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TITLE: Unified National Certificate Verification System

PREPARED BY: L. H. Ali (MR) and N. Dupwa (MR)

FOR: The Vice Chancellor (BUSE)

The proliferation of fraudulent qualifications and fake degrees has become a pressing issue,
particularly in Zimbabwe. With a staggering unemployment rate and fierce competition for
jobs, individuals resort to forging their educational credentials in order to gain an
advantage. This unethical practice extends to positions of authority in both the public and
private sectors, exacerbating the problem. To address this growing concern, the
establishment of robust verification systems and the need for an international centralized
platform for diploma and degree authentication have emerged as crucial measures. We
propose the establishment of a Unified National Certificate Verification System in
Zimbabwe, which aims to bring together universities and the Zimbabwe School
Examinations Council (ZIMSEC). This system will serve as a centralized platform to facilitate
efficient and reliable verification of academic certificates for both local and international

The primary objective of the Unified National Certificate Verification System is to combat
the rise of fraudulent qualifications and ensure the authenticity of academic credentials. By
creating a unified platform, we aim to streamline the verification process, enhance
transparency, and safeguard the integrity of educational qualifications in Zimbabwe.
Key Features and Benefits:
1. Centralized Database: The system will maintain a comprehensive and up-to-date
database of academic certificates issued by universities and ZIMSEC. This database
will be accessible to authorized stakeholders, including employers, educational
institutions, and other relevant bodies for verification purposes.
2. Online Verification Portal: An online portal will be developed, allowing individuals
and organizations to submit certificate verification requests electronically. This will
provide a convenient and user-friendly interface for both local and international
personnel, eliminating the need for physical document submission and reducing
processing time.
3. Collaborative Partnership: The Unified National Certificate Verification System will
foster collaboration between universities and ZIMSEC, creating a seamless process
for verifying academic credentials. Regular communication channels will be
established to ensure the accuracy and timely updating of certificate records.
4. Enhanced Security Features: The system will employ robust security measures to
prevent unauthorized access and protect sensitive information. Advanced encryption
techniques, user authentication protocols, and regular security audits will be
implemented to maintain the integrity of the system.
5. International Compatibility: The Unified National Certificate Verification System will
strive for compatibility with international qualification frameworks and standards.
This will enable efficient verification of Zimbabwean qualifications by institutions and
employers globally, enhancing the credibility and recognition of local academic

Implementation Plan:
1. Initial Assessment: Conduct a comprehensive assessment of existing verification
processes, requirements, and systems employed by universities and ZIMSEC.
2. System Development: Engage qualified technology partners to design and develop
the Unified National Certificate Verification System, ensuring scalability, reliability,
and user-friendly functionality.
3. Database Integration: Collaborate with universities and ZIMSEC to integrate their
certificate records into the centralized database, ensuring accurate representation of
4. Online Portal Development: Create a secure online portal with intuitive features for
individuals and organizations to access and request certificate verifications.
5. Testing and Piloting: Conduct rigorous testing and piloting of the system to identify
and address any technical issues or operational challenges.
6. Training and Awareness: Organize training sessions and awareness campaigns for
relevant stakeholders, including university staff, ZIMSEC officials, employers, and
educational institutions, to familiarize them with the system's functionalities and
promote its adoption.
7. Launch and Continuous Improvement: Officially launch the Unified National
Certificate Verification System, monitor its performance, and incorporate feedback
from users to implement continuous improvements and updates.

A detailed budget estimation will be prepared, covering system development, database
integration, online portal development, security measures, training sessions, awareness
campaigns, and ongoing maintenance costs. Funding for the project can be sought through
government support, public-private partnerships, and other relevant sources.

Revenue Generation Strategy:

To ensure the sustainability and financial viability of the Unified National Certificate
Verification System, we propose the following revenue generation strategies:
1. Service Fees: Implement a tiered service fee structure for individuals and
organizations accessing the verification services. This fee can be based on the
number of verifications requested or as a subscription-based model for frequent
users. The service fees will cover the operational costs and maintenance of the
2. API Licensing: Offer API licensing options to external entities, such as background
screening companies, recruitment platforms, or credential evaluation services. These
entities can integrate the Unified National Certificate Verification System into their
own platforms, paying a licensing fee based on the volume of API requests or as a
recurring partnership agreement.
3. Value-Added Services: Provide value-added services that enhance the verification
process and cater to specific user needs. This can include expedited verification
services, bulk verification discounts, or additional verification checks for specialized
qualifications. By offering premium services, the system can generate additional
revenue streams.
4. Data Analytics and Reports: Utilize the aggregated and anonymized data from the
verification process to generate valuable insights and reports. These reports can be
sold to educational institutions, employers, and government entities seeking data-
driven decision-making, market intelligence, or employment trend analysis.
5. Partnerships and Collaborations: Seek strategic partnerships and collaborations with
educational institutions, government agencies, and private organizations. Establish
revenue-sharing agreements where they contribute to the system's development,
maintenance, or promotion, and benefit from a percentage of the generated
6. Grants and Sponsorships: Explore opportunities to secure grants or sponsorships
from government bodies, educational institutions, or corporate entities that
recognize the importance of combating certificate fraud and promoting educational
integrity. These funds can support the initial setup costs or ongoing system

It is important to continuously evaluate the revenue generation strategy based on market
dynamics, user feedback, and emerging opportunities. Regular monitoring and adjustment
of pricing models, partnerships, and service offerings will ensure the financial sustainability
of the Unified National Certificate Verification System.

The creation of a Unified National Certificate Verification System will play a vital role in
combating fraudulent qualifications and ensuring the authenticity of academic credentials in
Zimbabwe. By fostering collaboration between universities and ZIMSEC, streamlining
verification processes, and leveraging technology, this system will significantly contribute to
maintaining the integrity of educational qualifications.

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