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It is distinguished as the coast to the long and

narrow coastal region of Peru between the Pacific
Ocean and the foothills of the Peruvian Andes.
For the most part, it constitutes a zone with a
warm or temperate climate characterized by low
rainfall. It presents a coastal desert due to the
effect of the cold Humboldt current on rainfall
and the orographic shadow generated by the
The coastal desert gives way to dry forest in the
extreme north of the Peruvian coast, where
rainfall is higher due to the confluence of the
Humboldt current with the equatorial
countercurrent and the reduction of the Andean
orographic shadow due to the low altitude of the
Depression. from Huancabamba.
Various small-scale and armpit streams cross the
coast from east to west, supporting riparian
vegetation and allowing intensive agriculture. The
maximum altitude of the region varies from north
to south, presenting its highest altitude in the
southern end, an average of 500m s is estimated.
no. m.1 It is about 2,250 km long, although the
coastline reaches 3,080 km and has a variable
width between 15 km in Arequipa and 180 km in
In Cajamarca, it is also called Llanos. The Coast
is considered to be one of the three traditional
regions of the country, a concept introduced in
1865 by Paz Soldán, in his "Atlas del Perú".

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