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EXP. 1: ELEMENTARY COMPOSITION OF boiling and add several drops of 0.1 N BaCl2
PROTEINS solutions.
Explain: There was a reaction with BaCl2 in
I. PURPOSE an acidic medium. The sol’n in the test tube
To determine the elementary turned cloudy and a white precipitate named
composition of different proteins and barium sulfate (BaSO4) was formed. The
understand their properties. solution then became clearer as it rested
II. APPARATUS Write the equation involved: BaCl2 +
Test tubes, test tube holder, test tube H2SO4 → 2HCl + BaSO4/BaCl2 + Na2SO4 →
rack, Bunsen burner, mortar and pestle, 2NaCl + BaSO4 (white precipitate)
porcelain crucible, stirring rad, filter paper,
beakers, red and blue litmus paper, pipettes, 4. PHOSPHOROUS
wire gauze, tripod, tongs, funnel Take a second portion of the filtrate and add
concentrated nitric acid drop wise until acidic.
III. MATERIALS Add a few drops of ammonium molybdate
Casein (C81H125O39P) 1 g soda lime solution and heat nearly to boiling.
(CaHNaO2), 2 g solid fusion mixture (2 parts What is the precipitate formed? Ammonium
Na2CO3: 1 part KNO3), warm water (H2O), phosphomolybdate [(NH4)3PO4 • 12MoO3)]
dilute hydrochloric acid (HCl), several drops of Write the equation involved: PO4^3- +
.1 N barium chloride (BaCl2) sol’ns, conc. nitric 3NH4+ + 12MoO4²- + 24H+ → (NH4)3PO4 •
acid (HNO3) [drop wise], few drops of 12MoO3 (yellow crystalline precipitate) +
ammonium molybdate [(NH4)2MoO4)] 12H₂O




Place a small amount of casein in a test tube.
Heat it gently over a low flame. Observe the two
substances formed within the tube.
What does the charring of casein and the
formation of moisture in the test tube indicate?
Charring of casein indicated the presence and
removal of carbon, while the formation of
moisture indicated the presence and removal of
hydrogen from the solid.

Mix 1 gram of soda lime and a piece of casein
(mongo bean size) in a mortar and mix. Transfer
the mixture to a dry test tube and heat slowly
and cautiously. Expose a piece of moist red
litmus paper to the vapors.
What gas turned the moistened litmus to
blue? Ammonia gas (NH3) turned the moistened
litmus to blue.

FUSION: Perform the tests for sulfur and

phosphorous on the fused mixture prepared as
follows: Place about 2 grams of solid fusion
mixture (2 parts Na2CO3: 1 part KNO3) in a
porcelain crucible. Add a small amount of
powdered casein and mix thoroughly. Heat
slowly at the start and then strongly, until a
clear mixture is formed. Cool and dissolve with
a small amount of warm water and filter. Divide
the filtrate into two parts.

Add dilute HCl to the first portion of the
above filtrate until acidic. Heat the solution to

EXP. 2: COLOR RXNS OF PROTEINS Repeat the test using 2 mL of 2% peptone
solution instead of albumin. What did you
I. PURPOSE observe? The yellowish mixture of peptone
To determine the color reactions of solution and NaOH turned a light violet color
different proteins through various specific tests. upon addition of the bluish CuSO4 due to
peptone having less peptide bonds.
II. APPARATUS Albumin solution shows darker purple than
Pipettes test tubes, beakers, test tube peptone, since albumin has a longer-chain
holder, Bunsen burner, wire gauze, iron stand, polypeptide than peptone (longer polypeptide
stirring rod chain = darker solution).


2% albumin sol’n, 1 mL of 10% sodium This reaction is due to the presence of
hydroxide (NaOH), .5% copper sulfate (CuSO4), phenyl group (-C6H5) in the protein molecules.
2 mL of 2% peptone sol’n, 5.5 mL conc. nitric It involves the nitration of the phenyl rings
acid (HNO3), ammonium hydroxide (NH4OH) present in the aromatic amino acids such as
[in excess], Millon’s rgt/HgN2O6 (1 part by wt. tyrosine, phenylalanine, tryptophan, forming
of mercury/Hg: 2 parts by wt. of conc. nitric yellow nitro-substitution products that turn
acid/HNO3), 2 volumes of water (H2O), 10 g orange when alkali is added (salt formation).
powdered magnesium (Mg), 250 mL of cold Place 1 ml of 2% albumin in a test tube, add
water (H2O), acetic (HAc), 1 mL of Hopkins-cole 0.5 ml of conc. nitric acid, and heat. Cool and
rgt, pure conc. sulfuric acid (H2SO4), 2 mL of add ammonium hydroxide in excess.
40% sodium hydroxide (NaOH), 10 drops of 2% Observation? Before heating, the solution was
lead acetate [Pb(C2H3O2)2] yellow. After it was heated and NH4OH was
added, the color of the solution changed to
Qualitative color reactions have been devised orange. When the protein was treated with
for the detection of proteins. Due to the conc. nitric acid, it turned yellow. And when it
complexity of the protein molecule and the was treated with an alkali (NH4OH), it turned
difficulty of obtaining a single pure protein orange.
compound, these test are used for specific Yellow nitro-benzene substituted product or
chemical groups of the component amino acids. precipitate is formed when conc. nitric acid
apply several tests. Since no one test is reacts with the aromatic amino acid in the
absolutely specific for proteins, it is necessary to protein molecules. When NH4OH is added to the
apply several tests. precipitate, it turns to orange due to the
formation of ammonium-salt complex.
IV. PROCEDURE Millon’s reagent is prepared by mixing one
part by weight of mercury with two parts by
1. BIURET REACTION weight of conc. nitric acid and dilute the
Biuret test is a general test for proteins. A resulting solution with two volumes of water.
positive reaction is obtained with all native Place 1 ml of 2% albumin solution in a test
proteins and most of the derived proteins. A tube and 1 drop of Millon’s reagent. Mix and
violet color is obtained with long chain proteins heat.
while pink color is obtained with shorter chain. What did you observe? A mercury salt
This is due to the varying amount of peptide precipitate (which turned from flesh color to
linkage. Any compound containing two carbonyl red) formed at the bottom of the text tube.
groups (-CONH₂) joined together through a What is responsible for this change?
single nitrogen or carbon atom will also give a Presence of a phenol group [of tyrosine] in the
positive test. protein
Mix 1 mL of 2% albumin solution and 1 mL What amino acid gives a positive Millon’s
of 10% NaOH. Add .5% CuSO4 drop by drop test? Tyrosine
mixing thoroughly after each addition until a Write its formula: C9H11NO3
pink or violet color is obtained.
What chemical structure in the protein 4. GLYOXYLIC ACID REACTION (HOPKINS-
molecule is responsible for a positive test? Two COLE)
peptide bonds/linkages in the protein molecule Hopkins-Cole reagent is prepared by mixing
Will simple amino acids give positive biuret 10 grams of powdered magnesium with
test? No, because biuret test will only react with sufficient water to cover it. Then add slowly 250
peptide linkages or a strong covalent bond that ml of cold water and shaking at the same time.
will link two or more amino acids in polypeptide Filter and acidify the filtrate with acetic acid to
or protein. [Simple] amino acids don’t have prevent partial precipitation of magnesium and
peptide bonds. make the volume to one liter with distilled

Mix 1 mL of 2% albumin solution and 1 mL Formation of purple ring due to the indole
of Hopkins-Cole reagent. Incline the tube and group of tryptophan
allow 1 mL of pure conc. sulfuric acid on the side
of the tube to form a layer beneath the protein
mixture. If no color is formed, shake gently.
What is the color produced at the point of
contact of the two liquids? Violet
What is the cause of this color reaction?
Presence of an indole nucleus in the tryptophan
component. The tryptophan condenses with the
aldehyde to form the colored compound.
Indole group of tryptophan in protein
molecule that reacts with the Hopkins-cole
Name the amino acid responsible for this test
and write its formula. Tryptophan


This is used clinically to detect the presence
of albumin in urine.
Put 5 mL of concentrated nitric acid in a test
tube, incline the tube and allow 2% albumin
solution to flow down the side of the tube
What happens at the interface between the
two liquids? A white precipitate of coagulated
protein appeared due to the change in pH
(specifically, denaturation) caused by the strong
mineral acid.
White/Heller’s ring is observed at the
junction of the solution due to the coagulation
in a strong concentrated acid. Usually, a yellow
precipitate is observed together with the white
ring due to the nitration of the aromatic amino
acid (xanthoproteic reaction).


Loosely combined sulfur after boiling with
sodium hydroxide forms sodium sulfide. A
positive test is given by amino acids which
contain the reduced sulfur group.
To 2 mL of 2% albumin solution add 2 mL of
40% NaOH and 10 drops of 2% lead acetate
solution. Heat to boiling for about 2 minutes or
until distinct change is obtained. What did you
observe? A black precipitate was formed (makes
the solution black in color) most likely due to the
formation of lead sulfide (PbS).
Reduced sulfur of cysteine and/or
methionine in protein chain into sulfide. When
lead acetate is added, the sulfide reacts with the
lead, to form PbS (black precipitate).

Indole derivatives give a positive result with
this test.
Add 3 drops of 2% albumin solution to 5 mL
of glacial acetic acid. Mix well. Pour conc.
sulfuric acid down the side of the tube and note
the color of the ring after it is made to stand for
a few minutes.
Light violet (lighter in color compared to the
one in Hopkin-Cole’s test)

EXP. 3: PRECIPITATION REACTIONS OF protein, protein is less soluble or insoluble,
PROTEINS precipitating out of the solution. Heat can make
this less soluble protein coagulate.
I. PURPOSE (5 N = very acidic, more solid protein)
To determine the components of proteins
and they precipitate in various chemical 2. PRECIPITATION BY ORGANIC SOLVENTS
reactions. Add 4 ml of ethyl alcohol to 2 mL of 2%
albumin solution. Remove a small amount of the
II. APPARATUS precipitate and add water.
Test tubes, beakers, wire gauze, iron Does the precipitate dissolve in water? Yes,
stand, Bunsen burner, test tube rack, pipettes, since the denaturation is mild and reversible.
stopper, filter paper, funnel, water bath, petri There’s little time of exposure of alcohol in
dish, Erlenmeyer flask, test tube holder protein that makes the denaturation mild and
reversible when water is added, since the
III. MATERIALS alcohol is more soluble in water.
5 mL of 2% casein (C81H125O39P), 13 Set aside the remainder of the precipitate in
mL of 2% albumin solution, 1 drop of 1 N acetic a stoppered test tube until the next laboratory
acid (HAc), 2 drops of 5 N acetic acid (HAc), 4 period. Again test the solubility of the precipitate
mL of ethyl alcohol (CH3CH2OH), water (H2O), in water.
slid ammonium sulfate [(NH4)2SO4], Millon’s Observation: After setting the remainder of
reagent (HgN2O6), 1 mL of 10% sodium the precipitate aside for a day, coagulation in
hydroxide (NaOH), .5% copper sulfate (CuSO4), the test tube was observed.
10 mL of 10% commercial peptone, 2-3 drops Precipitate no longer soluble in water, since
of lead (II) acetate [Pb(Ac)2], 3 drops of 1% the protein is exposed for a longer time in
silver nitrate (AgNO3), 1% copper sulfate alcohol that makes the denaturation irreversible.
(CuSO4), .1 N sodium hydroxide (NaOH), few When organic solvent is added in solution, water
drops of .1 N hydrochloric acid, 3 drops of molecules available for protein are reduced, and
potassium ferrocyanide {K4[Fe(CN)6] • 3H2O}, precipitation occurs. Organic solvents reduce
3 drops of 5% tannic acid (C76H52O46), 3 drops the dielectric constants of the ---- of the major
of saturated picric acid [(O2N)3C6H2OH) protein precipitation (?).
Filter the mixture and heat the filtrate using
------------------------------------------------ a water bath to see if coagulation occurs. If no
coagulation occurs, it means that the protein
IV. PROCEDURE has been completely precipitated by alcohol.
How is this process applied in the fixing of
1. PRECIPITATION BY HEAT COAGULATION tissue for histological purposes? With how
Heat coagulation and precipitation occur organic solvents disrupt hydrophobic and
best near the isoelectric point of the protein. hydrogen bonding, exposing internal
Albumin coagulates when heated. Aqueous hydrophobic protein groups and causing
solutions of proteases, peptones, gelatin, and shrinkage and hardening of tissues for
casein are not coagulated by heat. preservation.
Place 5 mL of 2% casein in a test tube and Preserves tissues
heat to boiling. Organic solvents precipitate proteins. When
Observation: The casein did not coagulate they are made to stand for sometimes, they are
because it needs a dehydrating agent and there denatured and become insoluble in water.
is a presence of surrounding water molecules.
No coagulation because of lesser intra- 3. PRECIPITATION BY SALTING OUT
molecular hydrogen bonding that stabilizes the a. Add solid ammonium sulfate to 5 mL of 2%
structure of casein. Disruption of these albumin until it becomes saturated. Filter.
hydrogen bonds that stabilize the secondary, Test the precipitate by Millon’s reagent.
tertiary, and quaternary of protein results to Observation: Flesh to red precipitate (protein
coagulation or denaturation of protein. separated out from solution)
In each of 3 test tubes, place 1 mL of 2% of Make a biuret test on the filtrate.
albumin solution. To the first add 1 drop of 1 N Observation: The filtrate had a blue color
acetic acid, to the second add 2 drops of 5 N to it.
acetic acid. The third serves as control. Boil the 1 – solution can remain blue (nega) OR 2
contents of these 3 tubes. – pink/purple (posi)
Which tube has the best coagulation? Tube Conclusion: All the proteins were
1 (mixture of 2% albumin solution and 1 N precipitated from the addition of Millon’s
acetic acid) reagent and all proteins were precipitated from
When 1 N acetic acid is added to the albumin the biuret test, since the blue color indicated a
solution, it makes the solution near the negative result/absence of proteins.
isoelectric point of albumin (around 4.9). When b. Separation of peptones and proteoses.
the solution is near the isoelectric point of the Saturate 10 mL of 10% commercial peptone

