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Erin Chatham

1 UNF Drive
Jacksonville, FL
June 2, 2023

Corvus Coffee Roasters


Usability test for preparing and pulling a shot of espresso

Dear Head Trainer,

A usability test was performed for the instructions draft on how to prepare and pull a shot of
espresso. This letter goes over the usability test findings, discussing problems and possible
solutions. A more in-depth review memo is attached to this email.

Written Instructions Usability test

The first version of the instructions was received well based on the positive feedback and small
tweaks suggested by the participants. The instructions were read aloud by participants, and
they stated their thoughts as they attempted the instructions. The feedback was recorded for
further revision. Some minor issues that were presented include, lack of definitions for parts,
lack of machine information, and spacing between text and images.

The next phase

Once all participants have completed the usability test and provided feedback, the revisions will
be summarized. The summary will include the usability test results, participants feedback, and
suggested solutions for the instructions. This final step of completion will initiate the end of this
assignment; instructions on how to prep and pull a shot of espresso. The memo attached to this
email will go more in-depth on the matter. Feel free to reach out with any questions or
concerns. Thank you!

Warm regards,
Erin Chatham
Barista Trainer

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