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Summary and Personal Reflection KeyHistory of finduism ‘Hinduism is well-known as one ofthe oldest religions founded in this worl, established om India spproximatey in the yer of 1500 B.C ‘Hindus had resided in the Southeast Asian ethnic religion counties such a, Tasia, Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh, ete Hinduism story line goes inthe following stages: ~ Indus Valles. Proto-Hindu (2500 - 1500 BCE) During this stage, there is found the first evidence of ritual bathing and animal sacrifice, where their primary transcripts have not been deciphered vet. The Arvans mixed with the Dravidian ox ‘the Indus Valley witere both religious practices were put together ~ Vedic Relision (1500 — 800 BCE “The Vedas “Knowledge” promulgated the instruction of How” to perform fie rituals to help find an order. Also, they created the most ancient and revered Hinds scriprues named “The Vedas”. They focused on this life, worship with rituals, and hyzans to reach a fe order. Philosophical Hinduism (300 — 100 BCE) “Then, the Upanishads were intellectual people who clarified and conceptualized the beliefs of ‘Brahman, Atman, Karma, and Samsara. For them to acquire wisdom was necessary the practice of meditation, asting, ora, amoug other techniques. They focused on doing ther dharma (duty) ‘withthe goal of reaching moksha (liberation fom the cycle of death and rebirth). Devotional Hinduism (300 BCE — 1500 CE=) Finally, during this time were cated ? important narrative poems called the Ramayana andthe ‘Mahabharata which influenced the Hindu culture of today. They ate stories about gods and humans in the dramas of everyday life. Ths stage focuses on devotion wire gods can help ‘uuman beings to reach the Moksha level, which isthe most popular way to do so. ‘eis worth noting that Mahatma Gandhi and Sri Ramakrishna were Hindus that at their time were people who leamed and immersed themselves im various religions with the purpose oF ‘being abetter person, crow spintully and reac the highest level on ther belief ‘Nowadays, the majority of Hints lve in India being the thie largest religion inthe World ‘Rey Beliefs of Hinduism “Hinduism has a very broad variety of belief and practices. This ideoloay is explained by the flowing expression, “god is one, but men call him many names”. The following points summaize the Hindus beliefs that rule its religion, and way of ving Brahman ~ It is te highest miversal principle, where all ofthe millions of gods are multiple expressions ofthe divine. The uhimate or absolute reality: Amman = tis the eernal soul of se Hindus believe that thei souls eternal and will live ‘om after the body dis, It can be reincarnated into the body of any living thing Trimurti is used to express the three-fold manifestation of the ultimate reality known as ‘The Big Thxee Gods” of Hinduism which are, Brahma (The creator god who completed his ‘work and there's no need to interact with people), Shiva (The god of destruction and judgement), and Vishnu (The compassionate mediator god who is concerned with the world and its people). Apart fiom the Trimurti, there are 2 lot of Gods forming part of Hinduism such as, Ganesha (Shiva’s son, an elephant headed god that helps people by removing the obstacles from ‘their paths), Saraswati (Consort of Brahma, and goddess of wisdom, music, speech, ané ars) ‘Kali (The aoddess of death, time, and change), amoug many other devoted gods. According to a common estimate there are about 330 million Hindu gods, even some ‘believe there are even more. Actually, Hindus believe that Vishnu (their mediator god) is going to come to Earth 10 times. He already come down 9, missing only one last avatar, Kalki “Hinduism main problem lies in what is called Samsara, which means “wander through" that is the indefinitely repeated cycles of birth, misery, and death caused by karma ‘Therefore, its solution is the Moksha that is the transcensient state attained as 2 result of ‘being released from the cycle of rebirth. There are infinite lifetimes to achieve this stage because itis guaranteed that everyone will seach it. It just takes alot of time, seincarnations, and patience. There are several ways to obtain Moksha, so the following three paths are taught in the rad Gita (ancient Sansksit poem) 1. Karma (The way of works): Our choices and decisions in life will lead us toa better ‘or worst incarnation in our next life. If our actions are positive there will be good things, bur if they are negative these will be negative consequences due to karma. The better karma a person builds up on their own Atman, the higher they will rebirth, 2. Jpana (The way of knowledge): itis the understanding and learning of the ultimate realty by studying relizious writings, practicing meditation, etc. This is the shortest and steepest way to moksha but is more focused on men than women, 3. Bhakti (The way of devotion): Petitioning and gaining the favor of one or more gods (usually Shiva or Vishnu). Its the most practiced and believed among the Hindus