with solid ammonium sulfate, stirring all the potassium ferrocyanide, to the second 3 drops
time. Filter off the proteoses, and peptone is of 5% tannic acid, to the third 3 drops of
found in the filtrate. Make a biuret test on saturated picric acid.
the filtrate. Note: peptone is pink with biuret Why are they called alkaloidal reagents?
reagent. The filtrate should be pink/light Because they precipitate complex amines.
violet with the biuret best. Acidic reagents that react similarly as the
If the biuret test of the filtrate is positive, the heavy metal, due in that acid will react with the
salting out is incomplete, since there’s still protein to form an insoluble salt. These acids
protein molecules in the filtrate. If the biuret lower the pH of the medium when protein
test of the filtrate is negative, the salting out carries net positive charges. These protein
is complete, since all the protein are cations combine with negatively charged ions to
separated and precipitated out from the form proteins ferrocyanide, tannate, and
solution. picrate, and flocculent precipitate is formed.
Why is picric acid used in treatment for burns
4. PRECIPITATION BY HEAVY METAL IONS and tannic acid for diarrhea? Picric acid is used
Place 2 mL of 2% albumin solution in each in treatment of burns because of its antiseptic
of 3 test tubes. To the first add 2 to 3 drops of and astringent properties. Antiseptics help stop
Pb(Ac)2, to the second and 3 drops of 1% the growth of microorganisms on the skin, while
AgNO3 and to the third 1% CuSO4. astringents cause the contraction or shrinkage
Observation: Addition of Pb(Ac)₂ = while of tissues, as well as drying up of secretions.
precipitate, addition of AgNO3 = white Tannic acid is used to treat diarrhea due to its
precipitate, and addition of CuSO4 = [light] blue ability to improve epithelial barrier properties in
precipitate the intestine, reducing intestinal fluid secretion.
Repeat the test using fresh samples of Picric acid can denature proteins by
albumin but add few drops of 0.1 N NaOH disrupting salt bridges and hydrogen bonds that
before adding the metal salts. stabilize the tertiary structure of protein. By
Which has more precipitate, the test with or altering the state of either, these eventually
without NaOH? The test with NaOH renders the hydrophobic end of protein in its
Protein (albumin) will precipitate with heavy outer stratum, and the hydrophilic end at the
metal salts, forming center. This precipitate clogs the pathway of any
metal/proteinate/albuminate. Heavy metal ions pathogen, thus interstitial fluid to exit the
will interfere with the salt bridges, and the wound, or for the pathogen to enter.
disulfide bonds that stabilize the tertiary and Fibrinogens will fight against the progress of
quaternary structure of albumin. Disruptions of infection, and the body will sustain good # of
one or more of these bonds will denature the monocytes in the infected area.
protein, and form insoluble precipitate. Tannic acid can improve epithelial barrier
1 (with) – NaOH will make the solution basic functions (disfunction = intestinal diseases and
and very far from the isoelectric point of the pathogenies of diarrheal diseases) and cause
albumin, making it more soluble with larger constipation.
surface area, forming more insoluble metallic What is the general equation showing the
albuminate/precipitate. OR 1 (without) – NaOH ionization of a protein in acid and basic medium?
will make the solution basic and very far from
the isoelectric point of the albumin, making it
more soluble. But, the excess NaOH tend to Observation: All the alkaloidal reagents gave
dissolve the metallic albuminate when heavy positive results. Addition of potassium
metal salts are added (appears lesser ferrocyanides produced a white precipitate,
precipitate). addition of tannic acid produced a fresh brown
Egg albumin is used as an antidote for precipitate, and addition of picric acid produced
mercury or lead poisoning. Why? Egg albumin a yellow flocculent precipitate.
will oxidize or “bind” with the organic mercury
or lead, thus inducing an individual to vomit the
egg albumin and mercury or lead from his
stomach. The egg albumin will form a
precipitate of mercuric or lead salts, slowing
down or hindering their absorption by the body.
Egg albumin will react first with the heavy
metals, forming insoluble metallic albuminate,
which is less toxic than the free heavy metals
that will absorb in the system.


Place 2 mL of 2% albumin solution in each
of 3 test tubes and acidify with a few drops of
0.1 N HCl. To the first tube add 3 drops of


I. PURPOSE 1. Molisch Test (alpha-naphthol reaction)
To determine the presence of different This is a general test for carbohydrates.
carbohydrates and observe their various Prepare 4 for test tubes with 1 mL water, 1
physical and chemical properties. ml of 0.02 M glucose, 1 ml of 0.02 M sucrose,
and 1 mL of 0.05% starch, respectively. The first
II. APPARATUS serves as control. To each of the 4 solutions,
Beakers, test tubes, test tube rack, droppers, add 2 drops of Molisch reagent (5% solution of
test tube holder, wire gauze, Bunsen burner, alpha - naphthol in alcohol). Mix thoroughly.
clay stand/cover, dialysis tubes Incline the tube and allow 1 mL of conc. H2SO4
to flow in the side of the tube. Note the color of
III. MATERIALS the ring obtained after sometime. Violet
.01 M arabinose (C5H10O5), fructose What product from each of the sugar
(C6H12O6), .1 M + .02 M + 5% glucose condenses with alpha-naphthol?
(C6H12O6), .1 M + .02 M sucrose Hydroxymethylfurfural from each of the sugar
(C12H22O11), .7% + .05% starch condenses with alpha-naphthol. For glucose and
[(C6H10O4)n], dextrin [(C6H10O5)n], water starch (which have hexoses), 5-
(H₂O), 10% sodium chloride (NaCl), alcohol (- hydroxymethylfurfural condensed with alpha-
OH), Molisch reagent (5% solution of alpha- naphthol. For sucrose (a pentose), it was its
naphthol in alcohol), concentrated sulfuric and furfural molecule/s.
(H2SO4), 3% thymol, concentrated hydrochloric Carbs undergo dehydration upon intro of
and (HCl), Seliwanoff’s reagent, concentrated conc. HCl/H2SO4, resulting in the formation of
sodium hydroxide (NaOH), phloroglucin solution an aldehyde or furural. This aldehyde undergoes
condensation, along with furfural-type
------------------------------------------------ molecules such as alpha-naphthol, resulting in a
formation of a purple ring or reddish-purple-
IV. PROCEDURE colored complex.
2. Thymol Test
A. PHYSICAL TESTS Perform this test using the carbohydrates
1. Solubility used in Molisch test.
Test the solubility of arabinose, fructose, To about 0.5 mL (10 drops) of the solution
glucose, sucrose, starch, and dextrin in 2 mL of of a carbohydrate, add 3-6 drops of 3% thymol
water, 10% NaCl, and alcohol. Note: use only a in - alcohol. Add an excess (5-10 ml) of conc.
pinch of the solid carbohydrates. Tabulate your HCl. Boil gently for 2 minutes, shaking the
results. mixture at intervals. A carmine color develops.
There was no change of color in the test tube
with water. In the test tube with sucrose, a red
color appeared. And in the test tubes with
Starch and dextrin = slightly soluble in water glucose and starch, a carmine red and a light
and 10% NaCl (90% water, so can also form red (almost pink), respectively, were observed.
hydrogen bonds in water that makes it soluble) Carmine Test = alternative to Molisch
Lower membrane carbs = soluble in water 3. Seliwanoff’s Reaction (Resorcin - HCl test)
bec of more hydroxyl groups, which are polar, Place in each of 4 test tubes 5 mL of
that can form hydrogen bonds with [polar] Seliwanoff’s reagent. To these tubes, add
water. As polysaccharide chain increases, respectively 1 mL water, 1 mL of 0.01 M
solubility decreases. glucose, 1 mL of 0.01 M fructose and 1 mL of
When alcohol is added, which is less polar 0.01 M arabinose. Dip all the four tubes in
than water, it lowers the solubility and potential boiling water at the same time.
hydrogen bonds of the carbohydrates, because Observe the color changes in each tube
the water is more attracted to the alcohol than during a 5-minute period of heating. There were
the carbohydrates, the carbohydrate is no color changes in the test tubes with water
dehydrated by the alcohol and form and 0.01 M arabinose. However, a light yellow
precipitates. color was observed in the test tube with 0.01 M
2. Dialysis: (Demonstration) To each of the glucose, and a deep red color was observed in
three dialysis tubes place 1 ml of 0.1 M the test tube with 0.01 M fructose.
glucose, 0.1 M sucrose and 0.7% starch. What kind of sugar will give a positive
Immerse the ends covered with the semi- reaction with Seliwanoff’s reagent?
permeable membrane in 3 100 ml beakers Pentaketoses (such as fructose) because they
with 50 ml water. Set aside for 15 minutes. dehydrate faster and form 5-
Perform the Molisch test on the dialysate and hydroxymethylfurfural
compare the intensity of the color produced. Ketose (undergoes dehydration in the
Tabulate your results and draw conclusions. presence of concentrated acid to yield 5-
hydroxymethylfurfural); reacts with 2 eqs. of

resorcinol in series of condensation reaction to
produce a complex called “xanthonoid” (deep
cherry red to mahogany red color)
4. Moore’s Test (action of conc. alkali)
Mix 1 mL of 5% glucose and 1 mL of conc.
NaOH. Boil. What is the color and odor of the
solution? Color = orangey brown, smell = sweet
(a lot like caramel)
This test is based on the liberation of
aldehydes which polymerize to form a resinous
substance: caramel.
When a solution of reducing sugar is heated
with an alkali, it turns yellow to orange then light
brown, liberating the odor of caramel (due to
the liberation of aldehyde, which subsequently
polymerizes to form a residue substance
5. Tollen’s Phloroglucin reaction
Measure off 5 mL of phloroglucin solution
into each of four test tubes. To each add
respectively 1 ml water, 1 ml of 0.01 M glucose,
1 ml of 0.01 M fructose and 1 mL of 0.01 M
arabinose. Immerse all test tubes in boiling H2O
at the same time. Observe the color changes
every two minutes during the first 15 minutes of
heating, then observe at the end of 1 hour. This
reaction may be used to differentiate pentoses
from hexoses.
Observation: A change of color (light red-
orange) was observed first in the test tube with
fructose. Then, as it grew deeper, a light yellow
color was starting to be observed in the other
test tubes during the first 15 minutes of heating.
At the end of an hour: solution with arabinose
= dark brown black color, fructose = brown,
glucose = dark orange color, and water = light
yellow-orange color. As a pentose/pentaketose,
fructose indicated a positive result. And since
glucose and water are not
pentoses/pentaketoses, they indicated a
negative result.
Differentiates pentoses (reddish-brown
color) from hexoses (some may give reddish
color); observation may vary depending on
intensity and duration of heating

