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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

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Wind energy systems: Analysis of the self-starting physics of vertical axis

wind turbine

M. Douaka, Z. Aouachriab, , R. Rabehic, N. Allamb
Université Kasdi Merbah Ouargla, Algeria
Laboratory of Applied Energetic Physical, Faculty of Material Sciences, Univ. Batna 1, Algeria
Department of physics/laboratory of energy physics, University of Constantine 1, Road of Ain El Bey 25017, Constantine, Algeria


Keywords: The aim of our study is to project an optimized wind turbine Darrieus type capable to start at low wind speeds.
Darrieus turbine This type of the turbine is characterized by a low starting torque compared with the Savonius rotor. To allow
Pitch angle, self-starting them, to operate for a long period, we consider a system enabling a self-start at low wind speeds. The study
Wind energy consist in three parts: first, a system of monitoring and control of the angle of attack that allows a self-starting at
low wind speeds is presented, second part presents a general method for obtaining a profile with good starting
torque and third part presents experimental study of the impacts of the angle of attack, the solidity and the wind
velocity on the lift, grad forces and torque. The study continues to extend to other configurations namely that
parabolic shape.

1. Introduction nuclear generators and; iv. Land occupied by wind farms can find other
simultaneous uses such as in agriculture [3]. Several wind machine
The wind continued to be a major source of energy in world the configurations including; i. drag-type turbines [4]; ii. Lift turbine type
period just prior to the Industrial Revolution, but began to recede in [5]; iii. Magnus effect on wind plants [6] and iv- Vortex wind plants [7].
importance after that time. According to the report published by the Some difficulties appear during the design and simulation of rotational
Global Wind Energy Council in April 2016 [1], the new global total for equipment especially when this equipment is in contact with a given
wind power at the end of 2015 was 432.9 GW and the world's new fluid [8]. Among these equipments the wind turbine represents a devise
installations were 60 GW, which increased by about 8.3 GW compared which can utilize the wind's kinetic energy to produce the mechanical
with that of 2014 (51.7 GW). China's total cumulative wind power or electrical energy [9]. In propeller type wind turbines, the blades
installations in 2015 were 145.362 GW, accounting for 33.5% of the bending stresses increase as the rotor speed increases [10], which are
global wind energy market, ranking the first in the world, which not the case Darrieus turbines because of their shape [11]. The vertical
exceeded the United States (74.471 GW) by 71.149 GW and more than axis wind rotor as another important kind wind turbine is a good choice
in all of the European Union (141.578 GW); By the end of 2015 the for mean and small scale wind power generation [4]. The use of wind
first eight countries were China (145,362 MW), the US (74,471 MW), turbines for small-scale and urban applications is a topic that is
Germany (44,947 MW), India (25,088 MW), Spain (23,025 MW), UK receiving increasing attention. An in situ experimental analysis of
(13,603 MW), Canada (11,205 MW), and France (10,358 MW). Wind two small size wind turbines realized by [12] with vertical and
continued to be the major source of energy and is one of the most horizontal axes respectively and placed in the urban environment.
promising and potential alternative of renewable energy [2]. In The VAWT has received, more and more attracts for its advantages of
addition, to growing economic attractiveness of the wind energy, there simple design, low cost and good maintenance [13]. In addition, in
are more ecological arguments for its use: i. Wind-power plants emit urban areas the wind is very turbulent and unstable with fast changes
absolutely no CO2, by far the major pollutant when fuels (other than in direction and velocity [14]. In these environments, the VAWT have
hydrogen or biomass) are burned; ii. As do nuclear plants, the several advantages over HAWT [15]. The cost of the Darrieus rotor has
operation of wind turbine leaves behind no dangerous residues; iii. been estimated to be lower than horizontal machines [16]. In helical
Decommissioning costs of wind turbines are much smaller than those wind turbines, the flexural stresses of the pals increase as the speed of
of many other types of power plants, especially compared with those of the rotor increases [17], which is not the case of drive turbines because

