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三民 B4L3

一、字彙填充(共 0 分,每題 0 分)
1. _____________ Beryl w_____d the music box beautifully in gold paper for the gift exchange party.
2. _____________ The steak sauce tastes awful! It’s very salty and has l_____s of flour in it.
3. _____________ These refugees are e_____r to return to their hometown and rebuild their homes as soon as
4. _____________ The soldier rescued more than ten of his people in the mine explosion, a heroic d____d that
won him the Medal of Honor.
5. _____________ The doctor tried to obtain the parents' c_____t for the operation on the child’s heart.
6. _____________ Chandler saved the dog from being hit by a car. The owner really appreciated his brave
7. _____________ Workers out on strike h____ted production at the flour company by holding up the raw
8. _____________ Shirley’s proposal was met with r_____n, for her boss thought that there was a huge gap
between cost and benefit.
9. _____________ Based on more than forty interviews, the author tried to give a faithful description of Steve
Jobs’s life and personality in this b_____y.
10. _____________ G____es, which are passed on to us from our parents, determine many of our physical traits
(特點), such as our skin and hair color.
11. _____________Feeling ill with a fever, the student approached the teacher and asked for her p_____n to
leave school early.
12. _____________ We are really lucky to have such a d_____c leader as Joe. He’s always full of innovative
ideas and never hesitates to change for the better.
13. _____________ The director successfully r____ed the tense and emotional atmosphere of the novel in the
14. _____________ Born into a family of t_____s wealth, the 10-year-old boy already has three cars and five
15. _____________ After spending the whole weekend at the beach, Marco’s light skin turned b_____e.
16. _____________ Eva m_____d that she was a music lover, but she didn’t tell us exactly what kind of music
she liked to listen to.
17. _____________ After my urgent request, the manager reluctantly c_____d to authorize me to represent our

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company to make a bargain.
18. _____________ The t_____s amount of noise from that construction site makes it hard for me to hear
anything else for a while.
19. _____________ The celebrity decided to sue (控告) the company for using his photo to promote its product
without his c____t.
20. _____________ When it comes to online shopping, there is an i_____e variety of goods for consumers to
choose from.
21. _____________ Whenever Julia m_____ns her new boyfriend Adam, a sweet smile appears on her face.
22. _____________ Book reviewers criticized the b____y for containing too many made-up facts to beautify (美
化) the politician’s life.
23. _____________ The politician gave a b_____f response to the reporter’s question and then rushed to the
24. _____________ Liam flew into a rage when he found his little brother had t_____n a couple of pages from
his favorite novel.
25. _____________ The Jadeite Cabbage (翠玉白菜) is one of the most n____e and famous exhibits of the
National Palace Museum.
26. _____________ The residents (居民) near the chemistry plant heard an enormous explosion and felt the
ground shaking b_____h them.
27. _____________ When the popular young singer showed up at the train station, many people immediately
took out their smartphones to s_____p photos.
28. _____________ The tourist’s application for visa was r_____d because his passport would expire in two
29. _____________ The author intends to write a b____y of the highly respected doctor who passed away
30. _____________ The success of the company is one of a kind and it is almost impossible to _____ the same
success.                            【黃金三角】
二、詞類變化(共 0 分,每題 0 分)
31. _____________ Sebastian brought some _____ (sample) of his drawings to the interview with the publisher
and successfully landed the job as an illustrator (插畫家).
32. _____________ The limb of the tree _____ (snap) while the forester (林務員) was standing on it cutting
down some dead branches.
33. _____________ Keep stirring the sauce until all the small _____ (lump) disappear, and it’ll become creamy
and yummy.
34. _____________ Elijah _____ (wrap) the diamond ring in colorful paper, preparing to propose to his girlfriend
at dinner.
35. _____________ Life satisfaction is a _____ (dynamic) process, which constantly changes and varies from
age to age.
36. _____________ The chemistry teacher is _____ (instructor) the students who went to the laboratory for the

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first time in how to properly use the devices.
37. _____________ The student council had no option but to abandon the project because the principal didn’t
_____ (consent) to it.
38. _____________To Sally's disappointment, she received a _____ (reject) letter from the company, saying that
she didn't get the job.
39. _____________ After getting more than ten _____ (reject) letters, the college graduate finally received a job
40. _____________ Owen _____ (sample) raw oysters (牡蠣) for the first time on the graduation trip to Kenting