EXP. 5: SPECIAL TEST FOR SACCHARIDES the (pH 6.4 to 6.8). Allow this to stand for one
hour. Bubbles indicate fermentation.
I. PURPOSE Use the following sugars: sucrose, glucose,
To conduct special tests specific for galactose.
different saccharides and observe their various What are the bubbles due to? Production of
results after. CO2 molecules by yeast
Explain results.
Droppers, test tubes, beakers, wire gauze, 3. MUCIC ACID TEST
Bunsen burner, day stand/cover, test tube rack, To 1 mL of 5 mL galactose, add 1 mL of conc.
test tube holder, microscope nitric acid. Heat in a boiling water bath for 1½
hour. Allow to stand till the next laboratory
III. MATERIALS period. Examine the crystals under the
microscope and draw them.
0.01, 0.1 M, 0.002 M, 0.03 M, and 5% glucose
(C6H12O6) solutions; conc. nitric acid (HNO3);
5% potassium chromate (K2CrO7); 20%
suspension of baker’s yeast (C19H14O2); 0.01
M, 0.03 M, and 5% sucrose (C12H2O11)
solution; galactose (C6H12O6); phosphate
buffer (pH 6.4-6.8); 0.7% starch [(C6H10O5)n]
solution; water (H2O); Fehling’s solution A
(CuSO4), Fehling’s solution B (KOH and Rochelle
salt); Benedict’s solution (CuSO4, Na2CO3,
Na3C6H5O7); Barfoed’s solution
[(ClCCH3COO)2 in HAC]; 0.01 M and 5% The mucic acid test takes advantage of the
fructose (C6H1206); 0.01 M, 0.03 M, and 5% relative insolubility of mucic acid (an isomer of
lactose (C12H22O11); 0.1% dextrin saccharic acid) which is formed by the oxidation
[(C6H10O5)n], dil. iodine (I2) solution, 0.5 g of of galactose.
phenylhydrazine solution (C6H8N2/2 parts Mucic/galactaric/aldaric acid = oxidized
phenylhydrazine hydrochloride and 3 parts product when the aldehyde group and primary
sodium acetate), 5% maltose (C12H22O11) alcohol group of galactose are oxidized into
carboxylic acids with the presence of strong
------------------------------------------------ nitric acid, serving as the strong oxidizing agent


1. NITRO-CHROMIC ACID TEST Place 1 mL each of the following solutions
To 5 mL of 0.01 M glucose solution, add 3 into 5 separate test tubes: 0.01 M glucose, 0.01
mL of conc. nitric acid and 5 drops of 5% M fructose, 0.01 M sucrose, 0.7% starch
potassium chromate solution. Mix well. A blue solution and water (control). To all 5 test tubes,
solution appears after a minute if it contains add 1 mL each of Fehling’s solution A (CuSO4)
sugar with a concentration more than 1%. This and Fehling's solution B (KOH and Rochelle
test is due to the free -CHOH groups in the sugar salt). Shake and immerse all tubes in boiling
molecule. Non-sugar compounds which contain water and heat for 15 minutes.
this group may also give a positive reaction. Observe the color produced. The mixture
Result? The solution looked clear but was with sucrose the mixture with water, and the
actually light blue, indicating that it did contain mixture with starch remained blue. Meanwhile,
a sugar with a concentration more than 1%. the mixture with fructose turned a light blue, but
This reaction is given by all saccharides, as well had a red precipitate. And, the mixture with
as other compounds with a primary or glucose turned red and had a red precipitate,
secondary alcohol group. too.
The solution turned blue because of the What is the precipitate due to? Fructose and
oxidation of the free aldehyde in glucose to a glucose and reducing sugars, due to their free
carboxylic acid. This also reduced chromic avid aldehyde/ketone group.
(H2CrO4) to HCrO3 (CrVI → CrIV), which is blue Oxidization of reducing sugar (glucose and
(releases chromic ion, which is responsible for fructose). Fehling’s = mild oxidizing agent that
bluish color of the solution). oxidizes the aldehyde group of a reducing sugar
to aldonic acid, with the reagent being reduced
2. ALCOHOLIC FERMENTATION to cuprous oxide (brick red precipitate); only
Place in a test tube 5 mL of a 20% reacts with reducing agent/sugar
suspension of baker’s yeast and add about 5 mL Which carbohydrates have no reaction?
of sugar solution and 5 mL of phosphate buffer Sucrose and starch (non-reducing sugars)

Why? Because these are non-reducing What happens when the warm solution is
sugars, which don’t have a free cooled? When the warm solution with starch
aldehyde/ketone group was cooled, a dark blue color was observed,
B. BENEDICT’S TEST (QUALITATIVE TEST FOR indicating a positive result for the presence of
GLUCOSE IN URINE) polysaccharides (as dark blue was its original
In 3 separate tubes, place 5 mL of Benedict’s color.). Meanwhile, when the warm solution
solution (CuSO4, Na2CO3, sodium citrate) and with dextrin was cooled, a dark blue-violet (near
then add 1 mL of 0.01 M, 0.01 M, and 0.002 M black) color was observed, which was its original
glucose solutions. Place in a boiling water bath color prior to heating. This also indicated a
for 10 minutes. positive result.
Observe the colors produced and compare
the intensities in each tube. The test tube with Starch and iodine before heating = blue-
0.01 M glucose was observed to have some colored solution; after = colorless
brick red color precipitate at the bottom of its Dextrin and iodine before = purple; after =
mixture. The test tube with 0.1 M glucose was colorless
observed to have a brick red color and Starch interacts with iodine to form inclusion
precipitate all throughout its mixture. The test compounds called clathrates (?), in which the
tube with 0.002 M glucose was observed to have molecules of one substance can enter the
a bit of a brick red color precipitate at the molecular structure of another.
bottom of its mixture. The intensity in the If you heat a test tube con-tain-ing a
second test tube was the strongest, followed by so-lu-tion of starch, io-dine, and wa-ter over a
the first tube, then the third test tube. chemical burner for some time, the so-lu-tion
This test is given by reducing sugars. in will turn white and trans-par-ent. This is
alkaline medium, sodium carbonate converts be-cause the com-pound of io-dine and starch
glucose to enediol and this enediol reduce cupric is unstable.
to cuprous forming cuprous hydroxide. This If you put the test tube containing starch and
solution is kept in sodium citrate and on boiling, iodine in cold wa-ter, a dark blue color solution
[brick] red precipitate of cuprous oxide is will form once more due to the partial hydrolysis
formed. of starch in 2-dextrin*.
0.01 M has more glucose molecules that Dextrin might also turn back to its original
could react with the Benedict’s reagent, forming color, unless the heating makes it hydrolyze
more cuprous oxide. further.

C. BARFOED’S TEST *When starch is heated to the boiling point, it

Prepare 7 test tubes and label them with begins to break down and the amylose chains
numbers properly. Then add to each 5 mL of will break, forming short chains of dextrin. So,
Barfoed's solution (copper acetate in acetic the color of starch will change.
acid). Then add to corresponding tube 5 mL
each of (1) 0.01 M glucose, (2) 0.01 fructose, 6. PHENYLHYDRAZINE REACTION
(3) 0.01 M lactose, (4) 0.01 M sucrose. (5) 0.03 To 0.5 g of phenylhydrazine mixture, add 2
M glucose, (6) 0.03 M lactose, and (7) 0.03 M mL of the indicated sugar solution, shake well,
sucrose. Place the seven tubes in a boiling water and heat in a boiling water bath for 30 to 45
bath the third and heat for ½ hour. minutes. Allow the tube to cool (not under the
Note the speed of reduction in the different tap) and examine the crystal under art.
tubes. microscope.
Barfoed’s test serves to detect reducing Sugar solutions to be used: 5% glucose,
monosaccharides; fructose reacts faster than fructose, maltose, lactose and sucrose.
glucose. Disaccharides also reduce this reagent
if the sugar concentration is high enough and
the time of heating is long.
Mild oxidizing agent that can be reduced to
cuprous oxide; slower rate of reaction in


To 5 ml portion each of 0.7% starch and Glucosazone = needle-like, maltosazone =
0.1% dextrin, add a few drops of dil. I2 solution sunflower petal, lactosazone = powderpuff (?)
until a good color develops. Then warm each hedgehog
tube very gently. If there are crystals observed in the test tube
Observation: The mixture in the test tube containing sucrose, the crystals are
with starch turned colorless, while the mixture glucosazone/fructosazone.
in the test tube with dextrin turned yellow- Prolonged heating of sucrose with
orange. phenylhydrazine = hydrolyze sucrose into
glucose and fructoes

This test is useful in identifying sugars with
free aldehyde or ketone group. The shape of the
crystals and the time required for osazone
formation are important guides in identifying the
various sugars.
Compare results obtained with following
figures given by Mulliken:
Glucose – 4 to 5 minutes
Fructose – 2 minutes
Maltose – osazone soluble in hot water
Lactose – osazone soluble in hot water
Sucrose – 30 to 35 minutes (after hydrolysis)
Reagent: Phenylhydrazine mixture is
prepared by mixing 2 parts of phenylhydrazine
hydrochloride and 3 parts of sodium acetate.
The mixture should be freshly prepared.

