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Q1: What Is a MySQL View??

a None

b VIEWS are virtual tables that do not store any data of their own but display data
stored in other tables.

c VIEWS are temporary tables that store data which store data only for a certain
amount of time

d VIEWS are static tables that store data but the data can't be changed

e None

f VIEWS are no different that any other tables except they are used for faster

Q2: Which command do we need to execute to check the available repos in yum (CentOS)?

a yum reposhow

b yum searchrepo

c yum listrepo

d yum repolist

e yum reposearch

f yum showrepo

Q3: What will the following code return: Boolean(10 > 9)?

a true

b NaN

c None

d false

e None

f None
Q4: Choose the correct HTML element for the largest heading:?

a None

b <head>

c None

d <h6>

e <heading>

f <h1>

Q5: What are the Namespaces in Docker??

a Namespaces in Docker are a technology for the facility of containers in Docker.

b None

c None

d Namespaces in Docker are a technology for the facility of images in Docker.

e None

f None

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