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Name : Popy Widiani

Student number : 3203032

Class : D3 Accounting 2A

Number Word Meaning (in Bahasa Indonesia) Meaning (in English)

1 Draft 1. Konsep Noun
2. Mengisi Dokumen - Desain or concept
(letter and so on)

- To complete the form
- To fill in
administrative data

2 Profile 1. Profil Noun

2. Menggambar - State or potential and
the image that exists
within a person
- To draw someone’s
- To describe from
various sides
3 Position 1. Posisi Noun
2. Menempatkan - Position (person,
- Express an action,
existence, experience,
or other dynamic
4 Product 1. Produk Noun
- Goods or services that
can be traded
5 Logo 1. Logo Noun
- A visual identify of an
entity that has certain
special criteria, such
as shape, philosophy,
and colour.
6 Vision 1. Penglihatan Noun
- The ability to
recognize light and
interpret it, one of the
- The organs used to
see are the eyes.
7 Missions 1. Misi Noun
- A process or stage
that should be passed
by an institution or
agency or organization
with the aim of being
able to achieve that
8 Service 1. Layanan Noun
2. Melayani - Provide everything
that others need.
- An activity of helping
others or giving
oneself to help and
help other.
9 Structure 1. Susunan Noun
2. Menyusun - Something that has
been arranged
(compiled and so on)
well (about
fabrication, and so on)
- Arrange by
overlapping; put in
10 Job 1. Pekerjaan Noun
- A relationship that
involves two parties
between the company
and the workers/
11 Sales 1. Penjualan Noun
- People who sell their
goods/ services to
consumers/ buyers.
12 Profit 1. Keuntungan Noun
- Increase in an
investor’s wealth
13 Greet 1. Menyapa Verb
- Invite conversation
- reprimand
14 Audience 1. Hadirin Noun
- Everyone present
15 Outline 1. Garis besar Noun
- A brief description of
a problem or event
that can still provide a
clear picture of the
whole problem or
16 Invite 1. Mengundang Verb
- Call to come
- Invite to attend (at
meetings, banquets)
17 Question 1. Pertanyaan Noun
- An expression of
someone’s curiosity
about an information
that is poured in a
question sentence
18 Attention 1. Perhatian Noun
- Concentration of
certain psychic energy
on an object
- A lot of awareness
that accompanies an
activity that is carried
19 Uniques 1. Unik Adjective
- Alone in its form or
- Different from others
- No similarities
20 Idea 1. Ide Noun
- A draft composed in
the mind, idea,
21 Conclusion 1. Kesimpulan Noun
- A concise statement
taken from an
analysis, discussion of
a story, or the result
of a conversation.
22 Body 1. Isi Noun
- Something that exist
(contained, and so on)
in an object.
23 Talk 1. Berbicara Verb
- Is the ability to
communicate with
others through the
medium of language.
- The form of speech
acts in the form of
sound produced by
the speech apparatus
accompanies by body
movements and facial
24 Introduction 1. Pengenalan Noun
- Process, method, act
of knowing or
25 Stand 1. Berdiri Verb
- A human position in
which the body is in
an upright position
and is supported only
by the legs.
26 Means 1. Cara Noun
- The way (rules,
system) of doing
(doing and so on)
27 Inspired 1. Bersemangat Adjective
- There is a spirit
- Contains spirit
28 Take 1. Mengambil Verb
- Holding something
then carried (lifted,
used, stored) pick up.
29 River 1. Sungai Noun
- A large, elongated
stream of water on
the surface that flows.
30 Swift 1. Cepat Adjective
- In a short time can
cover a considerable
distance (travel,
movement, event)
rate; heavy.
31 Repulsive 1. Menjijikan Adjective
- Be disgusted by;
consider (look at)
disgusted; really don’t
like going.
32 Dry 1. Kering Adjective
- Not wet
- Not watery
- Not damp
- No more water
33 Command 1. Perintah Noun
- A word that means to
order to do
34 Pattern 1. Pola Noun
- A form or model that
has regularity, both in
design and abstract
35 Manufacturing 1. Pabrik Adjective
- A large industrial
building where
workers process
objects or oversee the
processing of
machines from one
product to another,
thereby gaining added
36 Set up 1. Mendirikan Verb
- Install (put) stand,
37 Located 1. Terletak Adjective
- Located in
- Located at
- Exists on
38 Outlet 1. Toko Noun
- A closed place in
which trading
activities take place
with special types of
objects or goods.
39 Supply 1. Menyediakan Verb
- To do (prepare,
arrange) something
40 Import 1. Impor Noun
- An activity of
transporting goods
commodities from
one country to
41 Develop 1. Mengembangkan Verb
- An effort to improve
technical, theoretical,
conceptual and moral
42 Price 1. Harga Noun
- The amount of money
that consumers have
to pay to the seller to
get goods or services
they want to buy.
43 Proportion 1. Proporsi Noun
- The relationship
between parts of an
object or the
relationship between
a part and the object
as a whole.
44 Gradually 1. Bertahap Adjective
- There are stages
- Graded
- Tiered.
45 Decline 1. Menurun Verb
- The more forward the
- Land
46 Collapse 1. Runtuh Verb
- Collapsed due to
damage and so on
(about buildings)
- Falling down or being
hit by damage (about
heavy items).
47 Graph 1. Grafik Noun
- Painting the ups and
downs of a situation
with lines or pictures
(about the ups and
downs of results,
statistic, and so on).
48 Movement 1. Pergerakan Noun
- Resurrection (for
struggle or