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (M. Douak), (Z. Aouachria), (R. Rabehi).
Received 27 October 2016; Received in revised form 2 March 2017; Accepted 26 May 2017
1364-0321/ © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article as: Mohammed, D., Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (2017),
M. Douak et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

of their shape [18]. This also reduces the cost of the construction of the the starting torque in order to determine which ones Contribute to the
blades [19]. However, their starting performance is one of the improvement of its torque and give it ability to self-starting the stop
problems which greatly affect the development of the straight bladed position. This will allow us to exploit this type of wind turbine in less
vertical wind turbine, [20]. As a result, designers are compelled to windy areas and especially in the urban space. From this review of the
supply such wind rotors with additional devices (the electric motor, literature, we can suggest to rely solely on the blade profile in such a
Savonius rotor, etc.) to give a self-starting capability and to spin up the way to exploit the drag force, caused by the wind on the blades
Darrieus rotor and put it in operating conditions [21]. A modeling of stopping, in cooperation with the lift force without compromising
the blade orientation system to limit the aerodynamic power collected performance of the turbine to a high tip speed ratio. This paper first,
by the turbine at high wind speeds was considered; as well as the presents a system allowing each straight blade to rotate about an axis
description of the correctors allowing the adjustment of the angle of along its wingspan for and increase the time of its operation. Second,
orientation to obtain a constant electrical power operation. Hence, the we present a new blade profile analysis used for the development of its
behaviour of the turbine can be observed through a simulation model self-start profile capabilities. Then, we include a new non-cumbersome
for different load and wind operating conditions [22]. The term self- mechanism to make the rotor self-starting and increase its operating
starting needs to be defined carefully. Ref. [23] define the starting time.
process as having been completed when significant power extraction
commences, and Ref. [24] deems a turbine to be self-starting only if it 3. Generating problem
can accelerate from rest to the point where it starts to produce a useful
output. Also, in both cases, the definitions of the terms ‘significant The Darrieus rotor usually suffers from a low starting torque.
power’ and ‘useful output’ are themselves imprecise. The ref. [25] has Variable pitch machines have blades which can be rotated about their
adopted a more specific definition by which a machine is deemed to long axis, changing the blades’ pitch angle. Changing pitch also changes
have started if it has accelerated from rest to a condition where the the angle of attack of the relative wind and the amount of torque.
blades operate at a steady speed that exceeds the wind speed. This Variable pitch provides more control options than does stall control.
approach increases the cost and adds complications to the design. On the other hand the hub is more complicated, because pitch bearings
Several solutions have been presented to overcome the Darrieus need to be incorporated. In addition, some form of pitch actuation
inability to self-start as the use of innovative profile design named system must also be included. In some wind turbines, only the outer
EN0005 [26], a hybrid configuration of a Savonius (drag type wind part of blades may be pitched, [36]. This is known as partial span pitch
turbine) and a Straight shaped Darrieus (lift type wind turbine) [27] or control.
oval shaped Darrieus rotor [28] use of mechanical system to optimize In this new design shown in Fig. 2, we overcome this problem by
the blade pitch [29] replacing VAWT's conventional blades with allowing each straight blade about an axis along its pith (span). For any
unsymmetrical blades such as S1210 blade [30]. Other approaches airfoil to generate useful lift, the attack angle must always remain less
that were proposed to improve self-starting uses normal airfoil and than the airfoil stalling angle. The angle of attack (α) is the acute angle
another airfoil with an opening located at the trailing edge of the airfoil between the wind and the chord line of the airfoil. The stalling angle of
[31]. This opening may increase the power coefficient at lower wind the airfoil is determined from the lift coefficient curve of the airfoil. In
speed, the uses of blades that change their form during their operation the case of a rotating blade, the angle of attack (α) is measured between
[32]. Ref. [33] specified a blade profile capable of offering self-start the relative wind speed and the chord line, as shown on the Fig. 2,
capabilities to the wind turbine without extra components. Two where V is the wind speed at the rotor level and U is the blade speed.
dimensional Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analyses have been The configuration of the Fig. 2 represents the operating condition of
performed on a straight-bladed Darrieus-type rotor by [34]. It was a Darrieus rotor when the ratio λ =U/V, which is called the tip speed
found that, max power coefficient and its corresponding tip speed ratio ratio, is usually in the range (4–10°). In this range the attack angle
were obtained at number of blades equal two and increase in power remain smaller than the stalling angle and thus the wind produces a
coefficient related to Castillo wind turbine by 3.35%. It is proposed by useful lift force. At low rotational speeds the blade speed, U, becomes
[35] to use ailerons for improving the starting characteristics of a small.
straight-bladed VAWT where wind tunnel tests provided that to This leads to a low tip speed ration and increases the angle of attack
increase the starting torque, the aileron on a blade should be extended to causes the aerodynamic stall of the blade. Stall occurs when the
while the blade is in the azimuth range of 150–270 deg and should be angle of attack exceeds a certain critical value (say 16–20 degrees,
retracted while the blade is in the azimuth ranges of 270–360 deg and depending on the Reynolds number) and separation of the boundary
0–30 deg. There results indicated that adding movable ailerons to a layer on the upper surface takes place, as it is shown in Figs. 1a and b.
straight-bladed VAWT is an effective way to improve the starting A rotating turbine blade sees air moving toward it not only from the
characteristics. Optimizing the performance factor in the production wind itself, but also from the relative motion of the blade as it rotates.
and use of energy remains a pressing issue and still unresolved in As shown in Fig. 1, the combination of wind and blade motion is like
modern power generation systems, as for the renewable energy adding two vectors, with the resultant moving across the airfoil at the
industry [36]. correct angle to obtain lift that moves the rotor along. As shown in
Fig. 2, however, increase the angle of attack too much can results in a
2. Objective of the present work phenomenon known as stall [38]. The present approach is described in
Fig. 3, where the rectilinear blade, (a), is articulated on its arms, (b),
The literature revealed that the research effort on wind turbines, through hinges, (c), so that the pitch angle α is changed to the favorable
particularly those of the Darrieus type, is focused on the problems angle of attack α shown in Fig. 3. This control is provided by a mass,
related to the influence of geometric, thermo-physical and meteorolo- (m), connected to a spring, (s), and a rod, (r), which pushes the leading
gical parameters on the performance of such wind turbines. Although edge of the blade at its low rotation at the hinge. The relation
these wind turbines suffer from their low starting torque, there are few connecting the variation of the required angle of attack, Δα, corre-
studies on this problem. The results of these rare studies are sponding to the low speeds and the variation of the length of the spring,
summarized by the addition of new components which increase the Δl = r sin(γ ) with Δα = γ , is defined by:
weight of the machine and increase the complicity of their design and
Fn = mω 2 (R0 + Δl ) = kΔl (1)
affect their functioning; this is why this type of wind turbine has
experienced a great eclipse since the 1980s. The objective of our study where Fn is the centrifugal force acting on the spring (linked with
is to give them a rebirth by analyzing the parameters with direct link to normal and tangential aero dynamical forces), k is the stiffness of the