EXP. 6: GLYCOGEN Glycogen will form insoluble precipitate with
concentrated alcohol. Alcohol will interact
I. PURPOSE with the water more freely than the water
To determine the reactive properties of and glycogen; thus, glycogen will precipitate
glycogen. out from the solution (formation of white
II. APPARATUS 3. Test the precipitate in no. 2 with Benedict’s
Mortar and pestle, evaporating dish, solution and boil for a short time.
beakers, stirring rod, wire gauze, Bunsen Observation: Before heating, the mixture
burner, clay stand/cover, funnel, filter paper, of the precipitate and Benedict’s solution
Erlenmeyer flask, droppers, test tubes, test tube was a light blue. And after heating, it
rack, test tube holder remained the same or there was no chemical
change involved, indicating a negative
III. MATERIALS result. This is because the test done was a
Glycogen solution (oyster meat, test for reducing sugars.
water/H2O, acetic acid/CH3COOH), sodium Glycogen = nega in Benedict’s bec it’s a
chloride (NaCl), iodine (I2) solution, 95% non-reducing polysaccharide
alcohol (-OH), Benedict’s solution, conc. 4. Hydrolyze 5 mL of the glycogen solution with
hydrochloric acid (HCl), sodium hydroxide a few drops of conc. HCl, boiling for 10
(NaOH), starch [(C6H10O5)n] minutes. Cool the solution, neutralize with
NaOH and test with Benedict’s solution.
------------------------------------------------ Before heating, the mixture was light blue.
During heating, it turned yellow. And after
IV. PROCEDURE heating/when the mixture was cooled, an
orange color was observed.
A. PREPARATION OF GLYCOGEN Brick red precipitate (cuprous oxide) =
1. Mince one or two pieces of oyster meat into confirmatory result
small pieces. What are the products of hydrolysis of
2. Mix with sand and grind in a mortar. glycogen? Glycogen is a glucose
3. Transfer the mixture into an evaporating polysaccharide, or a multi-branched polymer
dish and add 40 mL of water. of glucose. Through acid hydrolysis (in this
4. Boil for 20 minutes. case, by HCl), glycogen can be broken down
5. Replenish the water lost by evaporation. into its D-glucose subunits; glucose
6. Filter. Wash the residue on the filter paper monomers are produced as glycosidic bonds
with two 10 mL portions of water, adding the are broken in hydrolysis of glycogen.
washings to the first filtrate. Hydrolyzed product = glucose
7. Concentrate the filtrate to a small volume by
boiling. Explain the results obtained:
8. Faintly acidify with acetic acid and filter off A. The form in which carbohydrate is stored in
any coagulated protein. the body is called glycogen. Every glycogen
9. Use the opalescent filtrate (glycogen) for the molecule is formed by the linkage in
following tests: branching chains of thousands of glucose
monomers. So, glycogen is a natural
B. REACTION OF GLYCOGEN polymer. It is a highly purified
1. To 5 ml of the glycogen solution and 3-5 polysaccharide that can be derived from
drops of NaCl and several drops of iodine oysters, since it serves as a form of energy
solution. Note the color and compare it with storage in animals (including humans) and
the color formed by starch with iodine. When fungi. Glycogen in oysters is stored as a
iodine was added to the solution with reserve food material and used in the
glycogen, a reddish brown ring formed at the formation of gonad products; oysters can be
top of the mixture. Meanwhile, when iodine dried with no loss of glycogen or protein.
was added to the solution with starch, the B.
mixture turned black, with a little bit of white 1. This iodine test is useful to distinguish
at the bottom. glycogen and starch from other
Glycogen = reddish-brown-blue color, polysaccharides. Glycogen reacts with iodine
starch = blue-black color to give a reddish brown color, while starch
2. Use 3 mL of glycogen solution and add 6 mL reacts with iodine to give a blue-black color,
of 95% alcohol. Note the precipitation of indicating a positive result (since this test is
glycogen. The precipitation of glycogen primarily for the detection of the presence of
cloudy white and formed at the top of starch). Starch and glycogen form helical
glycogen. This is because glycogen is coils, and iodine atoms can fit into the
insoluble in alcohol (specifically ethanol and helices to form a glycogen-iodine or a starch-
isopropanol). The precipitate traps target iodine complex.
nucleic acids.

2. As a highly purified branched chain
carbohydrate, glycogen is insoluble in
ethanol and isopropanol and forms a
precipitate that traps nucleic acids, such as
DNA, rRNA, RNA, etc.
3. The Benedict’s solution is used to test the
presence of many simple carbohydrates,
turning from turquoise to yellow or orange
upon reaction with reducing sugars (simple
carbohydrates with unbound aldehyde or
ketone groups). Glycogen gave a negative
result because it is a complex carbohydrate
(polysaccharide), with each branch ending in
a nonreducing sugar residue. Glycogen is
considered a reducing sugar, but with only
one reducing end, which is visually
covalently linked to glycogenin and therefore
will not be reducing.
4. When glycogen was hydrolyzed, it
underwent saccharification (the process of
breaking a complex carbohydrate into its
monosaccharide components). Its glucose
units were removed one at a time from the
non-reducing ends, freeing its carbonyl
groups, and allowing for the presence of a
reducing sugar (glucose). Reducing sugars
then give positive result with Benedict’s
solution, as seen in the color change of the

Place in each of two test tubes, ml of fresh
I. PURPOSE coconut oil. To the first add congo red, to the
To determine the properties of lipids. other red and blue litmus paper. Repeat the test
on rancid oil.
II. APPARATUS Differentiate the reaction of fresh coconut oil
Test tubes, test tube rack, droppers, and rancid oil towards the indicators. Fresh
beakers, wire gauze, Bunsen burner, clay coconut oil is neutral, thus the red litmus paper
stand/cover, ice [bath], blue and red remains red, and the blue litmus paper remains
litmus paper, watch glasses, blank sheet blue. And towards congo red, it can be observed
of paper (white), test tube holder that it remains red. Since rancid coconut oil is
acid (already underwent hydrolysis and
III. MATERIALS oxidation into shorter chain fatty acid, making it
Coconut oil (C33H62O6), water (H20), acidic), there’s a change in coloration (reaction
dil. hydrochloric acid (HCl), dil. sodium towards the indicator).
hydroxide (NaOH), cold alcohol
chloroform (CHCl3), ether (R-O-R’), Place 1 drop of coconut oil on a piece of
congo red (C32H22N6NA2O6S2), paper. Allow to evaporate. Does the translucent
potassium bisulfate (KHSO4), soap spot disappear? No, because oils evaporate very
(C17H35COO-) solution, 1% albumin slowly (as they have high boiling points as well).
solution, sodium bicarbonate (Na2CO3) Would essential oils leave translucent spot?
solution, oleic acid No, because essential oils are not real oils.
Hubl’s iodine solution (26 grams of iodine When light falls upon the paper, a part of it
and 30 grams of Hgl2 in 1 L of 95% is transmitted, a part is scattered, a part is
alcohol), stearic acid absorbed, and a part is reflected. The degree of
[CH3(CH2)16COOH], linseed oil transparency and/or opaqueness of a medium
(C18H34O2), glycerol (C3H8O3), depends on the ratio of light transmitted vs.
powdered borax {Na2[B4O5(OH)4] • light reflected or scattered. The higher the light
8H2O} is transmitted and the lesser it is reflected or
scattered, the more will there be transparency.
------------------------------------------------ The amt of scattering depends on many things,
such as the size of the fibers or fillers, and the
IV. PROCEDURE difference in the index of refraction b/w the
particles and the surrounding medium.
Lipids include both true fats and fat like Normally, when you look at the paper, the
substances. True fats contain glycerol and fatty surrounding medium is air with an index of
acids in their molecules. Compound fats like refraction only slightly greater than 1.0. The
phospholipids have besides glycerol and fatty paper fibers have much higher index of
acids, a nitrogenous base and phosphoric acid. refraction, probably much greater than 1.5. The
The sterols are represented by cholesterol, fat also has high index of refraction, so that it
ergosterol and 7-dehydrocholesterol. nearly matches that of the paper and produces
the scattering significantly. The fat adhering to
1. SOLUBILITY the cellulous fibers lowers the index of refraction
Test the solubility of one drop of coconut oil of the cellulose, and also fills in air void (?) so
in 1 ml of the following solvents: water, dil. HCl, that visible light passes thru the bag with
dil. NaOH, cold alcohol, hot alcohol, chloroform, significantly less scattering. Normally, we only
ether, carbon tetrachloride. Tabulate your see the light that’s reflected from the paper, and
results. much of the light that was formally scattered
* back to our eyes is not transmitted thru the
Coconut oil is an non-polar substance and is paper. The fat connects the paper fibers with a
immiscible in polar solvents such as water, dil. liquid, which can transmit the refraction rather
sodium hydroxide, and cold alcohol, but miscible than scattering that falls upon it.
in non-polar solvents such as chloroform and As a result, the paper – if thin enough –
ether (+ carbon tetrachloride). Solubility usually seems almost transparent. The translucent spot
follows the rule “Like dissolves like.” will not evaporate easily bec of its high boiling
Hot alcohol is slight immiscible. Although pt.
alcohol is a polar substance, the high
temperature increases the interactions of the 4. ACROLEIN FORMATION
solute and solvent, forming temporary Place 0.5 g of KHSO4 in a clean dry test tube.
emulsion. But when it is cooled down, it Add a drop of coconut oil and heat. Describe the
becomes immiscible. odor produced: Coconut oil will produce a
burned fat-like odor. It will undergo hydrolysis

and oxidation with the dehydrating agent acid that has unsaturation that could react with
potassium bisulfate and produce acrolein, or the iodine
fatty acid and water. Which oil contains more unsaturated fatty
Write the equation involved: acids, coconut or linseed oil? Linseed oil
* contains more unsaturated fatty acids such as
triglycerides than coconut oil, since linseed oil
5. EMULSIFICATION absorbs more iodine than coconut oil.
Prepare 4 test tubes with the following Structurally, how does an unsaturated rat
contents: differ from a saturated fat? Unsaturated fat is a
Tube 1: 5 ml water mixture of triglyceride that contains two or more
Tube 2: 5 ml water + 3 ml soap solution carbon-carbon double bonds, while saturated
Tube 3: 5 ml water + 1 ml of 1% albumin fats don’t have carbon-carbon double bonds in
solution its triglyceride components.
Tube 4: 5 ml water + 0.5 ml Na₂CO3 solution What is the relationship of iodine no. and
To each test tube above add 5 drops of coconut unsaturation of a fat? The more iodine is
oil, shake and observe results. Test tube 1 & 4 absorbed, the more unsaturated the fat or oil.
= temporary emulsion [right after mixing], 2
and 3 = permanent emulsion. Both soap and 7. GLYCEROL
albumin are amphipathic substances of Test the solubility of glycerol in water,
hydrophobic and hydrophilic parts that can act alcohol and ether.
as an emulsifying agent. Make an acrolein test on glycerol. Result:
What is an emulsion? An emulsion is a stable Glycerol is soluble in water and alcohol, but
dispersion of two or more immiscible liquids held insoluble in ether. It’s a polar substance only
in suspensions by small %age of substance soluble and miscible in polar solvents. It
called emulsifiers. produces burned fat odor.
Which tube or tubes formed a permanent Fuse a drop of glycerol in a nichrome wire
emulsion? Test tubes 2 and 3 with powdered borax. Note the green flame
produced. This is due to the glycerol ester of
Place 5 ml of oleic acid in chloroform in a test Perform the nitro-chromic acid test on a 5%
tube and add Hubl’s iodine solution drop by drop aqueous solution of glycerol.
shaking between addition. Make a control by What is the color formed? Solution turns
shaking in another tube a mixture of chloroform bluish-green bec of the release of chromic ion.
and iodine with no oleic acid. Solution turns bluish-green with potassium
Explain results: Iodine is soluble in chromate in acidic medium, or the addition of
chloroform and no chemical reaction takes nitric acid.
place. When oleic acid is added to the mixture This indicates the presence of what group in
of iodine and chloroform, oleic acid absorbs and glycerol? Secondary group in glycerol
reacts with iodine, forming a colorless,
halogenated fatty acid.
When an unsaturated fatty acid or
triglyceride absorbs and reacts with iodine, the
intensity of the color of the solution becomes
lesser or lighter than the iodine-chloroform
Repeat the test using stearic acid, coconut
oil and linseed oil. (This table assumes that the
initial color of all the oils is the same. Old stock
oils that maybe already underwent oxidation
have are darker in or have yellowish color.)
Result should be based on the change of the
intensity of the color before and after adding the
Hubl’s reagent.
Intensity of the color of stearic acid in Hubl’s
= darker red than coconut, coconut = dark
orange to red, oleic acid = yellow to
orange/light orange (?), linseed = light
orange/yellow (?). The lighter the color, the
more iodine is absorbed.
Which oil will absorb more iodine, oleic or
stearic acid? Oleic acid bec oleic acid is an
unsaturated fatty acid and can absorb or react
with the iodine. Stearic acid = saturated fatty