三、字彙與慣用語選擇(共 0 分,每題 0 分)
41. ( ) _____ what Sean will do next. He doesn't play by the rules.
(A)It is doubtful that (B)It cannot be denied
(C)It goes without saying (D)There is no knowing
42. ( ) The Industrial Revolution not only changed people’s living and working conditions but _____
(A)hit upon (B)fell for (C)gave rise to (D)won back
43. ( ) The museum _____ an exhibition of local artists’ works every year to promote understanding and
appreciation of local culture.
(A)tears (B)snaps (C)piles (D)mounts
44. ( ) Nobel Prize winners have every right to be proud of their _____ achievements. After all, they’ve been
totally dedicated (致力) to their work.
(A)dynamic (B)commercial (C)tremendous (D)shallow
45. ( ) Since the political situation is _____, the government should adopt a more flexible strategy and be ready
for any unexpected problems.
(A)immortal (B)dynamic (C)tremendous (D)infinite
46. ( ) The crisis management team is making every effort to _____ a temporary deal with the protesting
(A)give rise to (B)tear apart (C)patch together (D)wrap around
47. ( ) Tony was depressed because his application to the college was _____.
(A)decreased (B)adjusted (C)involved (D)rejected
48. ( ) The marketing manager has _____ an solution that might solve the department’s financial crisis this
(A)torn apart (B)hit upon (C)wrapped around (D)gave rise to
49. ( ) Your article should be written all by yourself. You cannot _____ other peoples' works..
(A)postpone (B)perform (C)reproduce (D)entertain
50. ( ) Some imaginary inventions that are _____ in science fiction stories have already become a reality, such
as video phones and energy weapons.
(A)mentioned (B)permitted (C)instructed (D)consented

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四、文法選擇(共 0 分,每題 0 分)
51. ( ) No longer _____ patients isolated from other people in the hospital after they made a full recovery from
the disease.
(A)should (B)had (C)did (D)were
52. ( ) There have been millions of dollars _____ to the special relief fund to help the earthquake victims.
(A)donate (B)donated (C)to donate (D)donating
53. ( ) Think again before you say anything. Sometimes words that hurt are better _____ unsaid.
(A)taken (B)found (C)got (D)left
54. ( ) Seldom _____ to a supermarket to buy groceries. She often shops online.
(A)Jane does go (B)goes Jane (C)does Jane go (D)Jane goes
55. ( ) Hardly _____the player believe she had won the championship when the result was announced.
(A)was (B)does (C)could (D)should
56. ( ) Hundreds of tourists _____ in, the otherwise quiet and peaceful village suddenly became busy and
(A)flood (B)to flood (C)flooded (D)flooding
57. ( ) To our surprise, the principal announced that our class won first prize ______ our performance broke
the school’s historical records.
(A)but also (B)such as (C)and that (D)as well
58. ( ) Kathy felt that Jim was not an honest man and _____ he was not worth her trust.
(A)which (B)what (C)X (D)that
59. ( ) Tom sat by the river and was lost in the exciting story, totally unaware _____ the two crocodiles
approaching him!
(A)with (B)that (C)for (D)of
60. ( ) _____ no denying that the greenhouse effect has caused global warming and other natural disasters.
(A)There being (B)There is (C)It being (D)It is
61. ( ) If I _____ such a huge amount of money, I would certainly put it into good use.
(A)had won (B)win (C)won (D)would win
62. ( ) Little _____how much money Ben had spent on gaming.
(A)I knew that (B)had I known (C)did I know (D)I did not know
63. ( ) At the concert, the rock star announced he had decided to quit the show business and _____ he would
not perform in public anymore.
(A)which (B)X (C)what (D)that
64. ( ) A large _____ of students go to school by bus or train every morning.
(A)sum (B)amount (C)deal (D)number