because it works for people of all castes and both genders equally ‘Hindu Mindset = “Leam to encapsulate God in a way that is atractive to you, that motivates you, and that best draws your love of the divine out of your beast and soul. Through voua and ‘meditation on the deity we become absorbed in the deity” Fi Faet8? The Cows) are a sacred symbol of life that should be protected and revered duc to ‘God Vishnu seincammation as Krishna. They represent life, and good karma © Three recognized Hindu symbols are: i. The Sacred Om is 2 sound which is the seed of all mantras, or prayers. For Hindus, its ‘meaning refers to the “power responsible for the creation, development and destruction of ‘the universe ii, Swastika which is the symbol of Vishnu. It represents auspicious, good fortune and. ‘protection. Iris the eternal wheel of life, rotating upon an uachanging center. KeyReligious Practices of Hinduism, Hindus have a great amount of worship rituals, ways, and festivities used to favor their follow followed Gods and Goddesses. They typically worship at home or their temples a their ‘own time, without forgetting that Thursday is the best time ofthe week to worship ‘They usually offer flowers, food, water, or money reside in an mage There ae alot of graven ‘amages ofthe beloved gods and goddesses aroun theis houses, the street, and everywhere = Puja = [tas kaown asthe at of worstup. During this devotion each member of the family ‘wll pray before the shrine for at leat 15 manutes before school or work. About 95% of andy homes have a prayer room ot even commer, Because as they believe “auest 18 God” Darshan = It means sacred seeing. Hindu tust that the gods can animate the inanimate For thi reason, i the temple, Findus look into the Figures ees, 10 see the god of their choosing look back at them. ~Prasada = This isan offering deity to particular god where Hindus placed food items in arable, which is thereafter distributed to the devotees as the deiy’s blessings. This tual is particularly use to bless the food before esting Another important belief for Hindus is the usage of the Bind (ot) or Tilak (mark) that anctom as their “third eye" that retain energy and stceagthen concentration. It has different ‘colors and shapes depending on the status, God follower ceminder, and worshipper Jn the following lis, we encounter some traditional customs or ceremonies amoag Hindus lives: ‘Finlly the most known festivities that Hindus celebrate are the followin: © Holi Feb/Mar) Welcomes arival of spring and the harvest it brings. An event where people toss colored powders in the air. The community also lights bonfires and eats Festive foods filled with fan and energy. Iris one of the largest fesvals inthe world © Kumbh Mela is» bathing dip in the Ganges that is believed will help Hines to eae spiritual mest and to wipe away their wrong doings because of the Ganges’ nectar of immorality It is even visible from space due to its 120 million atendants Diwali (Oct Nov) The row of lights is celebrated with the purpose of preparing the way for Lakshen, the godess of wealth into their homes and businesses tobe financially prosperous There is also a lot of side, sweets, reworks, and food. ‘My Personal Reflection on Hinduism Beauty: What do I find vinous, lovely, and praiseworthy in this religion? The love, respect and importance that family tends to have among them. As wel, the practice of looking for divinity and righteousness in their lives, beth moral and sprimal. I consider the devotion and need of worship is pariculary important for God and our spiritual progress. Disiaity What in this religion do T believe was genuinely inspired by God? Why? ¥ One of the greatest things isthe importance of worship, and devotion to God being a ath to reach ovr greatest potential. Massage maters and is encouraged withthe puspoes of procreation and progress Frome must be a saint place where we worship God and invite His presence in our life By choosing doing right and faithful, we will reach peace and happiness. ‘Holy Envy: What do the true practitioners ofthis religion do very well tht I want to incorporate into my owa religions practice? How might Ido this? {appreciate the wedding culture Hindus have because it seems to work and, they ae willing © accept that humans are umperfect but not making it an impediment to give up marriage. Maniage is a continuous process of knowing each other's partner and be persistent on life trials. I would like to beter understand their mindset and put into practice aspects that will srength my ‘mariage life, suchas the iendship development, mutual love, and respect Othe otner hand, I would lave to comprehend and make meditation a habit. Ithink itis “umpressive and very important to know how to balance and aligned our mind, soul, and body ‘withthe help of energy (chakras). Additional Reflections: T think If Twwould be a Hinduism believer, I could connect with Saraswati Godiess and follow her Every religion, like Hinduism has it ruth and beauties we should seek.

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