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Life skills B2 Unit

Learning about intelligence VIDEO SKILLS: Dealing with unfamiliar words

Ask yourself these questions. If in doubt, write down the
  Before watching
word you hear and try to look it up.
1 Match each type of intelligence with a set of 1 Is it another form of a word I know?
2 Is it a word I know pronounced in a different way?
Types of intelligence 3 Have I heard part of the word or phrase in another
1 LINGUISTIC context? Does this help me understand it?
2 LOGICAL & MATHEMATICAL 4 From the context, what does the word refer to (e.g. a
3 SPATIAL person, an action, a concept …)?
4 MUSICAL 5 What other word in English or my own language
5 BODILY-KINAESTHETIC would make sense in this context?
7 INTRAPERSONAL 3a 19 Watch again. Complete what the speaker says.
1 Organise your notes in alphabetical order so that …
2 Think about real-life examples. This will help you …
a understanding and communicating with people 
3 Talk to a classmate about …
b playing and composing music 
4 Study in a quiet area where …
c reading and writing, talking and listening 
5 Everyone has more than one type of intelligence so …
d understanding yourself and reflection 
e using numbers and reasoning  3b Think about your study habits and those of
f driving and navigating different vehicles  people you know well. To what extent does the
g playing sports, acting and making things  idea of different study tips working well with
different types of intelligence make sense to you?
  While watching Give examples.
2a 19 You are going to watch a video with study
tips for the seven types of intelligence in 1.   After watching
Before you watch, write the type of intelligence 4a Look again at the seven different types of
you predict the tips below will refer to. Then intelligence in 1. Draw a pie chart to show what
watch and check your answers. the balance is between the seven types of
intelligence in you.

notes in alphabetical order 

4b SKILLS 4 LIFE  Find out about other ways to define
study in a quiet area  intelligence. Follow these steps.
use graphs 
1 Search for information about how one of these
think about real-life examples 
people sees intelligence: Robert Sternberg, David
talk to a classmate  Perkins, Carol Dweck. Or find out about another
use extensive notes  way to define intelligence.
2 Take notes on one definition of intelligence and
2b 19  VIDEO SKILLS  Read the video skills box. Then watch
what the implications are for how we should learn
again and write any tips related to the different
things at school.
types of intelligence in 1 that are not included in 2a.
3 Write a short summary of what you found out.
4 Academic success is just one path to success after
5 school. When you look at the successful people
6 you know, what other abilities have made them
7 successful?

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