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Christian Values 10
Name: ________________________________ Score: ________________
Teacher: Ms. Evelyn P. Paa Date: October 25, 2022

I. Identification. Read the statement carefully. Choose your answer from the box provided. Write your
answer on the blank before each number.

God Mental Aspects Life

Moral Aspects Physical Aspects Gift
Spiritual Aspects Dignity Killing
Relational Aspects Evolution Creation
________________1. He is the intelligent designer of universe.
________________2. It is an aspect or our existence where we have a spirit that can relate to God and
that can live forever.
________________3. It is the theory that humans originated from apes.
________________4. It is something freely given to someone special; it must be cherished.
________________5. It is an aspect of our existence where we experience deep interpersonal harmony
in human marriage, in a human family, and in a community that is much greater than relationships
experienced by animals.
________________6. It is an aspect of our existence wherein we have an inner sense of right and
wrong that animals do not have.
________________7. It is a self-respect; sense of worth or value of person.
________________8. It is the opposite of saving and valuing life.
________________9. It is an aspect of our existence where we have the ability to see, hear, and speak
as God does.
________________10. It is an aspect of our existence wherein we have the ability to reason out and
think logically.

II. Identification. Identify the following terms that is being asked. Write your answer on the blank
before each number.

____________ 1. It is a term where we desire to obtain and accomplish more and more but we are
never satisfied.
____________ 2. It causes one to trick himself into believing he is innocent, thus, avoiding repentance.
____________ 3. It is a term where we try to fix the world around us to cater our needs.
____________ 4. It is defined as falling short of God’s standards.
____________ 5. It is a term where sin takes so much control to a person that he is enslaved by it.
____________ 6. It is where each person defines truth and reality based on his own preference.
____________ 7. It is the unwillingness to face the reality of the consequences of sin.
____________ 8. It is where sin is considered merely a mistake, deprivation, sickness, ignorance, or
social maladjustment but not a violation of God’s laws.
____________ 9. It is a term referring to continuous sinning that causes callousness, and eventually
shamelessness to a person.
____________ 10. It is the absolute standard for morality.
____________ 11. It is also known as conscience
____________ 12. It is a social studies subjects or courses about human culture like philosophy,
literature, music, film and art.
____________ 13. It refers to the entire human race.
____________ 14. It is person concern with promoting human welfare; philanthropist.
____________ 15. It is an outlook or system of thought attaching prime importance to human rather
than divine or supernatural matters.

II. Fill in the blanks. Fill in the correct terms that will complete the sentence.

1. Most teenagers suffer from what we called ________________________.

2. Coming to God is always a ________________________.
3. God waits for us to invite Him into our lives because He is a ________________________.
4. Man’s Conflicts and confusions are symptoms of spiritual rebellion against God called
5. God cannot (or chooses not to) violate man’s freedom because He created as to be
6-7. If we come to God, we must do so in ________________________ and
8. Christian message is a ________________________.
9. God cannot lie because He is the God of ________________________.
10. We do not only have physical nature but also a ________________________ nature.

V. Enumeration: Enumerate the following terms that is being asked. Write your answer on the space

1-3. List the three manifestation of God’s power.

1. __________________________
2. __________________________
3. __________________________

4-7. List four things God can do that we humans cannot.

4. __________________________
5. __________________________
6. __________________________
7. __________________________

8-10. List three core beliefs of secular humanism.

8. __________________________
9. __________________________
10. __________________________

VI. Memory Verse. Write the memory verse for the month of October. (5 points)

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