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Gas Exchange in Humans

Respiratory system 
The respiratory system is a biological system consisting of specific
organs and structures used for gas exchange. 

Gas exchange (in humans) is the delivery of oxygen from the lungs to
the bloodstream, and the elimination of carbon dioxide from the
bloodstream to the lungs.

The air enters the nasal cavity and makes its way down the trachea
and into the lungs.  The trachea branches into bronchi, which
branches further into bronchioles. 

The trachea is surrounded by cartilage which strengthens and supports the trachea. 
The rib cage (not shown in the diagram) surrounds the lungs and its contents. It
acts as a protective barrier and plays a vital role in inhalation and exhalation. 

At the end of the bronchioles, we find alveoli which is the gas

exchange surface of the human respiratory system. The alveoli are
the site at which oxygen is exchanged for carbon dioxide. 

The alveoli have an extremely large surface area for gas exchange,
and are surrounded by numerous capillaries to allow good ventilation
with air. 

Inhalation and exhalation 

Inhalation allows the body to obtain oxygen from air, and exhalation
allows the excretion of carbon dioxide. 

To understand how inhalation and exhalation works, it is important to

understand the concept of thoracic volume i.e., the volume of the

Thoracic volume and air pressure

Air will always move from higher air pressure to lower air pressure. 

 When the thorax volume increases it reduces the air pressure

inside the thorax (below atmospheric pressure). Air therefore
travels into the body i.e., inhalation 
 When the thorax volume decreases it increases the air pressure
inside the thorax (above atmospheric pressure). Air therefore
travels out of the body i.e., exhalation
Thorax is the part of the body of a mammal between the neck and the abdomen

The volume of the thorax is dependent on two factors:

 Position of the rib cage 

 Position of the diaphragm 

During inhalation, the thoracic volume increases to make the air
pressure in the thorax to fall below atmospheric levels, and thus
forcing air into the body.

This increase in thoracic volume is due to: 

 Contraction of external intercostal muscles which cause the ribs

to move up and out 
 Contract of diaphragm which causes the dome-shape to flatten 


During exhalation, the thoracic volume decreases to make the air

pressure in the thorax above atmospheric levels, and thus forcing air
out of the body. 

The decrease in thoracic volume is due to: 

 Relaxation of intercoastal muscles causing the rib cage to move

down and in 
 Relaxation of the diaphragm resulting in the original dome-
shaped appearance 

 Air composition 
The air composition of inspired and expired air is different. Inspired
air has more oxygen, whilst expired air has more carbon dioxide (for
obvious reasons of respiration). Nitrogen remains constant as our
bodies cannot make use of nitrogen gas. 
The limewater test can confirm the elevated presence of carbon
dioxide in expired air. It is a clear liquid which turns milky when it
reacts with carbon dioxide. Blowing into limewater with a straw will
indeed cause it become milky. 

Physical activity on breathing

With physical activity both the rate and depth of breathing increases. 

Exercise means body cells respire more rapidly. More carbon dioxide
is produced as a result and the increased carbon dioxide concentration
in the blood leads to an increase in blood acidity i.e., decreased blood

The brain detects the increased blood acidity and signals for the
increase in breathing rate and depth to allow carbon dioxide to be
excreted quicker. It also of course allows oxygen to get to respiring
cells faster as well. 

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