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Journal of Energy Storage 21 (2019) 272–280

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Investigation of the low frequency Warburg impedance of Li-ion cells by T

frequency domain measurements

M. Oldenburgera,b, , B. Bedürftigb,c, A. Gruhleb, F. Grimsmannb, E. Richterb, R. Findeisenc,
A. Hintennachb
University of Ulm, Department of Electron Microscopy of Materials Science, Albert-Einstein-Allee 11, 89081 Ulm, Germany
Daimler AG, Research & Development, Wilhelm-Runge-Str. 11, 89081 Ulm, Germany
Otto von Guericke University, Laboratory for Systems Theory and Automatic Control, Universitaetspl. 2, 39106 Magdeburg, Germany


Keywords: In this work we investigate the Warburg impedance of Li-ion cells at very low frequencies down to 0.1 mHz.
Low frequency impedance spectroscopy Three different Li-ion cells are used, two 18650-type and one pouch cell of 80 Ah. The measurements are
Warburg impedance hysteresis conducted with electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). The open circuit voltage is measured separately
Warburg impedance relaxation to enable a correction due to voltage hysteresis effects.
It is found that the Warburg impedance does not only dependent on the state of charge (SoC) but also on the
Cell thickness hysteresis
SoC setting current, the rest time after SoC setting, the sinusoidal excitation amplitude and the charge and
discharge history of the cell. It is assumed that the reason for these dependencies are the hysteresis of the open
circuit voltage as well as the hysteresis of the cell thickness.

1. Introduction The criteria of linearity is fulfilled if the current excitation ampli-

tude is sufficiently low. Typically, an excitation amplitude of 10 mV is
For an automotive manufacturer it is very important to predict the used [2,5]. The criteria of stationarity is often violated because of in-
performance of Li-ion cells under all operating conditions. This enables sufficient rest time before the measurement. This violation can lead to
a prognosis about the possible driving range, power, the cooling system severe deviations between measured cell impedances. The deviation
for the battery, etc. In practice, physically motivated equivalent circuit can be either caused by a measurement effect or by a cell effect. A
models (ECMs) are common to describe the electric behavior of the cell measurement effect would be an insufficient voltage drift correction
[1]. These models are a reasonable compromise between calculation which superimposes the sinusoidal signal. Cell effects are temperature
time and model accuracy. However, the parametrization of such models gradients or Li-ion concentration gradients within the cell.
is not easy because the loss processes in the cell have to be identified For the interpretation of impedance spectra all measurement effects
and fitted to an electric circuit model. This requires the identification have to be eliminated and cell effects have to be considered. There are
and separation of ohmic resistances, the double layer effects and the several compensation methods in the literature to reduce the influence
diffusion in the electrodes which is usually described by Warburg im- of voltage drift after SoC-setting [7,6]. Temperature gradients usually
pedances. Therefore, highly accurate impedance measurements are decline within several hours. However, it has been reported that the
required. Especially the low frequency part is prone to measurement equalization processes due to Li-ion concentration inhomogeneities can
errors [2]. Reasons are noise generated by external signals, temperature take up to several days and they cause a time dependent change of the
drift, SoC shift and OCV-hysteresis effects which will be discussed in charge transfer resistance Rct of the double layer after state of charge
Section 2. Please note that there are further losses in the cell (e.g. en- (SoC) setting [8,9]. Nevertheless, a relaxation process of the low fre-
tropy change) which are not covered by the impedance. quency diffusion process in the electrodes has not been described so far.
The impedance spectrum can be obtained by measurements in the This part of the impedance is typically modeled by Warburg elements.
frequency domain (FD) [1,3] and time domain (TD) [4,5]. To ensure a This paper reports for the first time the change of the Warburg im-
high measurement quality, the system under test has to be time-in- pedance after SoC setting.
variant and it has to fulfill the criteria of linearity and stationarity [2,6]. A violation of the stationarity criteria can also be caused by a