49 Sudden 1. Mendadak Adjective

- Incident that
happened suddenly
50 Cost 1. Biaya Noun
- The amount of funds
issued by the
company with the aim
of producing a
product or service.
51 Stay 1. Tinggal Verb
- Still in place
- Always there
52 Stable 1. Stabil Adjective
- Steady
- Strong
- Unwavering (about
53 Couple 1. Pasangan Noun
- Which are always
used become together
so that they become a
54 People 1. Masyarakat Noun
- A group of individuals
who live together,
work together to
obtain common
interests who already
have a life order,
norms, and customs
that are adhered to in
their environment.
55 Interview 1. Wawancara Noun
- Question and answer
activities orally to
obtain information.
56 Record 1. Merekam Verb
- Transferring sound
(pictures, writing) to
cassette tapes, discs,
and so on.
- Take notes (in the
heart, wishful
thinking, and so on).
57 Requirement 1. Persyaratan Noun
- Things that are
58 Deadline 1. Tenggat Waktu Noun
- The time stated in the
59 Vacancy 1. Lowongan Noun
- Available job
60 Announcement 1. Pengumuman Noun
- A statement that
contains information
about events or
events that will occur
for the general public
to know.
61 Qualification 1. Kualifikasi Noun
- Skills needed to do
something, or occupy
a certain position.
62 Experience 1. Pengelaman Noun
- Something that has
been experienced
(lived, felt, endured).
63 Salary 1. Gaji Noun
- A form of periodic
payment from an
employer to his
employees stated in
an employment
64 Age 1. Usia Noun
- Length of time lived or
existed (since born or
65 Process 1. Proses Noun
- A series of actions, or
processing that
converts inputs into
66 Contribute 1. Menyumbang Verb
- Make a donation
(help, support, and so
67 Candidate 1. Calon Noun
- The person who will
68 Interrogation 1. Interogasi Noun
- Question, examination
of a person through
systematic oral
69 Insight 1. Wawasan Noun
- Point of view and way
of viewing or way of
70 Watch 1. Menonton Verb
- The activity of looking
at something with a
certain level of
71 Specific 1. Spesifik Adjective
- Something more
specific than
something general.
72 Benefit 1. Manfaat Noun
- The advantage, favor,
interest or favor of
73 Consider 1. Mempertimbangkan Verb
- Think carefully to
determine (decide and
so on).
74 Major 1. Utama Adjective
- Best
- Number one
- Very good
- Letter that others
75 Education 1. Pendidikan Noun
- The process of
changing the attitude
and behavior of a
person or group of
people in an effort to
mature humans
through teaching and
training efforts.
76 Training 1. Pelatihan Adjective
- A short-term
educational process
using systematic and
organized procedures,
so that operational
employees learn
technical knowledge
and skills for specific
77 Confident 1. Percaya diri Adjective
- An attitude or belied
in one’s own abilities.
78 Team 1. Tim Noun
- A group whose
individual efforts
result in higher
performance than the
sum of individual
79 Overtime 1. Lembur Adjective
- Working hours that
exceed 7 hours in one
80 Extracurricular 1. Ekstrakurikuler Noun
- A place for developing
the potential of
students, can have a
positive impact on
character education.
81 Participate 1. Ikut serta Verb
- Participate (work, eat,
etc) together.
82 Salutation 1. Sapaan Noun
- Words that can be
used to greet, rebuke,
mention a second
person, or anyone you
don’t want to talk to.
83 Signature 1. Tanda tangan Noun
- Evidence that
someone has agreed
and agreed on
84 Curriculum Vitae 1. Daftar Riwayat Hidup Noun
- A short written
description of your
interests and previous
work experience.
85 Photo 1. Foto Noun
- Light or image
produced from light.
86 Certificate 1. Sertifikat Noun
- Information related to
goods or something
that we have.
87 Advertisement 1. Iklan Noun
- An effort to direct a
person or group of
people to agree with a
particular goal by
using the media.
88 Account 1. Akun Noun
- Collection of financial
transaction records,
89 Graduated 1. Lulus Adjective
- Can enter or pass (into
or from holes and so
90 Response 1. Tanggapan Noun
- Response to speech
(criticism, comments,
91 Practical 1. Praktis Adjective
- Easy and easy to use
(run and so on).
92 Accept 1. Menerima Verb
- Welcome, take (get,
accommodate, and so
on) something that is
93 Combination 1. Kombinasi Noun
- Combine multiple
objects from a group
regardless of order.
94 Opportunity 1. Peluang Noun
- Opportunity and
effort means efforts to
achieve the desired
goals with various
95 Find 1. Menemukan Verb
- Get something that
didn’t exist before, got
and find.
96 Copy 1. Salinan Noun
- A system used to
duplicate a word,