EX. 8: ENZYMES • Polyphenol oxidase (catechol oxidase)
Catecholase activity: Diphenol catechol →
• Organic substances secreted by living cells quinone
that increase the rate of reaction without • Cytochrome oxidase Berthelot’s Reaction:
being consumed in the reaction phenylenediamene + alpha-napthtol →
• Most = generally proteins indophenol Phenol- arene with 1-OH group
catechol- arene with 2 -OH group pyrogallol-
TYPES arene with 3 -OH group
1. Oxidases – catalyze redox reactions; uses PEROXIDASE
oxygen as electron acceptor (oxidizing ▪ Hemoprotein that catalyzes the oxidation of
agent) H2O2
2. Catalases – catalyze the decomposition of o Phenol = light pink with bubbles (due to
hydrogen peroxide to oxygen and water the presence of oxygen)
3. Peroxidase – catalyze the oxidation (similar o Catechol = light orange with bubbles
to oxidases) of a hydrogen donor (or (due to the presence of oxygen)
electron donor) with the help of Peroxides o Pyrogallol = brown with bubbles (due to
(such as H2O2). the presence of oxygen)
• Peroxidase – hemoprotein that catalyzes the
• The exposed area turned brown due to the
formation of melanin. CATALASE OF LIVER
• Oxidases – catalyze redox reactions; uses o Sand – increases friction for the [slimy]
oxygen as electron acceptor (oxidizing liver to be grinded easily
agent) o Glowing splint – test for an oxidizing gas
• Fruits are oxidized because of the enzyme evolved (oxygen)
tyrosinase, or monophenol oxidase that o Liver – filter of the body that uses
reacts with oxygen and iron-containing enzymes as catalysts → makes harmful
phenols that basically makes a layer of rust substances less toxic like: H2O2 → water
on the surface of the fruit. and oxygen + alcohol → aldehyde
o Tyrosinase – bifunctional copper • Split continues to glow bec of H2O2.
containing oxidase having both • Flame in the split continues to glow due to
catecholase and cresolase activity the oxygen emitted by the liver. It is not
o Orthohydroxylation – addition of two -OH easily put off bec of the evolution of oxygen
group in ortho-directing substitution from the decomposition of the H2O2 by the
o Phenols in fruits + O2 + 2H ion → enzyme catalase of the liver (oxygen
catechols supports combustion)
o Dehydrogenation – removal of hydrogen • Catalase from liver catalyzes the
Catechols + O2 → 2 orthoquinone → decomposition of H2O2 to water and oxygen
melanin (brown pigment) gas at a rate of 14M molecules H2O2 per
* FROM POTATO • Liver – filter of the body that uses enzymes
CATALASE as catalysts → makes harmful substances
• Boiling a solution containing enzymes = less toxic like: H2O2 → water and oxygen +
subjecting enzymes in high temperatures alcohol → aldehyde
denatures, and therefore inactivates them • Lack of catalyst → greying of hair in humans
o Potato – main source catalase
o H2O2 – oxidizing agent and bleaching ------------------------------------------------
o Boiled filtrate (potato extract with H2O2) I. PURPOSE
– there was less [or no] formation of To determine the presence and
bubbles due to the denaturation of the properties of different enzymes.
enzyme catalase, that is why there is a
formation of coagulants II. APPARATUS
o Unboiled filtrate = there was a formation Knife, grater, test tubes, cheese cloth,
of bubbles because of more oxygen that test tube rack, funnel, beakers, Bunsen
was catalyzed by the catalase burner, wire gauze, flame shield, bamboo
OXIDASE splint, lighter, mortar and pestle
• Final results (lightest to darkest):
o Phenol = light pink III. MATERIALS
o Catechol = light orange Available fruits (apples, guava, or chico),
o Pyrogallol = brown small potato, water (H2O), 3% hydrogen
• Monophenol oxidase (tyrosinase) Cresolase peroxide (H2O2), 1% phenol (C6H5OH),
activity: monophenol + O2 → diphenol 1% cathecol [C6H4(OH)2], pyrogallol
catechol [C6H3(OH)3], liver, sand

In the boiled filtrate, the enzyme catalase
------------------------------------------------ was denatured. So, there was less formation of
bubbles, but there was a formation of
IV. PROCEDURE coagulants, too. In the unboiled filtrate, more
oxygen vias catalyzed by the catalase. So, there
Enzymes are complex organic was more formation of bubbles. Subjecting
compounds with definite chemical structure, enzymes to high temperatures denatures and in
secreted by living cells. They have the property activates the enzymes. Likewise, when the
of initiation and hastening chemical reaction solution with enzyme catalase (which came from
without themselves being affected in the the potato) was boiled, catalase was denatured
process. Enzymes activity is influenced by the and inactivated.
concentration of the enzymes, the concentration Boiling the potato extract = reduces the
of the substrate, the concentration of the catalytic effectiveness of the enzymes bec heat
products of the reaction, temperature, pH, can destroy the hydrogen bonding that
inorganic salts and the presence of activators stabilizes the structural conformation of the
and inhibitors. All these factors therefore should protein enzymes.
be considered while performing the following B. CATALASE FROM LIVER
experiments. 1. Place 1 gram of liver, 4 ml of water and
a little sand in a mortar and grind.
I. OXIDASES FROM FRUITS 2. Add 2 ml of 3% hydrogen peroxide.
Cut thin slices of apples, guava, chico or 3. Test the gas evolved using a glowing
other available fruits and expose them to the air. splint.
Observe the darkening of the exposed sliced How do you know that the gas liberated is
sides. Explain the color change. oxygen? The gas liberated was oxygen because
The exposed sides of the apple slices what can make the flame in the splint continue
burned brown due to the formation of melanin. to glow is the oxygen emitted by the liver. A
A somewhat “layer of rust” can be made on the glowing splint tests for oxidizing gases evolved,
surfaces of fruits when these fruits are oxidized and in this cave, it was oxygen. In this reaction,
because of the enzyme tyrosinase or the enzyme catalase of the live catalyzed the
monophenol oxidase reacting with oxygen and decomposition of H2O2, causing the evolution
iron-containing phenol. Basically, melanin was of oxygen and a flame not easily put off.
formed due to the oxidation of iron-containing What does catalase do? Catalase
phenols in the apple catalyzed by tyrosinase or decomposes H2O2 into water and oxygen in the
monophenol oxidase. The reaction can be procedure. In real life, catalase in the liver can
summarized as: tyrosinase + O2 → melanin also turn alcohol to aldehyde. With catalase,
(brown pigment) harmful substances can be made less toxic.
When fresh fruits (such as apples) are
peeled or cut open, an enzyme called III. OXIDASES FROM POTATO
polyphenol oxidase/tyrosinase (comprised of There are three oxidases:
monophenol oxidase and catechol oxidase) 1. monophenol oxidase (tyrosinase)
[when exposed to oxygen] will result in phenolic responsible for oxidizing phenol to
compounds in the fresh fruits (such as apples). cathecol, to O-quinone and finally forms
These tissues turning into orthoquinones (no condensation brown compounds of
color, but further react with amino acids and unknown composition.
oxygen to produce melanin (how we get the 2. polyphenol oxidase (cathecol oxidase) -
brown color on the cut cells of the fruits). facts on cathecol forming o-quinone,
then the unknown brown compounds. It
II. CATALASE acts on pyrogallol to form purpurogallin
A. CATALASE FROM POTATO 3. cytochrome oxidase acts in conjunction
Preparation with-cytochrome, oxidizing
1. Pare a small potato and grate it to a fine phenylenediamine, which in the presence
pulp. of alpha napthol forms iodophenol
2. Mix this pulp with 100 ml of water and let Procedure
it stand for 15 minutes and stain this 1. Prepare 3 test tubes and place 5 drops
through a piece of cheese cloth. each of the following substances:
3. Filter the extract. a. 1% phenol – light pink color was
Action observed; light brown to brownish red
1. Divide the filtrate into four parts and boil b. 1% cathecol – light orange color was
one part for one minute. observed; brownish red to darker
2. Place 5 ml of the boiled filtrate in one brownish red
tube and 5 ml of the unboiled filtrate in c. pyrogallol – brown color was
another tube. observed; red to red
3. Add to each a few drops of 3% hydrogen 2. Add 1 ml of potato extract (oxidase) to
peroxide. Note what happens. each test tube and shake.

3. Allow them to stand until the end of the
laboratory period, observing and
recording the initial color change, then
the change at the end of the period.
Initially, phenol is first converted to
cathecol then o-quinone, forming a
brown substance (melanin). It takes time
for phenol to form o-quinone than
cathecol that shows phenol is lighter
brown in color than catechol. Pyrogallol
is oxidized to purpurogallin with the
presence of peroxidase in potato.


Peroxidases, unlike oxidases, may
require a co-factor, phenol-oxidase to complete
their action. They also require H2O2 as the
source of oxygen, and upon which the phenol-
oxidases act. Phenol oxidase is also found
abundant in potatoes.
1. Place 3 test tubes and add 5 drops each
of the following substances:
a. 1% phenol – light brown to brownish
b. 1% cathecol – brownish red to darker
brownish red
c. pyrogallol – red to darker red
2. Add 1 ml of potato extract (peroxidase)
to each.
3. Mix well, then add 3 drops of 3%
hydrogen peroxide to each. Observe and
record the color changes produced and
compare them with the results observed
on the action of oxidases with the same
A light pink color was observed in the test
tube with phenol, a light orange, was observed
in the test tube with cathecol, and a brown color
was observed in the test tube with pyrogallol. All
solutions in the test tubes bubbled as well, due
to the presence of oxygen, setting them apart
from the reactions with oxidases.
Peroxidases catalyzes more pyrogallol to

EXP. 9: TEST FOR NUTRIENTS IN FOODS antimony trichloride. Observe the
changes in color. How long did the color
I. PURPOSE persist? Perform this test on margarine or
To test for or determine the various butter and carrots only.
nutrients in different food items. What are your conclusions regarding the
general constitution of your food samples?
II. APPARATUS nutrients found in each food and the negative
Test babes, test tube rack, beakers, sign(-) if absent. (+) Only a few food samples
droppers, Bunsen burner, wire gauze, were complete with regards to general
flame shield, evaporating dishes or watch constitution, such as peanut butter and un
glasses, white paper animal products were ich in protein. Dilis tested
negative for most components of the general
III. MATERIALS constitution most likely because of its dryness.
Food samples, water (H2O), iodine (I2) The general constitution and the amount of
solution, Benedict’s solution (CuSO4, nutrients in the sample depends on the variety,
Na2CO3, sodium citrate), ether (R’-O-R), source, and chemical rxn it underwent before
chloroform (CHCl3), cold saturated the identi test. Most of the food samples contain
solution of antimony chloride (SbCl3), three or more of the food nutrients that vary in
sodium hydroxide (NaCl) each concentration.
Write the formula of Vitamin A and state its
------------------------------------------------ importance. The formula of Vitamin A, a.k.a.
Retinol, is C20H30O. In general, it helps the
IV. PROCEDURE heart, lungs, kidneys, and other organs function
For each of the following tests, use the well. To be more specific, it is necessary for
following food samples: good vision, immunity, and cell communication.
Fruit juice, potatoes, butter, green and Vitamin A binds to retinoid receptors (which act
ripe bananas, carrots, cheese, cooked egg as transcription factors to alter for regulate gene
white, cooked egg yolk, unsalted dried fish meat expression) and inhibit carcinogenesis (the
like dilis, cooked rice (mashed), chopped or process by which normal cells die transformed
ground peanuts (uncooked), (margarine may be into cancer cells), inducing cell differentiation. It
used instead of butter). makes up a portion of rhodopsin, a protein
1. Starch: Boil a small amount of the food important for light absorption in the retinas of
sample in a test tube with 7 ml of water. eyes.
Cool by holding it under running cold Vit. A or retinol is the precursor to two active
water, and add a drop of iodine solution. metabolite: retinol (plays a critical role in vision)
A deep blue color indicates starch. and retinoic acid (intracellular messenger that
2. Glucose: Add a few drops of a fruit juice affects transcription of a number of genes). Vit.
to 10 ml of water in a test tube and then A doesn’t occur in plants, but many plants
Benedict's solution sufficient to give a contain carotinoid, such as betacarotene that
very light blue solution. Boil. A yellow to can be converted to Vit. A w/in the intestine and
red, precipitate indicates the presence of our tissues.
a simple sugar such as glucose or The observable result will depend on the
fructose. amount of nutrients that can be detected in
3. Fats: To examine foods for oil or fat, these general tests quantitatively.
shake a small portion of the food with 3
mi of ether in a test tube for several
minutes, then decant to an evaporating
dish or watch glass and allow the ether
to evaporate spontaneously (without
heating). Place the residue on a piece of
white paper, warm. When held to the
light it will be translucent as an indication
of a fat.
4. Proteins: Use 2 ml of the aqueous food
solutions and perform the Biuret test.
5. Mineral Matter: Burn a very small amount
of cheese on an evaporating dish until all
of the black carbon is oxidized. The
formation of any white powdery residue
indicates the presence of mineral matter.
6. Carr-Price Test for Vitamin A: To 1 ml
chloroform add 2 drops or a pinch of the
food sample. Cool in an ice bath and add
2 ml of a cold saturated solution of