Corresponding author at: University of Ulm, Department of Electron Microscopy of Materials Science, Albert-Einstein-Allee 11, 89081 Ulm, Germany.
E-mail address: (M. Oldenburger).
Received 19 June 2018; Received in revised form 28 November 2018; Accepted 28 November 2018
Available online 08 December 2018
2352-152X/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M. Oldenburger et al. Journal of Energy Storage 21 (2019) 272–280

change of SoC during the measurement. For high frequencies the 1. Inductive losses of metallic elements in the cell and connecting
change in SoC is negligible but for very low frequencies the voltage wires are visualized in green.
response is mainly caused by a change in SoC, respectively OCV, and 2. Ohmic resistance as the sum of several contributions, which are:
not by overvoltage. electrolyte, separator, current collector and electric conductivity of
In addition to the SoC dependent diffusion behavior another more the active material.
severe effect influences the measurement in this frequency range. The 3. Double layer and charge transfer effects at the interfaces which form
most common Lithium insertion materials used in the automotive sector a semi-circle visualized in blue.
show a non negligible voltage hysteresis effect (OCV-hysteresis). This 4. Mass transport (Li-ion diffusion) within the electrodes. Common
effect describes the different equilibrium potentials for the same state of equivalent circuit elements to model the diffusion behavior are the
charge depending on whether the battery was previously charged or finite space Warburg (FSW), the finite length Warburg (FLW) and a
discharged. An alternating charging and discharging of the cell as done constant phase element. They are visualized in red and will be dis-
in EIS measurements leads to a transition between the charge- and cussed in the following section.
discharge branch of the OCV. These transitions differ for the charge and
discharge process. The result are enclosed areas denoted as OCV hys- 2.2. Low frequency behavior
teresis loops which superimpose the voltage signal. Sekushin [10] cal-
culated the theoretical impacts of different OCV hysteresis loops on the The low frequency part in the Nyquist plot consists of two con-
results obtained by EIS. The hysteresis loop leads to a shift in the real tributions: the diffusion within the electrodes and the capacity of the
and imaginary part of the impedance. This shift depends on the size and cell.
the direction of the loop as well as on the shape of the hysteresis. In this
paper this effect is studied in detail by changing the amplitude of the
excitation signal. 2.2.1. Diffusion
Additionally, a hysteresis of the Warburg impedance is discovered, For the modeling of the Li-ion diffusion the three presented
which also depends on the SoC setting current. Beside the widely in- Warburg elements can be used. These elements can be derived directly
vestigated OCV hysteresis, Li-ion cells also exhibit a current dependent from Fick's law by applying different boundary conditions which are:
mechanical hysteresis [11,12]. We assume that both hysteresis-effects [13,15].
are the reason for the measured dependence of the impedance on its
history. • FSW: limited diffusion layer and limited electroactive substance
• FLW: limited diffusion layer and ideal reservoir at the boundary
• CPE: semi-infinite diffusion layer
2. Theory
The elements can be used separately or combined. Typical forms are
In this part we want to focus on the low frequency loss processes a single CPE, a serial connection of FLW and FSW [2] and a serial
occurring in the cell and how the measurement is affected by the OCV- connection of FLW and capacitor [16].
hysteresis. The basics of impedance spectroscopy can be found in Ref. Here we want to focus on the ideal 1-D finite space element, since
[13]. this element is used as simplification to model the lowest frequency part
of the impedance. Buller [17] showed that a transmission line approach
(depicted in Fig. 2(a)) can lead to the same mathematical formula as the
2.1. Loss processes within the cell analytically calculated FSW. This allows to model the finite diffusion by
a ladder network with a diffusion resistance ΔRD and a diffusion ca-
A good overview of all loss processes within a Li-ion cell can be pacitance ΔCD. The formulas are:
found in Ref. [14]. They are visualized in Fig. 1. Starting from high to
low frequencies the loss processes are:

Fig. 2. (a) Transmission line approach of the Warburg impedance presented by

Fig. 1. Typical impedance spectrum of a Li-ion cell and common EC to model Buller [17]. (b) Impedance of the FSW element with varying diffusion resistance
the impedance behavior. Four different loss processes can be identified. The low ΔRD and varying diffusion capacitance ΔCD. The yellow curves are for
frequency diffusion behavior is typically modelled by (1) a FSW, (2) a CPE or CD = 15 · 105 F, red curves for CD = 10 · 105F and blue curves for CD = 5 ·105 F.
(3) a FLW. (For interpretation of the references to color in the text, the reader is (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is
referred to the web version of this article.) referred to the web version of this article.)