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65. ( ) I feel lucky to have such great partners as you and I look forward to _____ lies ahead in the future.
(A)that (B)what (C)how (D)which
66. ( ) Scott’s mother was angry _____ his poor grades and bad behavior at school.
(A)at (B)of (C)in (D)to
67. ( ) With the outbreak of the virus having killed thousands of people, all the scientists can do now is _____ a
cure as soon as possible.
(A)found (B)that to find (C)finding (D)find
68. ( ) Apparently, the old print photo hadn’t been treated with care; its corners were _____ and the color
(A)tearing; fading (B)torn; faded (C)tearing; faded (D)torn; fading
69. ( ) David finished painting the wall, _____ proud of himself..
(A)which felt (B)feeling (C)and feels (D)felt
70. ( ) _____ the same mistake twice ever since he changed his learning and working attitude.
(A)Rarely has Hugh made (B)Little does Hugh make
(C)No longer will Hugh make (D)Never did Hugh make
71. ( ) Downey finished running the 10km marathon in an hour this year, _____ is his best personal record
(A)it (B)that (C)which (D)when
72. ( ) _____ late for any appointment because he considers being on time an important trait of a person.
(A)Never is Mr. Jackman (B)No longer been Mr. Jackson
(C)Hardly does Mr. Jackman (D)Seldom has Mr. Jackman
73. ( ) The air in the bathroom is terrible. Please leave the door _____ so that fresh air can circulate.
(A)opening (B)to open (C)open (D)opened
74. ( ) The police _____ to discover the identity of the criminal for a while, but they still can’t find any clues.
(A)has been trying (B)have been trying (C)are trying (D)is trying
75. ( ) Little _____ the discovery of the new virus would change his career as a physician.
(A)was the young researcher realized (B)did the young researcher realized
(C)did the young researcher realize (D)the young research realized
76. ( ) _____ the sleeping baby gently in the crib, the mother left the room as quietly as she could in order not
to wake him up.
(A)Lying (B)Laid (C)Lied (D)Laying
77. ( ) The things _____ by most people in their lives are those they didn’t do when they had the opportunities.
(A)regretting (B)that regretted (C)regretted (D)which regretting
78. ( ) Rita looked at the menu, _____ which dishes she wanted to order.
(A)wonders (B)wondered (C)wonder (D)wondering
79. ( ) Patrick is eager to find out _____ has stolen his notebook.
(A)when (B)why (C)who (D)that
80. ( ) _____ know what will happen in the next second in our life, so we’d better live every moment to the
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(A)Little we should (B)Hardly are we (C)Seldom we (D)Never do we

五、課文綜合測驗(共 0 分,每題 0 分)
81. There is a photo mounted on my wall of a woman I've never met, and its left corner is torn and patched
together with tape. It's the late 1940s, and she hasn't yet reached the age of thirty. Her light bronze skin is smooth,
her eyes still young and __1__. She is unaware of the lump growing inside her a lump that would leave
her five children motherless and also __2__ the breakthroughs in medicine. Beneath the photo, a brief description
says her name is “Henrietta Lacks, Helen Lane,or Helen Larson.” No one knows __3__ snapped that picture, but it
has appeared an infinite number of times in magazines and science textbooks.
I first learned about HeLa cells and the woman behind them in 1988, thirtyseven years after her death, when I
was sixteen and my biology __4__ mentioned her in class. I've spent years __5__ at her photo, wondering what
kind of life she led and what she would think about her cells living on forever. They were bought, sold, packaged,
and shipped to laboratories around the world, which helped with some of the most tremendous advances in
medicine: the polio vaccine, chemotherapy, cloning, gene mapping, and in vitro fertilization.

( 1 ) ( ) (A) notable (B) eager (C) tremendous (D) dynamic

( 2 ) ( ) (A) pass away (B) give rise to (C) hit on (D) fall for
( 3 ) ( ) (A) who (B) which (C) what (D) when
( 4 ) ( ) (A) gene (B) sample (C) instructor (D) nightmare
( 5 ) ( ) (A) to gaze (B) gaze (C) gazing (D) gazed

82. There’s no knowing exactly how many of Henrietta’s cells are alive today. One scientist estimates that if we
could __1__ all of the HeLa cells ever known onto a scale, they’d weigh more than 50 billion kilograms. Another
scientist calculated that if we could lay all of the HeLa cells ever grown endtoend, they’d wrap around the earth at
least three times __2__ spans more than 350 million feet.
Henrietta died in 1951 from cervical cancer. Before she passed __3__, though, a surgeon took samples of her
lump and put them in a Petri dish regardless of the absence of her consent. Scientists __4__ to keep human cells
alive in culture for decades, but they all finally died. Henrietta’s were different: Her cells reproduced an entire
generation every twentyfour hours, and they never halted. They became the first immortal human cells ever grown
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in a laboratory. Henrietta’s cells have now been living outside her body far longer than they ever lived inside.
Many people believe that they were one of the most __5__ discoveries in medicine in the last hundred years.
However, little did they know about the woman.

