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The Subjunctive

✔ Synthetic Subjunctive
● Present Subjunctive= short infinitive
● Past Subjunctive= Past Tense (vb II/ed – dacă este verbul Be are forma WERE la toate pers.)
● Perfect Subjunctive= Past Perfect (had vb III)
✔ Analytic Subjunctive
1. It’s time – Past Tense
2. Wish= if only - pentru prezent: Past Tense
-pentru trecut: Past Perfect
-pentru viitor: Would vbI – schimbare in viitor/proaste obiceiuri+ subiecte diferite
3. Would Rather=Would sooner
Sub 1= sub 2
● present (not) vb 1
● trecut (not) have vb 3
Sub 1 = sub 2
● pentru present: Past Tense
● pentru trecut: Past Perfect
4. Even if= even though=Chiar daca
As if= as though=De parca
(INDICATIV) real -any logical tense
(CONDITIONAL) unreal –present: Past Tense
-trecut: Past Perfect

5. VB & subst. => ordin, sfat, sugestie, etc...(insist, order, demand, propose-proposal, require-request,
advise-advice, recommend-recommendation, suggest-suggestion, idea, hint…)
a) British ( formal) subiect+ Should
b) American ( formal) subiect+ ( not) vb I
c) Br& Am ( informal) inf lung/ gerunziu
For (complement in acuzativ) to
6. It BE + adjectiv necessary, important, vital, essential, good, bad, fair, unfair, recommendable,
advisable, urgent, great, amazing, preferable, desirable etc...
a) b) c) ca mai sus la regula 5

7. Interogative cu HOW, WHAT, WHY => pentru a exprima iritarea vorbitorului=> SHOULD
How should I know?
Why should I work so much?

8. Should+ sub+ vb la persoana I => pentru a exprima surpriza (Should: se foloseste idiomatic cu
"who", "where", "what" in expresii care exprima surpriza - trebuie sa avem o INVERSIUNE)

I open the door and who should I see but Tom.

I went there, hoping to have fun, and who should I see but my ex-boyfriend

(Că) a) real (indicativ)=> any logical tense
(Să)b) unreal( conjunctiv) => constructii cu modalul SHOULD

10. După verbele BE, AFRAID & FEAR

Folosim a) real=> orice timp logic
b) unreal=> constructii cu modalul MAY/ MIGHT si foarte rar SHOULD

11. So that= in order that [Ca sa... (scop)]

● Subiect+ will/ would 99,9%
● Subiect + can/ could 80%
● Subiect + should/should 70%
● Subiect+ may/ might 20-30%
She learns so that she will take/ can take/ should take/ may take a good mark.
She learnt so that she would take/ should take/ could take / might take a good mark.

12 LEST= Ca nu cumva sa... (Nu se mai foloseste negația)

❖ Subiect+ should 98%
❖ Subiect + may/ might 1%
❖ Subiect + vb I 1%

13. FOR FEAR (that)= de teama sa nu ....(Nu se mai foloseste negatia)

a) Subiect+ may/ might
b) Subiect + should

14. urari de bine sau de rau

1. Cu vb I
2. Cu MAY= fie ca ....
God bless you!
God be with you!
Devil take him!
Rest in peace!
May all your dreams come true!
May all the stars shine for you!
May you burn in Hell!
●●●come what may= fie ce o fi
Be that as it may= Chiar dacă e așa
So be it= asa sa fie
Suffice it to say= destul sa spun ca
Far be it from me to... = departe de mine gândul de
Try as I may/ might = oricât as incerca
If need be= daca este necesar

15. Compusi ai lui EVER sau ai lui NOT MATTER (Whoever= not matter who) (Whatever= not matter
what) (Wherever=not matter where)
a)real-any logical tanse
b)unreal-constructii cu modalul MAY/MIGHT

16. Subjonctivul cu forma de Infinitiv Scurt se foloseste si in If Clauses de tipul I cand avem o conditie
formala: If he BE found quilty, he will be punished. Dacă e să fie gasit (Dar nu prea cred)
If he IS found quilty
Dacă este gasit vinovat( sansele sunt destul de mari)

17. Vb I
Cineva sa vina/ sa deschida/ sa spuna..... (imperativ)
Somebody open= cineva sa deschida >> subjonctiv
Somebody opens= cineva deschide >> indicativ

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