M. Oldenburger et al. Journal of Energy Storage 21 (2019) 272–280

∑ ΔRD = RD, ∑ ΔCD = CD, (1)

ZFSW = ·coth( jωRD CD ),
jωCD (2)
where ω is the angular frequency and j the imaginary unit. Fig. 2(b)
shows the analytical FSW calculated for different diffusion resistances
and different diffusion capacities. As can be seen, a varying capacitance
only leads to a change in the imaginary part and a varying resistance
only leads to a change in the real part.
Depending on the electrode material Li-ion cells sometimes exhibit a
non negligible slope in the Warburg branch. It is stated by [18,19] that
this behavior can be caused by the anisotropic diffusion in the particles,
by the particle size distribution and also by the long diffusion process
from the surface of large particles into the center which is not finished
at typical EIS frequencies down to the mHz range. Furthermore, it is
shown in the following sections that the OCV hysteresis also leads to an
increasing real part of the low frequency impedance even for ω ap-
proaching zero.

2.2.2. Capacitive behavior, OCV

The capacitive contribution can be calculated from the slope of the
OCV. This is visualized in Fig. 3(a). The relation between the OCV and
the impedance is given by Zimag =−1/(jωCdiff), where ω is the angular
frequency and Cdiff denotes the differential capacity of the cell at that
SoC. It can be calculated by Cdiff = dQ/dU. Note that this formula only
holds for very low frequencies where the cell behavior can be described
by an ideal capacitor. Otherwise there is a deviation because of the
superimposed Warburg diffusion which also exhibits a capacitive be-
havior (see Fig. 3(a)). Furthermore, if a cell exhibits an OCV-hysteresis
there is a deviation to this formula caused by the transition between the
upper and lower OCV branch during EIS. Depending on the charge
quantity a different slope will be measured. This relation is displayed in
Fig. 3(b).

2.3. Theoretical consideration of the impact of the OCV hysteresis on the

low frequency impedance

During EIS the cell is exposed to a sinusoidal excitation and the cell
response is measured. Consequently, the EIS consists of alternating Fig. 4. Theoretical consideration of the influence of the OCV hysteresis on EIS
charge and discharge currents. As mentioned in the previous chapter, for a cell (a) and an RC element (b). (c) Impact of the OCV hysteresis on the
the alternating charge and discharge currents result in small OCV impedance of a Li-ion cell. (For interpretation of the references to color in the
hysteresis loops and in a change of the OCV slope. This effect is depicted text, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
in Fig. 4(a) for two different excitation amplitudes which results in a
different amount of charge ΔQ for the charged (orange) and discharged larger amplitude on the right side which results in a higher imaginary
(blue) state. part of the impedance for the smaller excitation (see Section 2.2).
The smaller amplitude on the left leads to a smaller change in SoC. The enclosed areas of the loops are equal to the energy lost during
Consequently, the change of the OCV slope is smaller compared to the one period. The areas consist of two contributions, one from the dif-
fusion overvoltage and one from the OCV hysteresis. The losses in Ri
and Rct will be neglected for simplicity and we will only look at an ideal
FSW. Since irreversible energy losses are only caused by the real part of
the impedance, any OCV hysteresis will also contribute a real part.
Before the mathematical relation is derived a schematical con-
sideration is presented in Fig. 4. The relation between Re(Z) and the
OCV hysteresis can be shown schematically by looking at a simple RC
element instead of the complete FSW. The current is chosen in a way
that the charge throughput for each frequency is equal. Consequently,
ΔSoC is a constant value. The resulting voltage response with and
without an OCV hysteresis is depicted in Fig. 4(b). In the absence of a
hysteresis the voltage loop becomes very small until it approaches a
straight line for ω → 0. In the case of an OCV hysteresis a small loop
remains which results in a constant voltage response even for very small
frequencies. As a consequence a larger real part impedance is measured
compared to a cell without hysteresis (see inset Nyquist plot of
Fig. 3. Relation between the low frequency impedance and the differential Fig. 4(b)). For ω → 0 the real part approaches infinity as derived below.
capacity Cdiff in case of no hysteresis (a) and in case of a hysteresis (b). The relation between Re(Z) and an ideal FSW can also be shown

