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Q1: Which artisan command would you use to create a new Laravel Model??

a php artisan model create ModelName

b php artisan make:model ModelName

c php artisan model:make ModelName

d None

e php artisan create:model ModelName

f None

Q2: The query SELECT name, (SELECT study_program FROM programs) study_program
FROM students will return the student name and the program that the student is studying.?

a True

b None

c None

d None

e False

f None

Q3: HTML comments start with <!-- and end with -->?

a None

b True

c None

d None

e False

f None

Q4: Tick all the rules which need to be followed while developing a WordPress Plugin??
a Create and install script.

b Create the main plug-in file and fill up the header information.

c None

d Create a sub-folder for PHP files, translations, and assets.

e Create the folder of Plugin.

f Create a unique name.

Q5: How to delete a directory in Linux??

a ls

b remove

c None

d None

e delete

f rmdir

Q6: If you insert (00) as the value of the year in a date column, what will be stored in the

a 1900

b 2000

c None

d None

e Cannot be determined

f 0000

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