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Matthew LeCompte

1 UNF Drive Jacksonville, FL 32257


June 1, 2023

Senior Manager

Pampers Inc.

123 Pampers Dr.

Subject: Diaper changing instructions test outcomes and recommended changes

Dear Senior Manager,

I am writing this email to inform you of the outcomes of our diaper changing instructions usability test
and the changes that I am recommending. To start off, the tests went off without any issues and the
results were incredibly positive. Out of the three tests conducted, one had nothing that they would
change. The second only had one revision. Both had a background of changing diapers but had not done
so for some time. The third was able to complete the instructions with one set back. Below are the
results and recommendations.

Test Outcomes
The first test conducted went smoothly, despite one step being confusing for her. She was able to
complete all steps in 1 min, 43 seconds and stated, “For a new parent, this would be extremely helpful!”
The step that was confusing for her was step 4. She skimmed over it and had to come back to it. The
only change she would make would be to add a statement at the top of the flyer to state that the user
should read instructions thoroughly before beginning.

The second test conducted went flawlessly and was completed in 1 min, 35 seconds. She stated that
these instructions gave her a new way to change a diaper and that she would recommend it to all new
parents that she knew.

The third test conducted was done by an eleven-year-old and was completed in 2 min, 21 seconds. He
ran into one issue during the test at step 4. He did not understand what it meant to fold the diaper in
half but was able to deduce the correct way to complete the step. The recommendation given was to
have pictures to show each step, but stated, “they are not completely needed, but would be nice.”

I recommend that we add in a statement before the steps to instruct the reader to read the instructions
thoroughly before they begin. This would need to be conducted prior to mass production of the flyer.
With this change being made, our flyer could help so many new parents avoid the frustration of
changing dirty diapers on their babies.


Matthew Lecompte

Pampers Usability Tester

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