M. Oldenburger et al. Journal of Energy Storage 21 (2019) 272–280

Table 1
Overview of the investigated cells and information about measurement para-
meters. The denoted voltage response is measured at middle SoC range and may
vary for different SoCs.
Label Cell A Cell B Cell C

Manufacturer SK Panasonic Panasonic

Format Pouch 18650 18650
Chemistry graphite-NMC graphite/silicon- graphite-NCA
Capacity 80 Ah 3.2 Ah 2.7 Ah
Allowed voltage range 2.5–4.2 V 2.5–4.2 V 2.5–4.2 V
Measurement device HPS CTS CTS
Temperature 25 °C 25 °C 25 °C
FD excit. current 0.35/0.75/ 7.5/20/40 mA 7.5/20/40 mA
(0.1 mHz) 1.5 A
FD volt. response EIS ≈ 6/12/ ≈ 5/13/25 mV ≈ 9/17/31 mV
(0.1 mHz) 21 mV

Fig. 5. (a) OCV of cell type A and voltage hysteresis gap between the upper and cell. The system was already presented in a previous publication [7].
lower OCV branch. (b) Small OCV loops measured at 40% SoC. (c) The only modification is an increased step number of 2048 values per
Corresponding differential capacity Cdiff calculated from the envelope OCV and period to reduce the systematic phase error of very low frequencies
from the largest OCV loops. down to a negligible level. The frequency ranges from 100 Hz down to
0.1 mHz with three points per decade and a minimum of four periods
mathematically. The energy loss of one period is: per frequency. This procedure leads to a measurement time of 22 h.
The standard current amplitude of the lowest frequency is 0.02 A,
W= ∮ U dQ (3) (0.35 A for the large pouch cell), which creates a voltage response of
about ≈ 6–15 mV in the middle SoC range. Smaller voltage responses
The power loss is:
lead to a systematic error which results in a phase shift of the im-
ω 2 2 ⎛ ω ⎞ pedance. This error is caused by the limited resolution of the BaSyTeC
P = W· = Re(Z )·Ieff = Re(Z )·Qeff ·
2π 2π
⎝ ⎠ (4) A/D converter, which is 0.15 mV. Experiments are conducted in climate
chambers to ensure a constant temperature of 25 °C during all mea-
where Ieff is the effective current. Those equations can be transformed
Before specific tests are conducted all cells are cycled eight times in
2π· ∮ U dQ CCCV mode both during charge and discharge. The current during the
Re(Z ) = 2 CC step was C/2 and the CV mode was stopped at C/20. The cells were
ω·Qeff (5)
considered to have 0% SoC and 100% SoC at these points respectively.
In the case of no hysteresis the integral in the numerator represents Corresponding OCV voltages were ≈ 2.8 V and 4.15 V. The last three
the losses in all diffusion resistances ΔRD and Re(Z) approaches RD for cycles are also used to determine the capacity of the cell. The exact
ω → 0. With an OCV hysteresis the integral in the numerator ap- measurement procedures are described in the next sections.
proaches a constant value K which depends on Qeff according to the
degree of saturation of the hysteresis loop. In practice we find m > 1
3.1. OCV
and for our cells at low excitation and 40% SoC m≈ 2.5 as can be
derived from the area within the loops of Fig. 5. The ratio is ≈ 1:4.6
The OCV measurements are used to determine the differential ca-
between curves 2 and 3. The resulting FSW impedance is:
pacity Cdiff and the total anode capacity (as shown in [12]) which is
1 ⎛ K ·2π j ⎞ 1 necessary for the investigation of the C-rate dependency (see Section
Z (ω) = RD + ⎜
− ⎟ = RD + (a − jb) 3.5). The OCV of the cell is measured at 25 °C in steps of 2% SoC with
ω ⎝ Qeff Cdiff ⎠ ω (6)
C/20, starting in the discharged state. A pause of 3 h is employed be-
with a, b and A0 as constants to simplify the equation. This represents a tween the charge steps to allow a voltage relaxation. Afterwards, the
straight line with an offset of RD. A straight line in the Nyquist plot same procedure is conducted from the fully charged state down to the
equals a CPE element and the slope depends on characteristics K(Qeff) of discharged state.
the hysteresis as shown in Fig. 4(c). Additionally, very fine OCV-loops are measured at the SoCs where
the EIS is conducted. These measurements are used to calculate the shift
1 A0
Z (ω) = RD + (a − jb) = RD + of the impedance caused by the OCV hysteresis described in Section 2.2.
ω (jω)α (7)
The cell is charged (/discharged) for 10 steps with C/100 followed by a
with A0 as the magnitude and 0 < α < 1 defining the slope of the CPE rest time of 90 min in between. The charge quantity of the 10 steps is
element. Without OCV hysteresis the low frequency impedance would chosen to add up to the same charge amount as used for the lowest EIS-
approach the vertical curve of an ideal capacitor. frequency. Afterwards the cell is discharged (/charged) with the same
procedure until the original SoC is reached. The direction of the loop is
3. Experiment chosen to match the EIS. Because the size of the hysteresis loop is in the
range of the voltage resolution of the BaSyTec device, the voltage is
In this paper three cell chemistries and two cell formats are in- measured with a Keithley DMM7510 multimeter.
vestigated as shown in Table 1.
SoC setting and FD measurements are conducted with a commercial 3.2. Influence of the rest time after SoC setting, Z(t)
BaSyTec CTS and HPS cell test system operated as current source in a
four-wire setup. If not stated differently, the cells are charged or dis- The change of Z with time after an SoC setting is measured in the
charged with 0.8 A for the 18650 cells and 3.5 A for the larger pouch following way: The cells are charged with C/3 from 0% to 10%, 20%,