( 1 ) ( ) (A) snap (B) reproduce (C) pile (D) reject

( 2 ) ( ) (A) , that (B) , which (C) which (D) that
( 3 ) ( ) (A) on (B) along (C) away (D) in
( 4 ) ( ) (A) had been trying (B) have been trying (C) have tried (D) will try
( 5 ) ( ) (A) brief (B) infinite (C) tremendous (D) notable

六、綜合測驗(共 0 分,每題 0 分)
83. Henrietta Lacks was an American woman, famous for being the source of HeLa cells. These cells were
discovered to be the first immortal human cells because they could continue to divide in a lab. They have been
living outside Henrietta Lacks's body __1__ longer than they lived inside it. In fact, no one knows exactly how
many of her cells are alive today. But it is estimated that all the HeLa cells ever grown in labs could weigh more
than 50 billion kilograms.
Lacks grew up in rural Virginia. Lacks married her cousin Day in 1941, __2__ she was in her early twenties.
Before her fifth pregnancy, Henrietta felt a “knot” in her lower abdomen along with bleeding. She knew there was
something wrong with her body, but __3__ she know it was cervical cancer. Sadly, it was too late when she visited
the doctor, and she died in 1951. In one of the treatments before her death, Doctor George Gey had taken tissues
samples of her tumor __4__ the absence of her consent. This angered the Lacks family and generated discussions
about medical ethics. Moreover, the story of Henrietta Lacks was one of many cases that __5__ the creation of
new laws. The new laws are aimed to protect the rights of patients and allow them to decide what can be done with
their biological material. 【學習評量】

( 1 ) ( ) (A) very (B) more (C) far (D) so

( 2 ) ( ) (A) what (B) when (C) which (D) that
( 3 ) ( ) (A) no wonder (B) never will (C) nothing (D) little did
( 4 ) ( ) (A) because (B) due to (C) regardless of (D) in addition to
( 5 ) ( ) (A) resulted from (B) gave rise to (C) fell for (D) messed up

84. The woman’s photo on my wall has a description saying her name is “Henrietta Lacks, Helen Lane, or Helen
Larson.” She died of cancer in 1951 from a lump that grew inside her body, leaving behind a young family. Yet,
billions of her cells live on. A doctor kept and studied samples of them. Never __1__ he observed human cells like
these. The sells reproduced daily, and the process has never __2__. The immortal cells were a notable discovery.
They have been used to help tremendous medical advances.
After the woman passed away, her identity was forgotten, as is seen from my photo’s description. Scientists
labeled her cells “HeLa” cells, not knowing what “He” and “La” referred to. Learning about these cells in school, I
became interested in the woman. I would gaze __3__ her photo and wonder about her life.
Later, I found some articles from some 1970s magazines that mentioned her real name. One reporter
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interviewed her husband. He said he did not give the doctors permission to use her cells. In fact, her family had
only known about the cells twenty-five years after Henrietta’s death.
Because of these articles, I __4__ an idea. I wrote a __5__ both of Henrietta and the HeLa cells. I wanted the
world to know about the real human being pictured on my wall.

( 1 ) ( ) (A) does (B) did (C) had (D) has

( 2 ) ( ) (A) mounted (B) snapped (C) torn (D) halted
( 3 ) ( ) (A) at (B) by (C) for (D) on
( 4 ) ( ) (A) messed up (B) hit on (C) patched together (D) piled up
( 5 ) ( ) (A) headline (B) nightmare (C) biography (D) deed