M. Douak et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

Fig. 1. Angle of attack degrees and lift coefficient [37].

loads) are determined by the aerodynamic forces generated by the

mean wind. Numerous authors have derived methods for predicting the
steady state performance of wind rotors. The classical analysis of the
wind turbine was originally developed by Rankine–Froude and Betz
[39]. Subsequently, the theory was expanded and adapted for solution
by digital computers. The analysis, rigorously valid for only very lightly
loaded turbines in incompressible non viscous flow but approximations
for heavier loading and corrections for viscous effects are derived by
Fig. 2. Angle of attack, a- rotating blade in operating conditions, b- rotating blade at low [40]. It is found that half of the flow retardation caused by the turbine
rotational speed. takes place within the turbine itself. Thus blade incidence and
aerodynamic load on the blades are much higher on the windward
spring, ω is the rotational speed of the rotor and m is the regulating than on the leeward side of the turbine. [41,42]. In all of these
mass connected to the spring and slides on the arm of the rotor. At low methods, momentum theory and blade element theory are combined
rotational speed, the spring pushes the mass which forces the rod to into a strip theory that enables calculation of the performance
make the blade leading edge to the desired pitch angle. As the operating characteristics of an annular section of the rotor. The characteristics
rotational speed builds up, the centrifugal force moves the mass, (m), for the entire rotor are then obtained by integrating, or summing, the
away from the axis of rotation and releases the blade gradually from the values obtained for each of the annular sections. General aerodynamic
piece, (r). Thus at the operating rotational speed, the blade will be concepts and the operation of airfoils are then introduced. This
totally free from the control system and will be tangent to the circular information is then used to consider the advantages of using airfoils
path Fig. 3b. The number of blades on each model changed during for power production over other approaches.
researches from 2 to 4, the blade profile has been chosen axially
symmetric of the type NACA-0015. If the blades were rigidly attached 4.1. Modeling of the rotor efficiencies
to the rotor (the classical scheme of the Darrieus rotor), the angle
between the cord of the blade and the tangent to the circle of rotation According to the triangle speeds, the relative velocity W is related to
was equal to + 4°. the blade velocity and the absolute wind velocity at the rotor speeds V
4. General overview W=V−U (2)
where the components of W in the reference formed by the airfoil cord
Wind turbine power production depends on the interaction be-
and the perpendicular direction of the cord are:
tween the rotor and the wind. Experience has shown that the major
aspects of wind turbine performance (mean power output and mean Wc = U + V cos(θ ), Wn = V sin(θ ) (3)

Fig. 3. Pitching blade at zero or low rotational speed.