EXP. 11: MILK What is the reaction of milk? Fresh milk did
not react with both red and blue litmus paper,
I. PURPOSE congo red, and phenolphthalein solution.
To determine the composition and However, sour milk turned the blue litmus paper
properties of milk. red, blue with congo red, and colorless with
phenolphthalein solution. All these were due to
II. APPARATUS sour milk being acidic (it became acidic because
Beakers, watch glasses, stirring rods, test of certain bacteria in the milk converting the
tubes, test tube rack, droppers, Bunsen lactose to lactic acid).
burner, wire gauze, flame shield, test Fresh milk + red litmus paper = red litmus
tube holder, Erlenmeyer flask, funnel, paper remains red, milk + blue litmus paper =
filter paper, crucible, desimeter blue litmus paper remains blue, milk + congo
red = red sol’n, milk + phenolphthalein =
III. MATERIALS colorless/no change in color
Congo red (C32H22N6Na2O3S2); Sour milk + red litmus paper = red litmus
phenolphthalein (C20H14O4) solution; paper remains red, milk + blue litmus paper =
fresh milk; skimmed milk; dil. canned blue litmus paper turns red, milk + congo red =
milk; sour milk; acetic acid (HAc); 6 M, blue sol’n, milk + phenolphthalein =
dil., and 10% sodium hydroxide (NaOH); colorless/no change in color
ethyl alcohol (CH3CH20H); casein (C81H Fresh milk is slightly acidic to neutral. Milk
125N22O39P); dil. hydrochloric and upon standing is acidic due to the oxidations of
(HCI); 10% sodium chloride (NaCl); lactose to lactic acid and its fats to shorter
Millon’s reagent [Hg(NO3)2]; .5% copper carboxylic acid.
sulfate (CuSO4); red and blue litmus Congo red with sour milk is blue in color.
paper; ammonium molybdate
[(NH)2C2O4]; Benedict’s solution By the use of a desimeter determine the
(CuSO4, Na2CO3, sodium citrate) specific gravity of both fresh milk and
skimmed milk.
------------------------------------------------ Which has a greater specific gravity?
Skimmed milk
IV. PROCEDURE Why? There is less fat or no fat in its
Milk is the most complete food, it composition.
contains proteins, fats, carbohydrates, inorganic Milk fat is lighter in density than water
salts and vitamins. Fresh unboiled milk also and floats on the surface on unhomogenized
contains enzymes, protease, lactase, lipase, milk. When you skim off the surface, some
phosphatase, catalase, and peroxidase. of the fat in the denser portions remain and
The chief protein of milk is casein, which the milk is denser. This explains why
can be precipitated by acid, carrying with it the skimmed milk is denser.
milk fat. The fat can be subsequently extracted
by organic solvents. The filtrate from the casein 3. FILM FORMATION
and fat contains the soluble constituents like Place 5 ml of diluted canned milk in a
lactose and inorganic salts. small beaker and boil for a few minutes. Note
The proteins of milk is derived from the formation of a film.
amino acids of the blood, the synthesis What is the composition of the film? The
occurring in the mammary glands. composition of the film consists of surface
Milk fat is believed to have its origin in fats and proteins.
the phospholipids of the blood. Milk forms a film on top when heated bec
The lactose of milk is derived from the of a chemical rxn that affects how protein
glucose of the blood. and fat molecules interact with each other.
The inorganic salts, like calcium, When milk is heated rapidly, some of the
magnesium, sodium, phosphates, citrates and water in it evaporates from the surface,
chlorides and other inorganic constituents are exposing protein and fat molecules, which
likewise derived from the blood, some by simple bind and dry out as warming continues.
process of filtration. The bone acts as reserve Remove the film and heat again. Does the
supply of calcium. film form again? Yes, but lesser or thinner than
Human milk differs from cow's milk in the first.
having less casein and ash and more albumin Repeat the experiment using sour milk. Is
and lactose. there any film formation? No, bec it contains
lesser fat that can interact with the soluble
1. REACTION OF MILK protein.
Test 1 ml of milk to both red and blue litmus What happened? Why? The film formed
paper, congo red and phenolphthalein solution. because of a fat-protein interaction that bonded
and dried out after the boiling of dilute canned

milk. Sour milk, on the other hand, did not form evaporate spontaneously (without heat). Grind
any film because its proteins were denatured by the dry ppt. to powder in a mortar and make the
lactic acid. following test:
Sour milk has lesser fat bec some fats are A. Solubility: Test the solubility of casein in
hydrolyzed and oxidized into shorter chain water, dilute HCl, dilute NaOH and 10%
carboxylic acid, which also contributes to NaCl. Casein is soluble in water (slightly)
souring of milk aside from lactic acid. When and dilute NaOH, but insoluble in and
water evaporates from milk during heating, the dilute HCl and 10% NaCl.
milk proteins and fat molecules become more B. Perform Millon’s test on casein.
condensed on the surface. Since sour milk has Result? Flesh to red precipitate due to the
lesser or no fat, there will be no condensation of phenolic group of tyrosine in its protein
fat and protein forming film. chain
What factors facilitate the formation of To what class of protein does casein
surface film? Temperature, stirring process, belong? Conjugated proteins, specifically
presence of fat, and type of milk phosphoproteins
Heating and evaporation of the water’s
surface, causing the surface fats and proteins to 7. Take two 3-ml portions of the whey (filtrate
condense or interact from no. 6) and make the following test:
a. Coagulation by heating. Note the
4. COAGULATION TEST formation of a coagulum. This consists of
Place 1 ml of fresh milk in a test tube and lactalbumin and lactoglobin. Make a
acidify with acetic acid. Heat to boiling. biuret test on the coagulum.
Is there any coagulation? Why? Yes, there is Observation? Violet color bec of the
coagulation. This is because acetic acid brought presence of proteins
the proteins closer to their isoelectric points, When the filtrate was heated,
allowing them to clump up and bind easily. coagulation of the protein was observed
Yes, the supernatant whey becomes cloudy due to the coagulation of lactalbumin and
after heating. After the casein is precipitated, lactoglobulin. These are confirmed by
put the solutions in acetic acid, there is still biuret test that shows purple colorations
proteins that cannot form insoluble precipitate when heated with the Millon’s rgt.
with acetic acid. These proteins/whey are b. Boil the second portion of the filtrate and
soluble proteins and will coagulate when remove every trace of coagulable
heated. Heat will destroy the H-bonding of the protein. Filter. Test the filtrate for the
protein molecules and will make the protein presence of P, Ca and reducing sugar.
coagulate. Observations? The presence of
phosphate/phosphorous (P) was confirmed due
5. ACTION OF HOT ALKALI to the yellow precipitate present, the presence
Mix 1 ml of milk with drops of 6 M NaOH. of calcium (Ca) was confirmed due to the white
Heat and describe the changes observed. precipitate present, and the presence of the
What is the cause of these changes? The reducing sugar/lactose was confirmed due to
liberation of aldehyde groups in the lactose of the positive reaction with the Benedict’s test.
milk, which polymerized them to form an Draw your conclusions: Whey protein is
aresinous substance found in whey, which is the liquid part of milk
The sol’n turns from yellow to brown due to that results from the curdling and straining of
the rxns of lactose or the reducing sugar with a milk. It coagulates upon the addition of heat, as
strong concentrating NaOH. well as takes on a violet color after the biuret
What test in the study of carbohydrates test because of the presence of albumins and
involves the same principles? Moore’s Test globulins. Phosphate was present because of
the formation of yellow precipitate with
6. PREPARATION OF CASEIN (NH4)2MoO4, calcium was present because of
Take 10 ml of milk and dilute it with an equal the formation of white precipitate with
volume of water. Add dilute acetic (1%) drop by (NH4)2C2O4, and reducing sugar was present
drop until a flocculent ppt. forms. Avoid any because of the positive Benedict’s test result.
excess as dissolution may occur. Allow the ppt. Benedict’s test is used to determine the
to settle, decant the supernatant fluid (whey) presence of reducing sugar (changes the color
and reserve it for experiment 7. Filter off the of the solutions to yellow, green, or red after
ppt. Remove excess moisture by washing the heating due to lactose, the most abundant carb
ppt. with a few ml of ethyl alcohol. Transfer the in milk), ammonium oxalate test for calcium
casein to a dry test tube, cover it with ether and (white ppt – calcium oxalate), and ammonium
heat on a water bath set at 50 °C without flame molybdate test for phosphorus (yellow ppt).
for 5 to 10 minutes, shaking continuously. Filter
and save the filtrate for no. 8. Press the 8. MILK FAT
precipitate as dry as possible between filter Transfer the ether filtrate obtained in no. 6
papers. Open the papers and allow the ether to into a dry evaporating dish and place it on a

boiling water bath to evaporate the ether (turn
out all flames), leaving a small amount or
residue. What is the residue? Milk fat
Touch the residue with a piece of paper.
What do you observe? The piece of paper looks
translucent, which indicates a positive result for
Translucent spots on the paper

WARNING: Ether could cause severe headache

if smelled in larger quantities. Only the assigned
groups will be given ether. Tests on casein could
be done if addition of ether is omitted for those
groups not given ether.