七、文意選填(共 0 分,每題 0 分)
85. The cancer cells of Henrietta Lacks have led to many scientific discoveries. Unlike many other cells,
Henrietta Lacks's cells can multiply without __1__. HeLa cells have been used for more than sixty years to make
__2__ advancements in medical research.
HeLa cells have given rise to new vaccines. One of the most notable vaccines developed by using HeLa cells
was for polio. Thanks to the vaccine, very few people today suffer the __3__ of having polio. HeLa cells are also
used in __4__ research. An accident involving HeLa cells allowed researchers to clearly see and count the
chromosomes in human cells. This accident eventually helped scientists __5__ the idea that humans have 24 pairs
of chromosomes, proving that we have 23.
In addition to research on life on Earth, samples of HeLa cells have even been __6__ to space. Astronauts
discovered that the cells __7__ even faster in space than they do on Earth. Scientists then hit on the idea of __8__
a new branch of science called space cell biology, which is the study of how cells respond to zero gravity. This branch
of science may help us understand how humans can survive in space.
Actually, little did Henrietta Lacks know that her cells, taken without her __9__, would be part of so many
advancements. Her life and contributions are now __10__ in popular books, films, and other media. Despite the
difficulties she faced, she will be remembered in many more discoveries to come.

(A) genetic (B) halting (C) creating (D) reproduce (E) brought
(F) reject (G) nightmare (H) mentioned (I) tremendous (J) permission

(1) ______ (2) ______ (3) ______ (4) ______ (5) ______
(6) ______ (7) ______ (8) ______ (9) ______ (10) ______

八、引導式翻譯(共 0 分,每題 0 分)
86. 經過數週僵持,這名被控告進行不當醫療的醫師渴望和解,並於昨日匆匆拼湊出一份訴訟和解書。
After months of stand-off, the doctor who was accused of improper medical treatment was _____________
_____________ settlement and _____________ _____________ a statement yesterday.
87. 近幾個月來,醫療研究團隊一直付出極大努力找出對抗此新病毒的疫苗。

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Over the last few months, the medical and research team has been _____________ a _____________
_____________ to find a vaccine against the novel virus.
88. 隨著本書出版,這間公司如何剝削員工的故事終於公諸於世。
With the _____________ of the book, the story about how the company _____________ its employees was
finally revealed to the public.
89. 令我們難過的是,這對結縭 60 年恩愛的夫婦一起在醫院過世了。
To our sadness, the loving couple, who had been married for 60 years, _____________ _____________
together in the hospital.

90. 反對新政策的示威運動正在升溫,政府官員擔心這將引發更多的暴力衝突。
The demonstration against the new policy is heating up, and government officials are worried that it will
_____________ _____________ _____________ more violent conflicts.

91. 在這本傳記裡並未提及這名科學家的婚姻狀況,因此這位記者昨天突然想到在記者會上提問。
There is no _____________ of the scientist marital status in the _____________; therefore, the reporter
_____________ _____________ the idea of asking the question in the press conference yesterday.

92. Linda 突然想到舉辦一個每位居民都可以參加且認識彼此的派對。

Linda _____________ _____________ the idea of holding a party for every resident to attend and know one
93. Jim 的祖母昨晚去世。醫生說她的心臟在睡眠中停止跳動了。
Jim’s grandmother _____________ _____________ last night. The doctor said that her heart stopped in her
94. 我爸媽常常談起他們上大學的第一天,他們在當時對彼此一見鍾情。
My parents often talk about their first day of college, _____________ they _____________ in love with each
other at the first sight.
95. 沒有採取預防措施導致了該疾病大爆發。
Failing to take precautions _____________ _____________ to the massive outbreak of the disease.【習作】

九、整句式翻譯(共 0 分,每題 0 分)

96. Josh 突然想到他應該用不同的角度來看待這個問題。

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97. 這位外科醫師沒意識到他一直在利用護士的支持與體諒。(Little. . .)

98. 沒有人知道(There . . . )到底為什麼那著名的講師在未經校長的許可就極欲辭職。


99. 高失業率很容易引起對社會安全的種種威脅。


100. Irene 突然想到解決這個問題的新奇辦法。


101. 我突然想到或許正是他們不恰當的行為導致了他離開校園的想法。


102. 在醜聞爆發之後,選民不再相信這個政客的品格。


103. 在分隔二十年之後,Harry 第一眼幾乎認不出老友。


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104. 這個沒有母親的孩子所能記得的只是他母親死於癌症,以及從那時起他就過著孤單的生活。

(All . . .)

105. 女王站在陽台上對著群眾揮手微笑。


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