M. Oldenburger et al. Journal of Energy Storage 21 (2019) 272–280

40% and 90%. Afterwards, a rest time of 60 min is employed to ensure a

constant temperature within the cell followed by several EIS measure-
ments. The EIS is measured down to 0.1 mHz to analyze the charge
transfer and Warburg impedance. The voltage drift caused by the SoC
setting current can be corrected as shown in Ref. [7].

3.3. Influence of the exciting current amplitude, Z(ΔQ)

A good signal to noise ratio (SNR) is necessary for reliable and re-
producible impedance measurements. Since a sinusoidal current of
large amplitude leads to a change in SoC during the measurements, a
tradeoff between good SNR and small change in SoC is needed. The
impact of the exciting current amplitude on the measurement techni-
ques is tested for all investigated SoCs. Fig. 6. (a) Measured impedances of cell type A at 10% SoC and different rest
After SoC setting the necessary rest time to reach the stationary state times after SoC setting. (b) Enlarged charge transfer resistance Rct. (c) Enlarged
is maintained before the FD measurements are conducted. The EIS is real part to show the relaxation effect. The red curve shows the Warburg im-
started with the lowest possible excitation current which gives a suffi- pedance after subtracting the Rct effect. (For interpretation of the references to
cient SNR. Afterwards the current is increased up to the maximum color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this
current and decreased again (see Table 1). The maximum current is article.)
limited by the acceptable change in SoC of ≈ 1.5%.
The difference between Cdiff calculated from the OCV (solid lines)
3.4. Influence of the charge/discharge history, Z(history) and Cdiff calculated from the hysteresis-loops (dotted lines) is clearly
visible. The transition occurring during EIS leads to an increased slope
The SoC dependency of the impedance is measured for the charged of the OCV which results in a smaller Cdiff. Please note that there is not
and discharged OCV branch. Therefore, the cells are charged to 100% necessarily a relation between the slope of the transition and the size of
SoC or discharged to 0% before SoC setting. This ensures that the cell is the hysteresis gap.
completely on the upper or lower OCV branch for the following mea- For the interpretation in Section 4.4 the SoCs with the same Cdiff are
surements. The investigated SoCs range from 90% down to 10%. The of special interest because the capacitive contribution of the OCV-loops
necessary rest times for the different cell types, which are derived in to the low frequency impedance is the same for the charged and dis-
Section 4.2 are maintained before all subsequent EIS measurements. charged state. Therefore, any differences between the charged and
discharged impedance must either result from a varying diffusion re-
3.5. Influence of the SoC-setting current, Z(ISoC) sistance RD or from the hysteresis losses (see Section 2.2 and 2.3).