paragraph, table,
picture, and any
97 Speak 1. Berbicara Verb
- A person’s ability to
express or express
ideas, thoughts that
are in them selves
that involve other
people in conveying
the information by
using words.
98 Suited 1. Cocok Adjective
- In accordance
- Appropriate
- Equivalent
- Agree at heart
99 Contribution 1. Kontribusi Noun
- Contributions are
given in various forms,
both donations in the
form of funds,
programs, ideas, and
energy given to other
parties to achieve
something better and
more efficient.
100 Suggest 1. Menyarankan Verb
- Give advice
- Recommend
101 Relevant 1. Relevan Adjective
- Hooks
- Concerned
- Directly useful
102 Hobby 1. Hobi Noun
- Recreational activities
undertaken in spare
time to relax one’s
103 Career 1. Karier Noun
- The progress of a
person in a field of
work obtained during
his work.
104 Simple 1. Sederhana Noun
- Daily habits or
behaviors that are
carried out as needed.
105 Sign 1. Tanda Noun
- Something that is
used to denote
something else.
106 Standard 1. Standar Adjective
- Documented
107 Scan 1. Memindai Adjective
- Reading technique to
get information
108 Little 1. Kecil Adjective
- Less large (its state
and so on) than usual,
not big
109 Choose 1. Memilih Verb
- Determine (take and
so on) something that
is considered in
accordance with the
110 Inventory 1. Inventaris Noun
- Are all goods used by
the office and
accompanied by the
condition of the
goods, their types,
prices and quantities.
111 Executive 1. Eksekutif Adjective
- A branch of
government that has
the power and is
responsible for
implementing the law.
112 Attention 1. Perhatian Noun
- Concentration of
certain psychic energy
on an object.
113 Session 1. Sidang Noun
- A formal forum of an
organization to
discuss certain issues
in an effort to produce
a decision, which will
become a decision.
114 Absence 1. Ketidakhadiran Noun
- Absence of physical
participation of
students in school
115 Conversion 1. Konversi Noun
- Change from one
knowledge system to
116 Facing 1. Menghadapi Noun
- Sit and so on opposite.
117 Equipment 1. Perlengkapan Noun
- Tools, (goods and so
on) that exist on a
machine (company,
118 Voice 1. Suara Noun
- Sounds emitted from
the human mouth
(such as when talking,
singing, laughing, and
119 Continent 1. Benua Noun
- One of the six or
seven great divisions
of land on the globe.
120 Level 1. Tingkat Noun
- A layered or wavy
arrangement such as a
house arch, a pedestal
on ladder(tiers)
121 Cues 1. Isyarat Noun
- A thing said or done
that serves as a signal
to an actor or other
performer to enter or
to begin their speech
or performance.
122 Order 1. Memesan Verb
- A request to buy (to
be sent, made)
ordered items.
123 Address 1. Alamat Noun
- To identify
(something, such as a
computer peripheral
or memory location)
by an address or name
for information
124 Exploration 1. Eksplorasi Noun
- Field exploration with
the aim of gaining
more knowledge
(about the situation),
especially the natural
resources found in
that place,
investigation and
125 Method 1. Metode Noun
- The way (rules,
system) of doing
126 Run 1. Lari Noun
2. Menjalankan - Walking at high speed
- Perform 9duties,
obligations, work)
127 Research 1. Penelitian Noun
- The systematic
investigation into and
study of materials and
sources in order to
establish facts and
reach new
128 Advise 1. Menasihati Verb
- Offer suggestions
about the best course
of action to someone.
129 Leader 1. Pemimpin Noun
- Lead person
- Chair or lead
130 Slump 1. Kemerosotan Verb
- Undergo a sudden
severe or prolonged
fall in price, value, or
131 Negative 1. Negatif Adjective
- Not sue, uncertain :
without statement
- Not good : deviate
from the general
132 Bidding 1. Menawar Noun
- The offering of
particular prices for
something, especially
at an auction
133 Hard 1. Keras Adjective
- Strong solid and not
easily deformed or no
easily broken.
134 Easy 1. Muda Adjective
- Does not require a lot
of energy or thought
in doing : not difficult,
not heavy, easy.
135 Place 1. Tempat Noun
- Something used to put
(store, put, and so on)
container, former.
136 Employee 1. Karyawan Noun
- One employed by
another usually for
wages or salary and in
a position bellow the
executive level.
137 Broken 1. Rusak Adjective
- It’s not perfect (good,
whole) anymore.
138 Election 1. Pemilihan Noun
- Process, method, act
of choosing.
139 Master 1. Menguasai Verb
- Dominion over
(something) : hold
power over
140 Failure 1. Kegagalan Noun
- Not successful : not
achieved (meaning) :
his desire to become a

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