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Name: Mildred Compendio-Bregildo

Course: MAGDEV-246

Learning Task 1: The Dynamics of leadership

1. Who is your favorite leader and why?

It’s Jac Ma of Alibaba. Jac is an Innovator Leader, maybe if I knew him before his
success, I would also describe him as a “dreamer”. Jac Ma had experienced so much
rejection however, it became his inspiration to worked hard towards his vision and
goals. He perfectly demonstrates the meaning of leadership which is “getting things
done through people”. He was able to find people who believes in his vision, shares the
same values and that of skills are peripheral to the accomplishment of the goal. As a
young entrepreneur, for me, innovator leaders are elites and unique. For Jac case, he is
a business scientist which bring e-commerce in the era. Jac Ma on his success became
millionaire and famous. He is the Chief Executive Officer of an international
e-commerce entity which offers wide variety of products from apparels to agricultural
machineries and products; and e-services like online banking. Thus, Jac Ma Success
Story has proved 3 things in leadership: (1) Leaders may not require technical skills but
of Vision and ability to transform Vision to Reality; (2) Finding Key Partners or People
whom have the same way of thinking is a driving force towards vision;(3) Leaders which
able to transform potential ability of his people to its maximum have the highest
possibility of success.

2. With your knowledge of the concepts, principles and theories of leadership and
leadership behavior based on your readings make a 1-2 pages critique within the
context focus of “Understanding Leaderships and Organizations”. You can create
your own title for your critique paper. The references and readings are provided in this
task (pls refer to readings 1 and 2). Of course, you are not limited to the articles, books
and references being provided, you can cite more articles as your reference. Additional
points will be given for other citations being referred.
• Submit your Output to your course facilitator on the date provided.
• Use PDf format, using this file name for example: LT1Critique_Monsanto)

Behind Success: How Farmer-Leader works in the Organization

I. All About Farmer-Leader

Farmer-leader is a volunteer and democratic type of leader which is selected by the

community itself. He is indigenous to the area and sometimes called as “opinionated
leader”. This farmer-leader has great influence on farmers in his locality because he
might have been providing solutions to the problems of his co-farmers. Hence, co-
farmers will most of the time will listen to him. He is democratic in a way that he is
elected by the general assembly of the association by majority. He listens and weigh the
pros and cons of the opinion of the majority. While volunteer in a sense that his effort
and sacrifices are being paid only with respect and recognition from the community, in
absence of monetary value. The roles and functions of a leader varies from planning,
leading, organizing, directing and coordinating activities within farmer organization. He
oversees the entire operations in organization and management; production of
agricultural products and facilitating Agri-services; marketing of the product; and in
charge of checking financial health of the organization. He conducts and preside regular
meetings, make major decisions. Aside from his roles and functions, farmer leaders are
expected to have a clear vision as to where the association will go. He is optimistic,
enthusiastic, honest, good listener, credible, strong reputation, knowledgeable and

“Bringing out the best of your people” is what good leaders do. He could
transform potential skills of its members to its full capacity. Also, farmer leaders are the
leader of community development. Community Development has a lot to do with dealing
with people, hence, it’s important to have ability to handle criticism and failure. Can
resist the negative and remain positive all throughout.

II. Impact and Contributions

Leaders are vital to the community or organization. In a farmer organization where

farmers are the key players, leadership is critical. Because farmers mostly don’t have
education and some have absence of vision, has unique culture, and varies on beliefs,
attitude and perspective. In order to unify and connect these differences, leaders should
be able to identify the common point where he can across his ideas. Farmer-leader is
an extension work partner who can facilitate the distribution of agricultural products or
inputs to his community; relay information to the farmer-members regarding certain
activities or pertaining to innovation; serve as farmer model for the innovation being
introduced. Exhibiting leadership skills will become stimulus in the organization to follow
the same way in accordance with the common interest and goal of the organization.
Most of the common goal of farmers organizations are increased income and benefit of
the farmers. Farmers find ways to feed his family that’s why sustaining their motivation
is through increased income. One of which farming activities that leaders should
facilitate are income generating such as swine production, layer production etc.;
acquisition of season long training for knowledge and skills; and marketing linkages.
Guidance, monitoring and counseling is important contribution of the leader for the
success of their activity.

Furthermore, effective farmer-leader will achieve success and eventually gain the
respect of co-farmers; high reputation; increased farmer-members confidence; and
promote harmony and unity.

III. Conclusion
Therefore, the success of an organization depends on the vision and leadership
ability of the farmer-leader. To be able to transform vision into reality is one of the great
abilities of an effective leader. Just like without the vision of Jac Ma and his
ability to maximize his resources like manpower to achieve his vision, e-commerce
cannot be realized. Innovator Leaders are important in bridging technology to farmers in
order to increased income in this fast-changing world.

1. What are your reasons of joining an organization or group?

I am a member of Gamma Pi Epsilon Fraternity/Sorority Sigma Gamma Chapter.

I was then, the lady purse in my batch. During my recruitment, my reason of
membership was increased social network, prestige, common interest in social service,
benefits of brotherhood and sisterhood, an outlet of family stress and pressure, and
kinship. I was attracted with the level of friendship along with academic activities and
works. I was a full-pledged member during my second year in college and have enjoyed
the pure companionship as teenager.

2. Classify and rank your reasons for joining organization as economic, social. Cultural,
political, etc.

The first reason of my membership was social reasons, increasing prestige and
social network. Then, cultural because I am exposed with different members coming
from different areas, thus shared indigenous knowledge and practices. Third, is political
because sometimes because of my affiliation, elder gammans are already employed
and will offer job opportunities which results to the last reason-economic.

3. What are the reasons for coming up with such classification and ranking?

When I was second year college, around 17 years old. I had experienced social
relationship difficulties. I was stress and fear of facing public maybe because of how I
raised or our culture. In short I am an introvert turning to ambivert. Because my parents
and people says, “what if you're gonna have your job someday and you're so shy and
fear. What should you do?” And so, I have decided to join the group, yet I have gain
confidence and public relations because of that and today, I am reaping the benefits of
the organization. I am carrying the interpersonal skills that I had gained from my group
and Im enjoying the economic impact because of it.

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