The impact of different charge and discharge rates is investigated 4.2. Influence of the rest time after SoC setting, Z(t)
for several anode SoCs. Grimsmann et al. [12] showed that at 22–27%
and at 45–70% anode SoC the total thickness depends strongly on the In addition to the reported relaxation process of the charge transfer
SoC–setting current whereas there is nearly no dependency for 35% or resistance Rct, which is caused by an inhomogeneous Li-distribution
10% anode SoC. The anode SoC as compared to the cell SoC can be along the electrodes [8,9], we discovered a relaxation of the Warburg
calculated by identifying the phase transition of LiC6 to LiC12 in the impedance after SoC setting (see Fig. 6(a) and (c) at 10% SoC). For
OCV-SoC curve which corresponds to 50% lithiation of the anode [12]. 0.1 mHz a change in the real part of 0.07 mΩ is measured from the first
The investigated cell SoCs are 12.5%, 28.5%, 43.5% and 75.5%, cor- to the fourth measurement. In the same time a relaxation of Rct of about
responding to 10.5%, 24.5%, 37.5 % and 65% anode SoC. The C-rates 0.19 mΩ (Fig. 6(b)) is observed and thus leads to an actual Warburg
range from C/20 to 2 C. The necessary rest times determined in section relaxation of 0.26 mΩ.
4.2 are maintained. The measurement is stopped after four days. After this time the
change of the third to the fourth measurement is in the range of the
4. Results and discussion measurement accuracy of about 1%. For higher SoCs of cell type A (see
Fig. 7) the Warburg relaxation proceeds significantly faster and after
The effects that will be presented in the following sections are
identified for all three cell types and are also completely reproducible.
However, the cells differ in the strength of the effects. For reasons of
clarity, only the results of cell type A are displayed. The results of the
other cells are provided as supplementary information.

4.1. OCV measurements

Fig. 5(a) shows the OCV and the corresponding OCV-hysteresis gap
of cell type A. From the OCV the differential capacity Cdiff is calculated
and the results are displayed in part (c) for the upper and lower OCV
branch. Additionally, Cdiff is calculated from the largest hysteresis-loop
which is measured according to the procedure described in section 3.1
leading to pure hysteresis curves without ohmic and dynamic losses.
The resulting loops are displayed in part (b). As expected, a larger
change in SoC during the loops leads to a higher voltage hysteresis. The
dashed trend lines represent the slope of the OCV in that SoC. These Fig. 7. (a) Measured impedances of cell type A at 40% SoC and different rest
measurements will be further used in Section 4.3, where the impact of times after SoC setting. (b) Enlarged charge transfer resistance Rct. (c) Enlarged
the excitation signal amplitude is investigated. real part to show the relaxation effect.

