

c docker print join-token manager

d None

e None

f docker get join-token manager

Q5: Which HTML element defines navigation links??

a None

b <navlink>

c <navigate>

d <navigation>

e None

f <nav>

Q6: Which is the best tool to use for logging in remotely??

a ssh

b rsh

c telnet

d None

e None

f login

Q7: Which file is the single most important file in Wordpress??

a None

b header.php

c wp-config.php

d None

e page.php

f wp-setting.php

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