M. Douak et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

System of the pitch angle control

Hub of the rotating shaft carrying the arms

a b c
Fig. 4. a- Tracing NACA0015 profile b- System of the pitch angle control, c- Presentation the turbine in blowing channel.

Fig. 5. -1- Generated of NACA0015 blade profile. -2- Pressure coefficient Cpr acting on the blade profile surface. -3- Contribution to the tangential force Tpr and normal force Npr acting
on the blade profile surface.

0.5ρSRb 2π
where U = ωR and ω = 2πN /60 (N = rpm).
And (θ) is the angular position of the blade. The speed W is then

∫0 CT W2dγ

W= Wt + Wn (4) The power coefficient is defined as a ratio of the produced power to

the maximum available power.
Hence, W = ωR 1 + 2λ cos θ + λ2
Cp = P / Pmax (11)
Where λ = ωR / V
And the angle of attack for a fixed blade is: The produced power P can be expressed by the following equation.
sin(θ ) ρSRbω 2π
α = tan−1 P = Tω = ∫0 CT W2dθ
λ + cos(θ ) (5) 4π (12)

For a pitch blade, the angle of attack becomes The maximum available power is the power that the rotor can
extract from the wind
sin(θ )
α = tan−1 −δ 1
λ + cos(θ ) (6) Pmax = ρAV12
2 (13)
where δ, is the blade pitch angle.
The components of the resulting force F acting on the blade element where A = 2RH, is the area swept by the rotor during rotation and V1 is
the wind speed.
can be expressed as:
The force, in the direction of the absolute wind velocity, exerted on
1 1 a blade is
Ft = CT ρcW2 and Fn = Cn ρcW2
2 2 (7)
F1 = ρW2S (CN sin θ − CT cos θ )
The tangential force coefficient CT and normal force coefficient Cn 2 (14)
are given by:
For the complete force exerted of b rotor can be calculated by
CT = CL cos(α ) − CD sin(α ) 0.5ρSRb 2π
CN = CL cos(α ) + CD sin(α ) (8) F=

∫0 (CN sin θ − CT cos θ ) W2dγ
If C is the blade chord and H is the blade span, then the blade area Now, according to Gluert Actuator Disk theory, the expression of
is S = C.H. Therefore, the instantaneous torque is: the absolute velocity through the rotor is:
1 V1 + V2
T1 = CT ρSRW2 V=
2 (9) 2 (16)

For the complete rotor with ‘b’ blades, the torque becomes: The force is expressed by Betz (1931) as:

M. Douak et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

Fig. 6. a- Velocity triangle b- The local angle of attack vs λ, c- The local angle of attack vs θ.

1 revolution N in rpm, then the following steps are followed:

F= ρA (V12 − V22 )
2 (17)
When we write V1 and V2 in function of V, putting V2 = aV1, then 1. Select the aerofoil model and look up the table of lift and drag
we introduce V2 in Eq. (16), we get coefficients from the provided data (such as NACA6661-212 airfoil
2V 2. Define the angular position of rotor (θ) from 0 to 2π
V1 =
(1 + a ) (18) Calculate the angle of wind attack α by the Eq. (6)
and taking account Eqs. (17) and (18), we obtain Find the relative wind velocity by the Eq. (4)
3. Calculate C n and Ct, Eq. (8).
F = 2ρAV 2G (19) 4. Determine the produced power for selected rotor model using Eq.
where G =
; using Eqs. (15) and (19) G can also be found by (12)
5. Calculate the interference factor G using the Eq. (20)
Sb 2π
G= ∫0 (CN sin θ − CT cos θ ) W2dθ 6. Find the power coefficient Cp using Eq. (21).
8πAV 2 (20)
Hence, from Eqs. (17)–(19), we can write V1 = V(1+G) 5. Experimental apparatus
Then the power coefficient of the VAWT can be determined from
Esq. (11), (13) and (20) as follow Using a piece of plank (20 cm high and 5 cm in thickness), on which
P is plotted the coordinates of the points of NACA00xx profile calcula-
Cp = tions. To draw the profile that defines the maximum relative thickness
0.5ρAV 3 (1 + G )3 (21)
compared to the cord as indicated by the last two numbers. In this way
we have defined the profile of our turbine sees Fig. 4a. Polishing Profile,
4.2. Procedures adopted in MATLAB program with the green paper is made to decrease the rigorist surface profiles
and after, they are covered by a very thin aluminum paper to improve
The input data comprise the specifications of the Darrieus rotor, the the state of their surface. Arms attached to the blade can rotate the
rotor diameter D, the rotor height H and chord length C of a chosen rotor about the axis of rotation. These arms are connected to the blades
aerofoil profile. Assuming incoming wind velocity V, and turbine by means of the angle of attack control system as shown in Fig. 4b. The

