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Crop and soil department

Bunda campus
April 18, 2017

To: Dr Chimungu
From: Selliano Ngoma
Subject: progress of my research on assessment of spatial variability of soil p h.,
organic matter, particle size distribution, potassium and phosphorus at new crop
and soil science research farm
This memo responds to your request on the progress of my research project. As
you remember my project was on the assessment of spatial variability of soil p h.,
organic matter, phosphorus, potassium and particle size distribution at the new
crop and soil science research farm. As presented in the proposal, I identified two
objectives for the research: (1) to determine the spatial variation across the
research farm, and (2) to determine the variation in diagnostic horizons. This
memo will present the research I have completed so far, including preliminary
results. Then this memo will discuss the remaining research and suggest
modifications to the research based on the information uncovered so far.
Completed research
Since submitting my proposal, I have spent most of my research time collecting
soil samples, then spent time in the lab doing soil analysis. Figure 1 presents
timeline depicting the work done so far
Soil sample collection

Lab analysis
Data analysis
Drafting report

Preparing presentation

Revising final report

Binding final report

Figure 1. Timeline showing progress on research project. The filled cells indicates the work that
has been completed. The unshaded ones indicates work to be done.

Remaining research
As indicated on the time line, now am working on extracting the map of the farm
location as well as working on the data analysis in preparation of draft report
generation as well as writing presentation slides. So far am on schedule with the
project so that by the end of this month I should complete the project.
This progress report has updated you on the status of my research on the
assessment of spatial variability of soil p h., organic matter, phosphorus, potassium
and particle size distribution at the new crop and soil science research farm. As
stated I am on schedule with the project so that by the end of this month I should
complete the project.

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