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Q1: Tags and text that are not directly displayed on the page are written in _____ section.?

a <html>

b <body>

c None

d <head>

e None

f <title>

Q2: The syntax for adding a new column to an existing table is ALTER TABLE `table_name`
ADD COLUMN `column_name` `data_type`;?

a None

b None

c None

d None

e True

f False

Q3: Why wouldn't you see Docker in Plesk installer's list of components??

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

d The server does not satisfy Docker system requirements

e Docker is available as an extension and you can only install it from the extensions

f Your Plesk license doesn't have a Docker add-on

Q4: Which one is the correct declaration for choosing the 'Character Set' other than

a Varchar(20) Character Set;

b Varchar(20);

c None Of The Mentioned

d None

e Varchar(20) Character Set Utf8;

f None

Q5: What tag is used to display a picture in a HTML page??

a Img

b Image

c None

d Src

e None

f Picture

Q6: What will happen if some of the columns in a table are of char datatype and others are
of varchar datatype??

a Nothing will happen

b None

c None

d MySQL will generate an error

e MySQL will convert all varchar datatypes into char

f MySQL will convert all char datatypes into varchar

Q7: What is a Binary file?

a None of the above

b None

c Directory

d System file

e Executable file

f Regular file

Q8: Which of the following method can be used to close a MySql database using PHP??

a None of the above

b mysql_connect()

c None

d None

e mysql_query()

f mysql_close()

Q9: How can you count for a particular pattern occurrences in a file??

a grep −c “pattern” <file>

b cat <file> | wc -k “pattern”

c cat <file> | wc -l “pattern”

The correct Answer is: None

e grep −k “pattern” <file>

The correct Answer is: None

Q10: Tick all the rules which need to be followed while developing a WordPress Plugin??

a Create the folder of Plugin.

b Create and install script.

c None

d Create a unique name.

e Create a sub-folder for PHP files, translations, and assets.

f Create the main plug-in file and fill up the header information.

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