M. Oldenburger et al. Journal of Energy Storage 21 (2019) 272–280

24 h changes are negligible. Therefore, a rest time of 24 h is considered caused by the OCV hysteresis. As mentioned in Section 1 for very low
sufficient for SoCs above 10% and was employed before each FD frequencies a non negligible part of the overvoltage is caused by a
measurement. For 10% a rest time of 72 h is employed. change in SoC. The alternating charge and discharge currents of EIS
When comparing cell types A, B and C it is clearly visible that cell lead to OCV loops which superimpose the voltage signal. A theoretical
type B exhibits much stronger Warburg relaxation behavior than the consideration of the influence on the impedance was presented in
other two cell types (see Figs. 11 and 15 in the appendix). The relative Section 2.3. The additional voltage of the hysteresis can be subtracted
change of the real part of the impedance is about 15% of cell type B from the voltage response by separately measuring the small OCV loops
compared to ≈ 4% for type A and C. A possible reason for this behavior (see Section 3.1). The corrected impedances at 0.1 mHz for the three
might be the silicon-graphite composite used as anode material of cell different excitations are displayed in Fig. 8 (b). As expected, only the
type B which also shows very long voltage relaxation behavior. real part of the impedance is affected by the correction. Considering the
Additionally, both 18650 cell types show a very long relaxation of measurement error, it seems that the real part approaches the same
the Rct. Therefore, the rest time of cell type B and C was chosen to be value for all excitations after subtracting the contribution from the
100 h. Furthermore, the charge throughput by the EIS does not affect hysteresis. The existing deviation in the imaginary part of around
the relaxation process. This can be seen in Fig. 11(c) where a new 1.8 mΩ between Zimag(EIS 1) and Zimag(EIS 3) can be fully explained by
spectrum is recorded after a rest time of 120 h after SoC setting for cell the different slopes of the small OCV loops, depicted schematically in
type B. No difference to the last EIS of the first measurement series Fig. 5 (c). The capacitive contribution to the impedance changes from
could be identified. 7.2 mOhm for EIS 1 to 5.3 mOhm for EIS 3.
Fig. 8 (d) shows additional EIS measurements, which are conducted
after EIS 3 of part (a), with decreasing current amplitudes. There is no
4.3. Influence of the exciting current amplitude, Z(ΔQ)
difference in the real part of EIS 2 and 4 and also of EIS 1 and 5 but the
imaginary part decreases to the value of EIS 3. It seems that the large
The size of the exciting current amplitude has a severe impact on the
current excitation has led to a persisting slope of the OCV loops which
measured impedance. Considering the signal to noise ratio (SNR), a
does not change during lower current excitations.
large excitation and system response is favorable to reduce measure-
These measurements show that the excitation current of EIS has to
ment errors. The disadvantage is the larger change in SoC during the
be chosen carefully. In addition to the criteria of linearity
half-periods. Additionally, the change in SoC causes a distortion of the
(UEIS < 25 mV), which forms an upper limit for the current excitation,
sinusoidal voltage response by small OCV hysteresis loops.
and the change in SoC during EIS, a tradeoff between good SNR and a
Fig. 8(a) shows the impedance of cell type A at 40% SoC, measured
possible shift due to the OCV hysteresis has to be considered. A small
for three different current amplitudes. The curves are almost identical
excitation is recommended because this will reduce the number of
down to 1 mHz. For lower frequencies there is a distinct deviation be-
points which have to be corrected. In our case we used 5-7 mV to
tween the three different EIS excitation amplitudes. To exclude an effect
maintain a sufficient precision of the voltage measurement.
caused by SoC dependent Warburg impedance, several measurements
at slightly increased SoCs (0.3 Ah, 0.6 Ah and 0.9 Ah) are conducted. As
can be seen, a change in SoC leads to very small changes of the im- 4.4. Influence of the charge/discharge history, Z(history)
pedance and hence the SoC dependency of the Warburg impedance
cannot be the reason for the remaining deviation. Note that an effect To investigate the influence of the charge and discharge history the
from temperature due to the higher excitation can be excluded since impedance is measured with different amplitudes on the charged and
this would lead to a smaller cell impedance. discharged OCV branch. The results of cell type A are displayed in
Therefore, the measured deviations of the impedance have to be Fig. 9. The red curves indicate the charged branch and the blue curves

Fig. 8. (a) Measured impedance of cell type A at 40% in the charged state. The three different excitation currents lead to a change of 0.37%, 0.83% and 1.65% Δ SoC.
The influence of the SoC dependency of the Warburg diffusion is tested by EIS measurements at slightly increased SoC. (b) Applied OCV loop correction of 0.1 mHz.
(c) Schematic OCV loops in the charged state for three excitations. (d) Decreased imaginary part of the smaller excitation currents after a large current excitation.
Please note that the axis are not symmetric to better show the shift of the real part.

M. Oldenburger et al. Journal of Energy Storage 21 (2019) 272–280

Fig. 9. Impedance hysteresis of cell type A from 90% to 10% SoC. The impedance is measured with different current amplitudes for each SoC in the charged and
discharged state. (For interpretation of the references to color in the text, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

