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Week -1 Long Descriptive Questions

JUNE 23, 2023

1. Write five major differences between active and passive listening.
Here are five major differences between active and passive listening:
1. Engagement: Active listening involves actively participating in the listening
process, where the listener focuses their attention, shows interest, and
engages with the speaker. In contrast, passive listening is a more passive
and detached approach, where the listener may be present physically but
not actively involved or engaged in the conversation.
2. Purpose: Active listening is goal-oriented, aiming to fully understand the
message being conveyed and to gather information. It involves seeking
clarification, asking questions, and making an effort to comprehend the
speaker's perspective. Passive listening, on the other hand, lacks a specific
purpose and may involve merely hearing the words without deeper
understanding or intention to retain the information.
3. Response: Active listening typically involves providing feedback or response
to the speaker, such as nodding, summarizing, paraphrasing, or asking
relevant questions. It demonstrates the listener's involvement and
understanding. In passive listening, there is typically little or no response
from the listener, indicating a lack of engagement and participation.
4. Focus: Active listening requires concentration and focus on the speaker and
their message. The listener strives to eliminate distractions and give their
undivided attention. In contrast, passive listening may occur while
multitasking or being mentally preoccupied, leading to reduced focus on
the speaker and potential loss of important information.
5. Understanding: Active listening emphasizes comprehension and seeking
clarity. The active listener aims to understand the message, the speaker's
perspective, and the underlying meaning. They may actively analyze,
interpret, and evaluate the information. Passive listening, however, often
involves surface-level understanding or even misunderstanding due to the
lack of active engagement and effort to comprehend the message.
These differences highlight the distinct levels of involvement, purpose, response,
focus, and understanding between active and passive listening approaches. Active
listening promotes effective communication, understanding, and stronger
connections between individuals.

2. Write a note on the classification of listening skills in 200 words.

Listening skills can be classified into several categories based on different aspects
of the listening process. Here is a note on the classification of listening skills:
1. Passive vs. Active Listening: This classification distinguishes between
passive listening, where the listener is less engaged and merely receives
information, and active listening, which involves focused attention,
comprehension, and active participation in the listening process. Active
listening skills, such as paraphrasing, asking questions, and providing
feedback, enhance understanding and communication.
2. Informational vs. Critical Listening: Informational listening focuses on
gathering and understanding information accurately. It involves note-
taking, summarizing, and retaining important details. Critical listening, on
the other hand, goes beyond understanding and involves analyzing,
evaluating, and making judgments about the information presented. It
requires critical thinking skills, discernment, and the ability to identify
biases or logical fallacies.
3. Empathetic Listening: Empathetic listening emphasizes understanding and
connecting with the speaker's emotions, perspective, and experiences. It
involves being non-judgmental, showing empathy, and providing emotional
support. Empathetic listening skills include reflecting feelings, offering
validation, and demonstrating genuine interest in the speaker's well-being.
4. Discriminative Listening: Discriminative listening focuses on distinguishing
and interpreting different sounds, tones, and nonverbal cues in
communication. It enhances the listener's ability to perceive subtle
variations in speech patterns, vocal tones, and body language.
Discriminative listening skills are particularly important for understanding
accents, detecting sarcasm, and interpreting nonverbal communication.
5. Appreciative Listening: Appreciative listening involves listening for
enjoyment, entertainment, or personal pleasure. It is often associated with
activities like listening to music, storytelling, or engaging in recreational
listening. Appreciative listening skills involve immersing oneself in the
experience, appreciating artistic elements, and connecting emotionally with
the content.
6. Sympathetic Listening: Sympathetic listening focuses on providing support,
understanding, and compassion to someone who is expressing their
feelings, concerns, or problems. It involves actively listening to their needs,
offering comfort, and expressing sympathy. Sympathetic listening skills
include showing genuine concern, offering encouragement, and refraining
from judgment or advice-giving.
These classifications highlight the diverse nature of listening skills, each serving a
unique purpose and requiring specific techniques. Developing proficiency in
different listening skills can significantly enhance communication effectiveness,
relationship building, and overall understanding in various contexts.

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