M. Douak et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

Fig. 7. Normal and tangential forces at different positions.

Fig. 8. Comparison of the torque for fixed and pitched blade rotors.

model used in order to vary the angle of attack, is built of wood. We 6. General method for obtaining a profile with good starting
built a mechanical ball and socket type system severally attached to a torque
screw type rod to facilitate its attachment to the arm. This system
allows the blade to rotate about its axis to adjust the angle of attack Since the problem arises when the wind turbine is at standstill, it is
given a favorable value of Δα as described early. The air blower is kind essential to study the behaviour of the blade profile relative to the wind
to open circuit see Fig. 4c; the essays vein is rectangular form (30 cm × when the wind turbine stopped. A difficulty then arises because the
3 0 cm). blade may be at a random position between 0 and 2π. Therefore, the

M. Douak et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

Tpr = Cpr cos(φ). s b≥0 Tpr = − Cpr cos(φ). s b < 0

Npr = Cpf sin(φ). s upersurface Npr = Cpf sin(φ). s downurface
These equations clearly show the relationship between Cpr, Tpr, Npr,
f and s that are the generators of the mechanical performance of a body
in a flow. Knowledge of the pressure coefficient provides information
on the contribution of drag and therefore it is possible to see the blade
profile segments who suffer from drag forces. So by connecting these
values with the negative or positive values of b, it is possible to see the
contribution of the resistance forces in forward motion of the blades or
in the opposite direction, respectively.

7. Results and discussion

Fig. 9. Power coefficient versus λ for different values of solidity.

Results released by this study concern self-starting of both a

dynamic behaviour of stalling, peeling of air and other aerodynamic
conventional and the new Darrieus rotor. The properties of fluid and
disturbances must be taken into account. The proposed methodology is
geometric parameters of the Darrieus turbine used in the calculation
useful when it is associated with a blade design software application,
are notified by: NACA-0015, R = 1 m, H = 1 m, ρ = 1.25 kg/m3. At low
which gives a quick view of the performance of the blade when any
speed, conventional Darrieus rotor with the fixed blades is not able to
changes to the design profile. The profile design change and its
generate energy of with the fact that the angle of tack is higher than the
consequence on the performance of the wind turbine, requires a close
angle chock which results from the force of the weak bearing pressure
correlation between the surface of the blade and the wind flow. The
and with the strong drag that induces a negative torque. The present
pressure coefficient, Cpr, which describes the relative pressure across a
design changes the angle attack to a favorable value as described early
flow field is intimately correlated to the flow velocity, and can be
and makes the torque positive for this low range of the tip speed ratio
calculated at any point of the flow field. To study Cpr around the surface
as well as at rest. Fig. 6 presents the velocity triangle and the local angle
of the airfoil, it is necessary to divide it into segments as shown in
of attack at each blade azimuthally position and with tip speed ratio.
Fig. 5,
Small tip speed ratio leads to large incidence variations during a
The calculation of Cpr for each segment will be more accurate as the
segments will be smaller. In the triangle formed by the segment s with
In particular, the angle of attack becomes very large and overtakes
respect to the axis x and y; “a” is the opposite side, and “b” represents
the static stall angle of airfoils, about 12–15°. In Fig. 5c, we observe
the side adjacent and their lengths are given by:
that at very high tip speed-ratio, the angle of attack will become too
a = xi +1 − xi For the superior surface small, which results in low values of the torque and power coefficient.
⎧ b = yi +1 − yi That is why we were interested in the study of this case. Fig. 6 presents
⎨ For the inferior surface the normal and the tangential components; Fn and Ft, for le tip speed
⎩ b = yi − yi +1 (22) ratio equal l=7, of the hydrodynamic forces respectively. In the
upstream semi circle as shown in the Fig. 7a, corresponding to the
When b is positive, the surface is oriented in the rotor rotational case of Inviside flow, with θ increasing from the 00 position, the
direction, while when it is negative the segment is oriented in the tangential force becomes positive and reaches a maximum near θ = 900
opposite direction. The expression of the length of the elementary before decreasing until θ = 180°. One can observe the same behaviour
segment will be: in the downstream semi circle between the θ = 180 and 360 position.
This positive tangential force is responsible for the turbine rotation
s= a2 + b 2 with β = arctan(a /b ) (23) while that the normal forces at the downstream side on the blades
presented in Fig. 7b, are considerably smaller than at the downstream
By having the pressure coefficient exerted on each segment, one has side.
to use its tangential and normal contributions shown in Fig. 5-3-, On the Fig. 8, the variation of the torque for both fixed and pitched
where it is noted that the angle f = (π/2 – b). The contributions of this blade rotor of similar geometries is presented. We find that, for
coefficient are given below variable-pitch blade, the torque created is relatively higher than the

