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Autonomous Learning Project B12

Option A: Banning cell phones.

1. Name 5 situations when using a cell phone is banned.
2. Describe the reasons for the rules.
3. Give your personal opinion of the rules.
Using a cell phone while having the meals is banned at my home.

My parents don’t allow us to use … because …. . If we get an important call from
someone during the lunch or dinner, we have to ask for permission saying, “would it be
OK if I answered the phone?”, My mom accepts my request, but my father always says,
“would you mind telling your friends our rule about phones?” … .

My opinion:
I agree to follow my parent’s rules, but I can’t stand not being connected…

4. Use grammar, vocabulary, and expressions of unit 10

5. In your slides use pictures, titles, and subtitles. Using sentences or paragraph are not allowed.
6. Time: 4 - 6 mins.

Option B: Inventing a gadget.

1. Think of a gadget which can be useful during this pandemic.
2. Explain the purpose of the gadget.
3. Name the activities the gadget will be able to do.
4. Describe the appearance by showing a drawing or a photo.
5. Make a comparison with a similar gadget that people are already using. (4 sentences)
6. Use grammar, vocabulary, and useful expressions of unit 11
7. In your slides use pictures, titles, and subtitles. Using sentences or paragraph are not allowed.
8. Time: 4 - 6 mins.

Ms. Leon

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