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Chapter 1- Introduction

We are encircled by technology nowadays. We used it to make everything easier in our daily

lives. It facilitates our lives; without technology, life seems to be harder. Technology helps us with

our house chores, with our schoolwork, and with everything we can imagine. Technology had a

big impact on our world because things that seemed impossible to do before are now possible.

Globally, "people around the world have adopted this new and exciting technology as one of the

most important required facilities in their everyday lives" (Fawareh & Jusoh, 2017, p. 1).

Technology is a manner of accomplishing a task, especially using technical processes,

methods, or knowledge, as in new technologies for information storage in memory cards, flash

disks, etc., or even the use of a microwave oven in a house kitchen. There are different types of

technical communication, information, medical, assistive, transport, or defense technologies

(Dawe,2014). Its effects are evident in our everyday lives through the use of digital cameras,

mobile phones and many other useful gadgets we are using to help us in our daily activities. Due

to these reasons, there has been some research about the inquiries and the use of mobile

technologies in education and learning (Briz-Ponce et al., 2014, Huang et al., 2007, Tsinakos and

Ally, 2013)

For students in higher education, globalization provides both opportunities and problems that

emphasize the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs), such as the Internet.

The internet is helpful for quickly finding material and enables students to complete their tasks

with just one search on a search engine. Also, it enabled them to communicate with one another

and exchange ideas and information simultaneously from various locations. The internet is the

main information and communication tool that brought about a fundamental shift in the

information landscape on a global scale. It provides them with the opportunity to. By discussing

one learning efforts with other students who are learning problem-solving techniques, one can

acquire alternative viewpoints on a problem topic. Siraj (2015). Internet-based education thus

plays a crucial moderating role in helping students feel more satisfied with their learning (Hsich,

The internet was created to be a platform for different social activities, including all age

brackets. A technology that has significantly impacted people's daily lives is the internet. The

internet was presented to universities as a tool to improve student's academic experiences mostly

in the mid-1990s because of its capacity to serve as a support medium for various purposes for

which people utilize it (Ngoumandioka, 2015)

Nowadays, research studies (Adeleke, 2016) revealed that information availability can affect

student’s academic performance. Internet connectivity has significantly improved over the past

few decades and is now available everywhere, including homes, offices, travel destinations, and

schools (Ellore, 2014). For academic studies, using reliable online resources is more crucial,

especially in high school courses where a literature review is required (Sahin, 2016). According to

Kakkar (2014), using internships for educational purposes is the key to teenage academic

success. Nearly everyone has access to the internet, and most students use their cell phones to

do it (Ellore. 2014). This facilitates the seamless connection between students and the academic

community and allows them to widen their access to information for their academic research,

assignments, and coursework (Siraj, 2015). As a result, to adopt internet use in learning, it is

important to conduct research into how students' use of the internet affects their learning

outcomes. A way to improve the learning environment, as well as technology for political, social,

and economic problem-solving will be provided by the interaction between internet use and

learning. We confirm that this is an informatics-related field as a result.


Alfawareh, H. M. & Jusoh S. (2014). Smartphones usage among university students:

NajranUniversity case.International Journal of Academic Research Part B,6 (2), 321-326

Hsich, J. Y. 2013. What influences internet-based learning? Social behavior and personality: an

international journal. 39 (7): 887-896.

Ngoumandjoka, U. T. 2014. Correlation between internet use and academic performance among

university students. Canadian social science. /5).

Adeleke, D. S. 2016. Relationship between information literacy and use of electronic information

resources by post graduate students of Ibadan. Library philosophy and practice.

Ellore, S. B. 2014. The influence of internet usage on academic performance and face -to-face

communication. Journal of psychology and behavioural science. 2(2): 163-186.

Kakkar, N. A. 2014. Influence of internet addiction on the academic performance and mental

health of college students. Scholarly research journal for interdisciplinary studies. 3(21).

Siraj, H. H. 2015. Internet use and academic performance. A study in Malaysian public university.

International medical journal. 22(2). 83-86.

Some of the most prominent technological innovations are smart phones, laptops and usingthe internet.
They have greatly affected many aspects of our lives. Today the Internetcontinues to grow day by day at an
incredible speed. About 32.7% of the worl
 populationhas access to the internet (Howe, W., 2012).

It is apparent that technology has the potential to harm or enhance our social skills and social life. We can
all notice that our brains are not working the way they used to be anymore. For more than a decade now,
we have been spending a lot of time online, searching and surfing the Internet.
The internet has also become a major concern for parents, because some online activities may seriously

distract adolescents from their homework. Families are less likely to spend time together, as youth go off

to their rooms to spent time with their devices. Also technology can cause serious health problems. The

overuse of laptops can cause several diseases.

Many people turn to the Internet in order to manage unpleasant feelings such as stress, loneliness,

depression, and anxiety. When you have a bad day and are looking for a way to escape your problems or

to quickly relieve stress or self-soothe, the Internet can be an easily accessible outlet.

The interest in studies about Internet addiction among Turkish adolescents has increased (Ayas
 et al ., 2011; Ayas &Horzum, 2013).Some local studies have found a relationshipbetween Internet
addiction and mental health problems,suchas depression and other psychiatric symptoms
(Arısoy, 2009;Fuat & Him, 2013). However, research on Internet addictionand the physical and
psychosocial problems experienced byaddicts remains limited.This study aimed to identify
second-a r y s c h o o l s t u d e n t s ’ l e v e l s o f I n t e r n e t a d d i c t i o n a n d
t h e physical  and psychosocial behavioral problems they  facewhile using the Internet

Arısoy Ö. I˙nternet bag˘ımlılıg˘ı ve tedavisi. [Internet addiction and itstreatment].

 Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklas¸ımlar (Curr. ApproachesPsychiatry) 2009;1: 55–67

Ayas T, Horzum MB. I˙lkög˘retim Ög˘rencilerinin I˙nternetBag˘ımlılıg˘ıv e A i l e I ˙nternetTutumu

[InternetAddiction and Internet ParentalStyle of Primary School Students].
 Türk Psikolojik Danıs¸ma veRehberlik Dergisi
: 46–57.

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