EXP. 12: SALIVARY DIGESTION b/w 5.7 and 6.2, while the pH of stimulated
saliva can reach 8.
I. PURPOSE Is there any relation between the pH of the
To determine the components of saliva. saliva and the susceptibility of dental caries?
Yes. The lower the pH of the saliva, the greater
II. APPARATUS the susceptibility to dental caries because of
Beakers, stirring rod, watch glasses, red enamel erosion.
and blue litmus papers, test tubes, test Saliva also plays a v impt role in the
tube rack, test tube holder, Bunsen inhibitions and dev’t of the caries lesions (?) of
burner, flame shield, wire gauze, put the teeth, improving remineralizations of the
plate/white tile tooth enamel and preventing demineralization.
When the pH of this secretion is within 6.8-7.2,
III. MATERIALS it becomes a saturated sol’n of calcium
Saliva, phenolphthalein (C20H14O4), phosphates, which results in quick and effective
congo red (C32H22N6Na2O6S2), paraffin remineralizations of the initial changes.
(CnH2n+2), dil. acetic and (HAc), 1% However, if we slightly acidify the envi, saliva
starch [(C6H10O5)n] paste, iodine (l2), becomes an unsaturated sol’n and easily soluble
Benedict’s solution (CuSO4, Na2Co3, calcium hydrogen phosphates are formed. Thus,
sodium citrate), silver nitrate (AgNO3), the susceptibility of the teeth to caries
dil. hydrochloric acid (HCl), 0.5 barium decreases.
chloride (BaCl2), ammonium oxalate
[(NH4)2C2O4], HCl (0.1%., 0.25%, 2. TEST FOR MUCIN
0.05%, 0.025%, 0.0075%) To 3 ml of saliva in a test tube add 1-2 drops
of dilute acetic acid.
------------------------------------------------ What is the precipitate formed? Mucin clot
Coagulation of protein/mucin
IV. PROCEDURE What is its function? Mucin is a gland
secretion that lubricates food, preventing it from
Saliva is secreted by three pairs of damaging any epithelial cells. Therefore, the
glands, the parotid, submaxillary and sublingual mucin clot test can help determine inflammatory
and hundreds of small buccal glands. The flow conditions wherein mucin is provided and
is stimulated by psychic, chemical and secreted (most frequently, it is in the joints).
mechanical factors. It contains a protein, mucin Mucin also protects the surface of oral mucous
and an enzyme, ptyalin end inorganic salts. membranes from toxins and maintains the
By salivary digestion is meant the avidity of saliva.
hydrolysis of starch by salivary amylase (ptyalin) Mucin in saliva protects the surface of oral
which is taking place in the buccal cavity and to mucous membranes from the toxins and various
a certain extent in the fundic end of the types of irritants contained in stimulants or food.
stomach. Mucin is mainly responsible for the elasticity of
saliva and contributes lubricating properties of
1. REACTION saliva.
Place a few drops of resting saliva in three
test tubes. Test the reaction with 3. INORGANIC MATTER
phenolphthalein, litmus and congo red. From Acidify 10 ml of saliva with a drop or two of
the color produced estimate the approximate pH acetic acid, heat to boiling and filter to remove
of resting saliva. the protein. Test the filtrate for chlorides,
Repeat the experiment using stimulated phosphates, sulfates and calcium.
saliva. Stimulate the flow of the saliva by Which of the inorganic salt is found
chewing paraffin vigorously for at least 5 abundant in the saliva? Chlorides and
minutes. Do not use chewing gum for this phosphates
What is the difference between the pH of the 4. DIGESTION OF STARCH PASTE
resting saliva and the stimulated saliva? The Place 10 ml of 1% starch paste in a small
difference between the pH of resting saliva and beaker. Add 5. drops of saliva and stir
stimulated saliva is that testing saliva is slightly thoroughly. Add another 5 drops of saliva, if
acidic (pH between 5.7 and 6.2), while blue color still forms with iodine after 5 minutes.
stimulated saliva is slightly basic (can reach pH Gradually the opalescence of the starch solution
8). disappears due to the formation of soluble
Saliva is slightly acidic with a pH of 6-7 and starch. In making the test with iodine, remove a
contains buffer systems responsible for drop of the starch-saliva solution and transfer to
maintaining proper acid-base balance. The most a spot plate or white tile at intervals of one
impt role is played by the bicarbonate buffer. minute. Stir for sometime and test again with
The buffers maintain the pH of resting saliva iodine. When no more blue color is produced

with iodine test a portion with Benedict's test 5. INFLUENCE OF ACID
and note the degree of reduction. Place 2 ml of one of the following strength
What is the reaction with iodine when the of acids in each of the 5 test tubes: 0.25%,
Benedict's test becomes positive? The reaction 0.1%, 0.05%, 0.025%, and 0.0075% HCI. To
is a negative one, as there is no longer any each add 1 ml of 1% starch paste and 1 ml
starch. The iodine test can only identify starch saliva. Shake well. Place in a water bath at 40°
and dextrin. C, for 20 minutes. At intervals of 5 minutes test
When the Benedict’s test becomes positive, a small portion with iodine and Benedict's test,
this means that the starch already hydrolyzed until a positive result with Benedict's and a
into reducing sugar maltose. Maltose shows negative result with iodine is obtained.
negative result in iodine test bec iodine test is In which tube did you obtain the greatest
used to identify starch and dextrin. digestion? The tube where the greatest
What is responsible for the reducing action? digestion was obtained was in the tube with
Maltose 0.025%.
How long did it take for a complete Test tube with lowest concs of acid = .025%
transformation of the starch into reducing HCl. The presence of high concs of HCl in the
sugar? It took 10-20 minutes to completely saliva might denature the salivary amylase,
transform starch into reducing sugar. However, which is the enzyme responsible for the
usually, the time to transform starch to a hydrolysis of starch. Denaturation of saliva
reducing sugar (like maltose) depends on the results to a decrease of the activity of the
exposure of the starch to saliva and how much enzymes.
saliva is present.
The time to complete the hydrolysis of starch 6. INFLUENCE OF ALKALI
into maltose in the salivary digestion depends Repeat the above experiment using instead
on how the starch is exposed to the saliva and of HCI, NaOH with the following concentrations:
the amt of saliva in the exp. If the result in the 2%, 1%, 0.5%, 0.125%, and 0.065%.
iodine test is negative or there’s no change in Neutralize the alkalinity before performing
color before and after addition of iodine, the iodine test (use acetic acid to neutralize)
Benedict’s should follow to confirm if the final Which has a greater inhibiting power, acid or
result is maltose. If the results show negative in alkali? Acid has a greater inhibiting power
both iodine and Benedict’s, the product of the (ptyalin is only slowly inactivated by acidic
starch hydrolysis is not yet maltose, but aqua gastric juice in the stomach). It disrupts the
dextrin and is needed to hydrolyze further for saliva PH used in buffering; it lowers salivary pH
the sol’n to be positive in Benedict’s test. beyond normal and reduces the catalytic
Outline the different stages of starch effectiveness of an enzyme.
digestion by ptyalin. How does this differ from What is the effect of gastric juice on the
starch acid hydrolysis? digestive section of saliva? Gastric juice slowly
penetrates into bolus (moss of chewed food),
continuing salivary digestion in the stomach.
Deactivating ptyalin, it lengthens the digestive
action of saliva in carbohydrates.
How long does salivary digestion continue in
the stomach? Salivary digestion can continue in
the stomach for as long as 10-20 minutes bec
gastric juice takes time to penetrate the bolus,
stopping after then due to the total inactivation
of ptyalin.
Starch Digestion by Ptyalin
Starch, to soluble starch, then amylodextrin Salivary amylase works best at pH lvl of
Starch to soluble starch – add iodine sol’n = saliva. Increasing or decreasing away from the
blue-black color normal pH range of saliva decreases its catalytic
When iodine turns purple = amylodextrin stage activity. Although the normal pH range of saliva
More saliva + iodine – red = erythrodextrin is b/w 6.8-7.2, the stimulated saliva reaches the
pH 8. So, acid bec it lowers the pH of the saliva
Achrodextrin – yellow/colorless beyond its normal ranges and reduces the
Maltose – no color catalytic effectiveness of the enzyme.
Soluble starch – blue-black in color with iodine
Amylodextrin – purple
Erythrodextrin – red
Achrodextrin – yellow/colorless
Maltose – colorless

Starch acid Hydrolysis

Same stages as ^, but ends in glucose

a. Gmlin's test: Place 1 ml of conc. nitric
I. PURPOSE acid in a test tube. Superimpose 1 ml of
To determine the properties of bile. dilute bile, care being taken not to mix
the two fluids. Note the production of
II. APPARATUS different colors at the point of contact:
Test tubes, test tube rack, droppers, green, blue, violet, red and reddish-
Erlenmeyer flask, funnel, filter paper, yellow. Based on the production of our
beakers, test tube holder, evaporating different colors at the point of contact,
dish, Bunsen burner, wire gauze, flame bile pigment have been oxidized by conc.
shield, litmus paper HNO3.
Test depends on the fact that during the
III. MATERIALS stage of oxidation, bilirubin undergoes a
Bile, phenolphthalein (C20H14O4), series of changes in color, which follow
congo red (C32H22N6Na2O6S2), fusion the sequence of the familiar solar
mixture (2 parts sodium spectrum. Place a drop of the fluids to be
carbonate/NaCO3 and 1 part potassium tested on a white surface, capsule, or
nitrate/KNO2), water (H2O), nitric acid plate, and allow a drop of HNO3 (yellow)
(HNO3), 5% sucrose (C12H22O11) to fuse and make it more oxidizing, to run
solution, sulfuric acid (H2SO4), furfural into it. As they mingle together, the
(C4H3OCHO), finely powdered sulfur (S), rainbow-like color appears. This, when
ether (R’-O-R), chloroform (CHCl3), washed, will be found to consist of a
ammonium molybdate [(NH4)2MoO4], series of changes from green, blue,
silver nitrate (AgNO3), barium chloride violet, red, and yellow. This can also be
(BaCl2) observed by allowing the acid to trickle
down the side of the test tube fixed in an
------------------------------------------------ inclined position for the play of color to
be seen, starting from the pt. of junction
IV. PROCEDURE of the two fluids.
Bile is a secretion of the liver. It is viscid b. Rosenbach's modification of Gmlin's test:
and has an alkaline reaction and its color is Filter some very dilute bile (1:50)
greenish brown. Its important constituents are through a small filter paper. When all has
bile acids, bile pigments, inorganic salts and been drained through and the paper is
cholesterol. still moist throughout, place a drop of
conc. nitric acid into the top of the cone
1. REACTION of the paper. Note the concentric
Test the reaction of bile to litmus paper, succession of colors radiating from the tip
phenolphthalein, and congo red solutions. What of the cone. The concentric succession of
is the reaction of bile? Bile in red litmus paper = colors radiating from the tip of the cone
slightly blue, bile in blue litmus paper = remains indicated the presence of bile pigments.
blue, bile with phenolphthalein = slightly pink, The same diff colors are observed in the
bile with congo red = remains red paper.
Normally what is the pH value of bile?
Greater than 7 but less than 9 4. TEST FOR BILE ACIDS AND BILE SALTS
Slightly basic/alkaline (7-8) a. Pettenkofer's Test or Sucrose-Sulphuric
acid test: Place 1 ml of dilute bile solution
2. INORGANIC CONSTITUENTS in a test tube. Add 1 drop of 5% sucrose
Evaporate 10 ml of bile to dryness. Fuse the solution. Slowly run about 0.5 ml of conc.
residue with fusion mixture (2 parts of sodium sulphuric acid down the side of the tube.
carbonate and 1 part of potassium nitrate) Cool Observe the production of a red ring at
and extract with 10 ml of water. Acidify with the point of contact. Shake and the whole
HNO3, until slightly acid. Filter and test the solution assumes a red color. Place the
filtrate for chloride, sulphate, and phosphate. tube under running water to prevent the
What inorganic constituents are found in the rise of temperature beyond 70° C. Bile
bile? Chloride (Cl), sulphate (SO42-), and salt reacts with
phosphate (PO43-) hydroxymethylenefurfural (sucrose was
Test for chlorides = HNO3 + AgNO3; white ppt dehydrated by H2SO4).
of silver chloride (AgCl) To a fluid containing either or both bile
Test for sulfate = HCl + BaCl; white ppt of acids or any solns of cholic acids, add
barium sulfate (BaSO4) some cane sugar, then slowly (drop by
Test for phosphate = NO3 + [(NH4)2MoO4]; drop) strong sulfuric acid, the soln turns
yellow ppt of ammonium phosphomolybdate to cherry red then purple. Other
substances such as albuminous bodies
give under the tx a similar color. To make

the rxns a trustworthy test for bile salts,
the two characteristic absorption bonds
given by the spectroscope should also be
The test is not reliable in the presence of
proteins and other chromogenic
substance which give color with sulphuric
acid and therefore, interfere with the
reading of the results.
b. Foam test: Place 1 ml of dilute bile
solution in a test tube and add 1 drop of
dilute aqueous solution of furfural
(1:1000). Shake and observe the
production of a thick foam. Place a drop
of conc. H2SO4 on the foam. Note the
production of a dark pink color. Color due
to the condensations of furfural and the
bile acids and salts in the dil. soln of bile
c. Hay's Test of Surface Tension Test: This
test is based upon the principle that bile
acids or bile salts have the property of
reducing the surface tension of the fluid
in which they are contained.
Cool about 5 ml of diluted bile in a test
tube to 17° C or lower and sprinkle a little
finely powdered sulphur on the surface of
the fluid. The presence of bile salts is
indicated by the sinking of sulphur, the
rapidity depending on the quantity of bile
acids present.
Repeat the experiment using water
instead of bile. Compare your results.
Sulfur powder floats at the surface of the
water due to the surface tensions b/w the
nonpolar sulfur and the polar water. Test
tubes containing dilute bile and sulfur
powder – sulfur powder sinks bec bile
and its salts reduce the surface tension
b/w the water and the nonpolar surface.

