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Subaru natsuki

Age: 6(child)
Quirk: Unknown
Main MC: Rezero

Subaru Natsuki
Age 17
Quirk: Sinful Magic
Main MC: Rezero

Wrath: Fury Infusion

Description: Users can channel rage into their magic, granting enhanced strength and destructive
power. Their attacks become more forceful, capable of shattering objects and overpowering foes. They
can unleash destructive energy, create an intimidating aura, manifest wrathful forms, and amplify their
abilities with anger.

Drawback: Fury Exhaustion

Description: Excessive use of Wrath drains energy, causing fatigue and diminished capabilities. Users
may lose control, harming allies or innocents. Physical strain can result in muscle spasms and long-term
damage. Emotional instability strains relationships, and vulnerability to counterattacks increases when


Pride: Hubris Projection

Description: Users project an aura of pride, enhancing their own abilities and undermining opponents.
They gain heightened physical and magical attributes, emit an intimidating aura, manipulate minds,
create illusions, and reflect attacks.

Drawback: Arrogance Backlash

Description: Excessive pride leads to self-sabotage, strained relationships, vulnerability to manipulation,

hindered growth, and mental exhaustion. Users underestimate foes, erode trust, become susceptible to
humiliation, limit learning, and experience fatigue.


Gluttony: Devouring Absorption

Description: Subaru possesses Devouring Absorption, allowing him to consume and assimilate energy,
powers, and memories. This grants him increased stamina, adaptability, knowledge, enhanced senses,
and empathic perception.

Drawback: Unquenchable Hunger

Description: Subaru battles an insatiable hunger that drives him to compulsively consume, risking loss of
control, memory overload, dependency on absorption, and moral turmoil.


Sloth: Temporal Stasis

Description: Subaru possesses Temporal Stasis, allowing him to manipulate time, induce lethargy, and
temporarily reverse events. This grants him advantages such as time dilation, lethargy induction,
temporal reversal, accelerated healing, and enhanced time perception.

Drawback: Temporal Exhaustion

Description: Subaru's time manipulation abilities come with Temporal Exhaustion, causing temporary
disorientation, energy drain, risks of temporal paradoxes, sluggish recovery, and potential dependency
on time manipulation.


Lust: Allure Manipulation

Description: Subaru possesses Allure Manipulation, allowing him to influence the desires and emotions
of others. This power grants him charisma, desire manipulation, illusionary seduction, emotional control,
and sensory temptation.

Drawback: Emotional Instability

Description: Subaru's manipulation of desires comes with Emotional Instability, causing feedback of

manipulated emotions, difficulty forming genuine connections, vulnerability to temptation, ethical
dilemmas, and risks of uncontrolled backlash.


Greed: Material Transmutation

Description: Subaru can manipulate matter through Material Transmutation, granting him control over
objects, resources, and energy. This power includes object transformation, resource manipulation,
energy conversion, a Greed aura, and wealth manifestation.

Drawback: Material Dependency

Description: Subaru's connection to Greed results in Material Dependency, leading to obsessive

attachment, diminished value of non-material things, impaired judgment, vulnerability to manipulation,
and loss of personal identity.



Subaru Natsuki, as a child, is an ordinary and somewhat socially awkward young boy. He possesses a
strong sense of justice and a desire to be a hero, much like Deku. Subaru's experiences in the fantasy
world he's transported to have made him resilient and determined. However, at this point in his life, he
may not have developed those qualities fully yet.

Subaru's personality as a child might exhibit a mix of curiosity, innocence, and a longing for adventure.
He may be intrigued by the idea of having superpowers like the heroes in MHA. Subaru tends to act
impulsively and can be reckless at times, acting before fully considering the consequences. However, his
heart is in the right place, and he genuinely wants to help others.

Meeting Deku, who already possesses strong ideals of heroism, would likely inspire Subaru. Deku's
unwavering determination and his commitment to protecting others would resonate with Subaru's own
aspirations. Subaru may feel a sense of admiration and strive to emulate Deku's bravery and

The meeting between Subaru and Deku as kids would likely result in an interesting dynamic. They could
share stories of their dreams and aspirations, exchanging ideas about what it means to be a hero.
Subaru might learn from Deku's dedication and develop a stronger sense of purpose in his own path.
Likewise, Deku could be intrigued by Subaru's resilience and determination, recognizing the potential
within him.

Overall, their encounter would likely foster mutual inspiration and growth as they navigate their
respective worlds and learn from each other's experiences. Both Subaru and Deku, despite their
differences in origin, could find common ground in their shared desire to become heroes and protect
those in need.

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