indicate the discharged branch. on the C-rate of the charge and discharge current. This means that there
As expected, there is a difference in the imaginary part of the im- is a different structural composition of the graphite electrode (LiC6,
pedance between the charged and discharged state. This deviation can LiC12, LiC18, …) which could be visible in impedance measurements.
be explained by the varying slopes of the OCV-loops (see Fig. 5 (c)). The Fig. 10(a) shows the current dependency of the cell thickness already
differences become visible for frequencies below 2 mHz. presented in [12] and part (b) shows the impedance of cell type A for
However, even after applying the introduced OCV loop correction different discharge currents in the range from −2 C to −0.05 C. The
(which is not displayed here for reasons of clarity) there is a non neg- OCV loop correction is not displayed because it does not change the
ligible deviation in the real part between the charged and discharged observed trend of the curves.
state for several SoCs. This deviation does not vanish even after several As observed for the cell thickness, there is nearly no dependency of
weeks of rest time. In the case of 70% SoC the OCV loops for the the impedance at 12.5% and 43.5% SoC. For the other two SoCs there is
charged and discharged state are nearly the same. Thus, an OCV loop a clear dependency of the Warburg impedance on the C-rate used for
correction does not change the difference in the real part of Z which is SoC setting. A lower C-rates lead to lower impedance and an increased
depicted in Fig. 9. Consequently, the remaining deviation in the real C-rate leads to an increased impedance. The effect is visible for fre-
part has to be caused by a varying diffusion resistance RD (see Section quencies below 2 mHz and it is most significant for 28.5% SoC. This
2.2.1) in the charged and discharged state. The result is an non negli- finding correlates very well with the cell thickness. At 28.5% the cell
gible impedance hysteresis. thickness exhibits the strongest dependency on the SoC setting current.
The same measurements are also conducted for the other two cell Note that a smaller cell thickness does not necessarily result in a
types (please see appendix Figs. 13 and 16). The results show very si- higher impedance due to smaller lattice constants as observed for
milar behavior of type C as observed for the pouch cell. For high SoC 72.5% SoC. The different C-rates lead to different structural composi-
the impedance in the charged and discharged state are nearly the same tions within the graphite electrode. Consequently there are varying
and for 70% SoC the cell shows the same impedance hysteresis-effect. diffusion constants and varying Li-ion concentrations along the cross-
The differences of the imaginary part can be explained by the slopes of section of the particles which might explain the observed impedances.
measured OCV loops. This is not a surprising result assuming that the The same behavior described above for cell type A is also found for
OCV-loops are mainly affected by the graphite OCV-hysteresis and that type C (see Fig. 17 in the appendix). However, the cell shows a smaller
there is a varying diffusion coefficient for the different graphite stages. dependency on the SoC setting current. Since both cells have a graphite
The results of cell type B which has a mixed graphite/silicon anode also anode but different cathode materials the results support the assump-
shows similar behavior for higher SoC. For lower SoCs the silicon has a tion that the effect is caused by the graphite anode. Due to the fact that
stronger impact especially on the imaginary part which complicates it is not possible to identify the anode SoC of cell type B no measure-
further interpretation. ments are conducted here. The reason is the unknown amount of silicon
in the anode.

4.5. Influence of the SoC-setting current, Z(ISoC)

As described in [12], the thickness of graphite electrodes depends

M. Oldenburger et al. Journal of Energy Storage 21 (2019) 272–280

Fig. 10. (a) Cell thickness curves for different C-rates of a 20 Ah pouch cell. Graphic edited from [12]. (b) Impact of the SoC setting discharge current on impedance
measurements. The EIS is measured with 0.3 Ah for all SoCs and excitation currents. OCV loop correction is not displayed for reasons of clarity.

5. Summary and conclusion The assumption that the effects are caused by the graphite electrode
is supported by the varying cell chemistries used. All three cells have
The low frequency impedance of Li-ion cells depends on the SoC different electrode compositions with graphite being the only common
setting current, the rest time after SoC setting, excitation amplitude and material. In addition, the correlation of the current dependent im-
the charge and discharge history of the cell which reults in an im- pedance and the cell thickness of the pouch cell is another indicator for
pedance hysteresis. this assumption.
In this work, each factor has been investigated in detail for three Future work will focus on a time domain investigation of the pre-
different cells and the impact on the measured impedance was de- sented effects. This enables the separate examination of the charge and
termined at 25 °C. It was concluded that a rest time of at least 100 h is discharge process, which is not possible with EIS. Thereby, the occur-
necessary for the 18650 cells and 24 h for the pouch cell. The influence ring OCV hysteresis losses can be investigated in more detail.
of the OCV hysteresis on EIS measurements can be reduced by choosing
a small excitation with a sufficient SNR. However, the correct im-
pedance can only be determined by separately measuring the OCV Acknowledgement
loops occurring during EIS and applying a voltage correction.
Furthermore, a variation of the measurement parameters Z(ISoC) and Z The authors would like to thank Felix Brauchle for his support in
(history) can lead to a deviation of the real part of two impedance editing the manuscript and the graphics it contains.
measurements at the same SoC of up to 20%.

M. Oldenburger et al. Journal of Energy Storage 21 (2019) 272–280

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