Evaporate to dryness 5 ml of undiluted bile.
Extract with a small amount of ether at a time.
Evaporate the ether extract to dryness on a hot
water bath (no flame). Dissolve the residue in 3
ml of dry chloroform. Perform the Liebermann-
Burchard test on the chloroform solution.
Unsaturated steroids react with acetic anhydride
in chloroform in the presence of conc. H2SO4 to
produce a solution that is red, then tums blue,
and finally, becomes bluish-green. (quali
determination of chole)
What is the danger of excessive amount of
cholesterol in the bile? Explain. Formation of
gallstones. When bile is oversaturated with
excess chole, the excess crystallize and form

EXP. 15: URINE To what substances is this reaction due
to? Presence of phosphates, organic
I. PURPOSE acids, and uric acids
To identify the properties of urine and What happens when allowed to stand
best for the different chemicals or without a preservative? Why? Urine
compounds found in urine. develops foul odor and color becomes
darker. This is due to the conversion of
II. APPARATUS urea to ammonia and the decompositions
Test tubes, test tube rack, droppers, or oxidations of the organic substance by
beakers, Bunsen burner, wire gauze, bacteria in the urine.
flame shield What constituents of the urine tend to
precipitate when the reaction is acidic?
III. MATERIALS Urates or sodium urate and uric acid
Urine, sodium nitroprusside What substances precipitate in alkaline
{(Na₂[Fe(CN)5No] • 2H2O}, sodium urine? Calcium phosphates, oxalates, and
hydroxide (NaOH), ammonium hydroxide What is the specific gravity range of
(NH4OH), zinc chloride (ZnCl2), acetic normal urine? 1.015-1.025
and (HAc), barium chloride (BaCl₂), nitric
acid (HNO3), silver nitrate (AgNO3), 2. DETECTION OF CREATININE
magnesia mix, Benedict’s reagent,
benzedrine (C18H28N2O4), aceto-acetic a. Nitroprusside test (Weyl)
acid (C4H6O3) To 5 ml of the urine add 3 drops of
sodium nitroprusside. Alkalinize with
------------------------------------------------ NaOH. A ruby red color is produced
which turns yellow. This is indicative
IV. PROCEDURE of the presence of creatinine. Sol’n
turns to ruby red then yellow
Urine is a filtrate from the blood and b. Picric acid reaction (Jaffe) : Place 5 ml
serves as a medium for excretion of water, salts, urine in a test tube, add an aqueous
acids, bases, waste products of metabolism and solution of picric acid and render the
other toxic materials. As much, it helps in the solution alkaline with NaOH solution.
maintenance of water balance, acid-base A red color is produced due to the
equilibrium and serves as an important factor in formation of a red tautomer of
the detoxication of the body. creatinine picrate. This turns yellow
when the solution is acidified. Glucose
Collection and Preservation of Urine Sample: gives a similar red color, only upon
heating. Sol’n turns red and yellow
For the study of both the qualitative and when acidified
quantitative composition of urine, it is better to
examine the 24 hour specimen. 3. DETECTION OF PIGMENTS
Ammoniacal zinc chloride test.
The bladder is emptied at 8:00 a.m. and Place 2 ml of urine in a test tube
the urine is discarded. All the urine from this and add 1 ml of NH,OH stand for a while
time up to 8:00 a.m. the nest day is taken as and filter. To the filtrate add 2 drops of
sample. zinc chloride solution.
The production of greenish
To preserve the urine, a thick layer of fluorescence indicates the presence of
toluene is over-layed on its surface. urobilin.
What are the other pigments
1. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS normally present in the urine? Urochrome
What is the volume of the 24-hour and uroerythrin
urine? 1K-1.5K mL
a. Examine the specimen as to color, odor, Inorganic Physiological Constituents
transparency and reaction.
What substances are responsible for the 4. SULPHATES
normal color of urine? Urochrome and a. Detection in inorganic sulphuric acid:
urobilin Place 5 ml of urine with 5 drops of
What happens when the urine is allowed acetic acid. Add barium chloride
to stand for sometime, exposed to air? solution. White ppt (barium sulfate)
Bacteria causes urea to break down into
ammonia, therefore increasing pH. 5. DETECTION OF CHLORIDE
What is the normal reaction of urine Place 5 ml of urine in a test tube
when freshly voided? Acidic at around pH and acidify with 2 drops of HNO3. Add 2

drops of AgNO3. Note: What is a few minutes. (no formation of white
produced? White ppt (silver chloride) ring in the sample)
Add excess of NH₂OH. What
happened with the precipitate? Ppt will 8. GLUCOSE
be dissolved and react with the excess Benedict’s test. - And 8 drops of
NH4OH, forming soluble diaminesilver-1- urine to 5 ml of Benedict's reagent and
chloride boil vigorously for 2 minutes. Set aside to
What is the normal amount of cool. The amount of precipitate and its
chlorides eliminated in 24 hours? 110- color (red, yellow or green) depend on
250 mille eqs per day, approximately the quantity of glucose present in the
3.89-8.85 g per day urine.
In what forms are they
eliminated? NaCl, KCl, MgCl2, NH4Cl 9. BLOOD (DEMONSTRATION)
Benzidine test: Heat 3 ml of urine
6. DETECTION OF PHOSPHATES to boiling, cool and treat with an equal
Make 10 ml of urine alkaline with volume of a saturated solution of
ammonium hydroxide and warm. Result? benzidine in glacial acetic acid. Add 1 ml
White gelatinous ppt of 3% H2O2. The development of a blue
The earthy phosphates or or green color indicates the presence of
phosphates of Ca and Mg separate. Filter blood.
off the earthy phosphates and small
amount of magnesia mixture to the 10. BILE
filtrate. Warm the solution. Result? White Gmelin’s: Place 1 ml of conc. nitric
gelatinous ppt acid in a test tube and upon it
Earthy phosphate or Ca superimpose 1 ml of urine. Do not mix
phosphates and Mg phosphates will the 2 fluids.
precipitate with NH4OH. The remaining At the point of contact various
solns may contain alkali phosphate, colored rings are noted: blue, green,
sodium phosphate, and potassium violet, red and reddish yellow, in the
phosphate, which can be precipitated out presence of bile pigments. Is bilirubin
from the sol’n by adding Mg mixture and normally present in the urine? No
will form white gelatinous ppt. What does its presence indicate?
The alkali phosphates or the Possible jaundice, liver cirrhosis, hepa,
phosphates of Na and K separate. and other liver diseases
Determine which form of
phosphate is present in larger amount. 11. ACETONE BODIES
Alkali phosphates There is no satisfactory, simple
direct test for b-hydroxyl butyric acid in
PATHOLOGIC CONSTITUENTS the urine. Aceto-acetic acid on the other
hand decomposes so rapidly with the
7. ALBUMIN formation of acetone, that the usual test
Healthy indi should have lower for acetone are also given for aceto-
concs of these or nega. If posi, might acetic acid. The test for ketonuria
have conditions that affect the concs, but therefore, are tests for either acetone or
diet before test could also affect the aceto-acetic acid or both. This is true of
results (showing false-posi) the nitroprusside test.
a. Coagulation test: Heat 5 ml of urine to Nitroprusside Test (Legal’s): mix 2
boiling in a test tube (filter if urine is not ml of urine and 3 drops of 5% freshly
clear). If heated portion becomes cloudy prepared aqueous solution of sodium
the turbidity may be due to phosphates. nitroprusside. Alkalinize with NaOH. Note
Add 3 - 4 drops of very dilute acetic acid the color produced. A ruby red color
and warm, the phosphates will dissolve, indicates acetone. Add 0.5 ml of acetic
while if a more flocculent precipitate will acid and make further observations.
be produced if only albumin is present. If the test is made directly on
(no albumin in the sample) urine, a red color is given by creatinine
b. Heller's Ring Test: Place 5 ml of conc. which disappears on the addition of
nitric acid in a test tube, slant the tube, acetic acid.
and very carefully allow an equal amount
of urine to slowly run down the side of
the tube. The urine will float on the nitric
acid, and a white ring (precipitated
protein) will appear at the junction of the
two liquids. Sometimes the white zone
does not appear until allowed to stand for


Four types of chromatography: liquid, gas,

affinity, and exchange.
(Effective in identification of the unknown
substances [when known samples are run on
the paper chromatogram with the unknowns])
(Ascending) Movement of the solvent is due
to capillary action/*.


Stationary Phase – solid or liquid supported on

a solid; structure that holds the substance that’s
tested (ex. filter paper – presence of cellulose
responsible for the degree of movement)
Mobile " – refers to liquid or gas; solvent that
flows thru the stationary phase and carries the
components of the mixture (ex. developing
Rƒ or Retention/Retardation Factor – ratio of the
distance travelled by the substance to the
distance travelled by the solvent

To separate amino acids based on
solubility between two immiscible
solvents [of amino acids] + analytical
method used to separate colored
chemicals or substances

Droppers, beakers, aluminum foil,
Whatmen filter paper, capillary tube,

Butanol, acetic acid, distilled water
(H2O), 5% glycine, 5% lysine, 5%
aspartic acid, 5% unknown, .2%
ninhydrin sol’n


CHAMBER 1. With careful handling at the crosswise
Pipette 8 ml of the solvent edges, staple the paper into a cylindrical
consisting of 4:1:5: (by volume) mixture form. Do not overlap the edges.
of butanol, acetic acid and distilled water 2. Put the cylindrical paper upright into the
respectively, and introduce into a dry 250 equilibrated beaker with the spotted
ml beaker. Avoid splashing the liquid on edge at the bottom. The solvent should
the sides of the beaker. Cover with a wet the lower edge of the paper without
piece of aluminum foil and let stand for reaching the spots. Put the aluminum foil
10 minutes for the atmosphere inside to cover in place and let stand for 30 - 45
become saturated with the solvent vapor. minutes or until the solvent front is 1 cm
The developing solution consists away from the upper edge.
of 4:1:5 by volume mixture of butanol, 3. Remove the paper from the beaker and
acetic acid and distilled water. The open-up. Mark the position of the solvent
Developing Chamber is a 250 mL beaker front before it dries up completely.
covered with a piece of aluminum foil. 4. Spray the paper lightly with 0.2%
The solvent is placed in the chamber and ninhydrin solution and dry it in the oven
was allowed to evaporate for 10 minutes at 110⁰ C. Heat if necessary for the color
to saturate the chamber with its vapor forming reaction. The color should be
(since it is volatile). readily visible after 20-30 minutes.
Saturation of the atmosphere in
the beaker with the solvent vapor = stops
the solvent from evaporating as it rises
up the paper


1. With minimal handling (fingerprint can
obscure the result) cut a piece of
Whatmen filter paper no. 1, 16.50 cm
long and 8.0 cm wide. With a pencil,
draw a line 6 mm from the lengthwise
edge of the paper and 1 cm from each
crosswise edge, for handling.

2. Mark lightly with pencil equidistant spots

along the lengthwise line of the filter

Calculate the Rf value of each

amino acid and identify the unknown
amino acid/Calculate the Rf value of each
amino acid the unknown.
Unknown should have the same or
near the Rf found in one of the given
amino acids.
3. Gently and quickly touch the first mark
with the point of a fine capillary tube (0.5
mm diameter) containing 0.5% glycine.
Apply approximately 20 micrograms of
the sample on the mark, allowing the
spot to dry before each application. The
wet area should not be more than 2 mm
in diameter.
4. Repeat step no. 3 on the other marks
using a different amino acid for each
mark (0.5% lysine, 0.5% aspartic acid
and 0.5% unknown solution).


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