Fig. 10. Power coefficient versus λ for different values of pitch angle.

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Fig. 11. Experimental results.

correspondent of fixed blade. Indeed, for the tip speed ratio λ = 7, we but they are, qualitatively, presented well the functioning phenomenon.
get an increase in torque of 18.5 N relative to the fixed rotor blade. Fig. 11c shows that the couple takes the maximum values, whatever the
The variable-pitch blade starts up faster than the conventional wind speed when the angle of attack is around 15°. So while analyzing
rotor. The wind turbine will be thus able to develop the power at low drag and lift each determine its angle of attack of great influence is
speed, as it is shown on the Fig. 9 for NACA 0015 and for NACA6661- different, experience shows that the resultant of these two contribu-
212 in Fig. 10. Although the TSR is low, (for example λ = 1.5), we get an tions to the couple that α = 15° is the optimum angle. In this
increase in power coefficient of 0.15 N relative to the fixed rotor blade. experimental study, we show that the optimal angle of attack providing
The study of the rotor geometry effect on the efficiencies of the Darrieus a maximum torque for α = 14.8°. This configuration of the blades,
shows that the produced is directly proportional to the number of the determined by this angle, facilitates self-starting of the rotor at low
blades and the blade cord, whereas maximum solidity is defined as: wind speeds.
b. c
D (25)
8. Conclusion
where, b is the blade numbers, c is the profile cord and D the rotor
diameter. Then, it is possible to study the effect of geometry on rotor The startup problem, Darrieus type wind turbine, was carried out
performance by considering one parameter only, namely. Fig. 10 shows and various solutions have been proposed. We considered a mechan-
the effect of the solidity on the power coefficient. We observe that the ism that lets the blades be pivoted during their rotation such that they
maximum of power coefficient increases with the solidity parameter σ. always show the relative wind maximum incidence and that the
When the solidity is greater than 0.14 the curves are not plotted for starting torque is increased. In this study we show that the optimal
clarity. We conclude that the maximum of the power coefficient occurs angle of attack providing a maximum torque is α = 15°. We note that
at σ = 0.14. once steady state has been reached, the incidence of blade never
Fig. 11 presents the experimental results concerning the lift, drag exceeds 0.25 rad (14.38) and therefore there is no stall. The config-
and torque coefficients make appear an increase in force of lift and a uration of the blades determined by this angle facilitates self-starting of
decrease in the drag force with increasing wind speed; and this for the rotor at low wind speeds. However, it has been shown that a three-
different angles of attack with the exception of incidence angle of 6° bladed rotor will be self-starting, regardless of its starting position. This
where there is a lift loss and increased drag for high wind speeds ( > was confirmed by our tests on the turbine model in a wind tunnel. It
8 m/s). The variation of the lift seems quite stable relative to the drag. was also shown that the three-bladed turbine is capable of self-starting
However, it should be noted that the experimental results are partial at much lower wind speeds than the reference speed. We have

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